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03/21/06, 07:21 PM
Hey everybody,

So you are all mad at me for not being here - thats ok i understand. It was actually not to my knowledge that the board was up and running again.
Now for you to hate me even more...
I am not going to be returning to the forums. I actually asked awhile back for them to be shut down, and it seems they were not. I just feel that there is too much drama going on here and its beyond my control. So i would feel more comfortable setting up something where i can control it and things cant get to crazy.
When that has happened it will be announced on my site.
So for those of you who understand and dont hate me ill see you there - whereever that may be!
And for those of you who dont forgive me, i understand, and good luck with everything!



03/21/06, 09:27 PM
I totally understand Emma, there has been alot of stuff going on here, and l don't really understand it myself. People seem to have been fighting about something and I think it's very lame, lol. But I have never given up on you...I knew we were gonna hear from you sooner or later, haha! I wish you wouldn't leave, but you have your reasons, and I definetly respect that. I'm on this forum for one reason: To support you and your career in music. Just know that I'm always here to back you up no matter what the other people on here are doing. Take care, and I do hope we hear from you again even if it isn't on these forums. Take care!
<3, Matthew

03/21/06, 10:06 PM
Wow...that's a bomb if I ever saw one. haha However, I do understand. There is alot going on here. I thought we (the staff) were doing a nice job of controling things. But, it's ultimately your choice. I for one don't hate you. And when ever you set up a way to connect with your fans again. I am gonna be there. :P Good luck! Take care of yourself Emma! Bye....

~Greg W.~

03/21/06, 10:37 PM
I have loved you since the beginning. You are indeed my Idol, and I can't say anything less. Never, ever, in my wildest dreams, will you ever be hated by me. I am here by your side, a loyal, and dedicated fan. You are truely awesome.

I actually don't blame you for not wanting to return. There is definitely a lot of chaos here, and that turns people away.I am sorry that you won't be returning, but I will never hate you for that, or anything. I aspire to be someone like you.

Anyway, my point is that even though we say these things, there are always gonna bepeople there for you, never giving, up. Those are your true fans.

Luv Ya!

-Theresa Hoyer aka Razi

Sweetened Angel
03/21/06, 10:55 PM
i never hate you. i do understand that you are busy. i love to see you come back here.
you don't have too leave. few other people not very nice. anyway, we alway be there
for you and listen your song with pretty voice.

we alway LOVE you sooooooooo much.

03/21/06, 11:41 PM
hey i havent been here in a while ive been doing a lot of stuff. But i understand what you are talking about emma and cant wait til you have that site up to where we can talk to you. hope your doing good in life and your music career.

03/22/06, 09:07 AM
I agree with all of you guys.
I'll never hate you, Emma, and I am not mad at you for not being here. I think you've much to do and I understand this.
I wish you good luck for your life and your career! Take care of yourself, Emma!
aka Andros

03/22/06, 10:22 AM
it can't be.......

it can't be.......

03/22/06, 01:31 PM
hey em,
all of your true fans understand whats going on in your life and we are all going to support whatever decisions you make.
i hope life is going great!!!!

one of your fans...

Falling Down
03/22/06, 04:15 PM

Personally I think that it is a mistake to shut the board. After all, it is a place where your fans can have a chat, discuss the latest developments in your career etc...
And it is difficult to keep things at a board calm (I have one too). There will always be members who appear negative or spam or mess things up...

However, in the end it's your choice and whatever that is/ will be, I wont hate you for it, but accept your decision...

Hope you guys dont hate ME for saying my opinion ;)

03/22/06, 05:19 PM
With all due respect Emma, don't shut down the boards, please...you might not come, but I suppose that would be okay with some of us. I don't like going on those HUGE forums, because you become insignificant...Just my opinion.

03/23/06, 01:17 AM
Well it's good to hear from you even if it's not exactly what we wanted to hear.

I completely understand you not returning. Things are getting a bit out of hand here. Like everyone else I could never hate you for being busy and not wanting to go to a place where people can't stop fighting over every litlle thing.

I shall wait for word of any other site for us to keep up with you.

Best Wishes

03/23/06, 03:09 AM
I would like to personally apoligize to you Emma. I was not aware that you wanted the forum to be shut down. I did not mean to go against your wishes. I am also sorry for allowing the board to remain crazy and not being sticter. Its just that I am not a very strict admin and beleive in a loose atmosphere where anything goes. Which works on a fan board but not a official forum. I was a little stricter here than I am at my PR board.. If I had to do things over again I would have probably have ran this place a bit tighter. I also haven't been around enough.

If you were to give m another chance Emma, I would run things per your orders. But I realize you probably want to start over more professionally.

I will respect your wishes and will not longer refer to this place as the official forums for your. If this site can no longer be your official forums than I would still like to keep it open in some shape or forum. Once choice would be having this be another fan site with no affilation to you. Just like RB is not an offical site for Power Rangers. Or I could just rebrand this board for the people here into something new to keep the community together.

03/23/06, 10:17 AM
here's a recent message from emma about her moving... i found it on her site..

"Hello everybody,

Just an update - i had to leave my situation in New York and I have now relocated to Vancouver, B.C.

And we are aware of the person posting about breaking Brandon and I up... of course this is completely false and also illegal. Thank you for your messages and concerns..."

03/23/06, 10:23 AM
I have loved you since the beginning. You are indeed my Idol, and I can't say anything less. Never, ever, in my wildest dreams, will you ever be hated by me. I am here by your side, a loyal, and dedicated fan. You are truely awesome.

I actually don't blame you for not wanting to return. There is definitely a lot of chaos here, and that turns people away.I am sorry that you won't be returning, but I will never hate you for that, or anything. I aspire to be someone like you.

Anyway, my point is that even though we say these things, there are always gonna be people there for you, never giving, up. Those are your true fans.

Luv Ya!

-Theresa Hoyer aka Razi i agree....hopefully she'l post back on whichforums she's gonna be on...it's definetly Chaotic over here....a bunch of people have been at each other ever since the forums came back up...i think it's stupid just to arguee...as Emma would like to say "Don't hate, Appreciate!"......even i have ended up argueeing sometimes.it's just plain Stupid...... going a little off-topic here:...i actually want to get a CD made with my songs soon..hopefully i can.i'l tell u guys when i have a copy of the live version...i think i'm going back to the Ederly home in May 17..or something..i'll keep you guys posted if anything comes up.....talk to u guys l8er..

Esther Alperin

03/23/06, 12:03 PM
Hey everybody,

So you are all mad at me for not being here - thats ok i understand. It was actually not to my knowledge that the board was up and running again.
Now for you to hate me even more...
I am not going to be returning to the forums. I actually asked awhile back for them to be shut down, and it seems they were not. I just feel that there is too much drama going on here and its beyond my control. So i would feel more comfortable setting up something where i can control it and things cant get to crazy.
When that has happened it will be announced on my site.
So for those of you who understand and dont hate me ill see you there - whereever that may be!
And for those of you who dont forgive me, i understand, and good luck with everything!



emma, i totally understand and im not one of the 1's that hate you, i hope to see you on your official site at some point.

03/23/06, 02:58 PM
sorry your not comin back emma. I'll always be ur fan and i've always stood by u! Good Luck

03/23/06, 04:45 PM
Good Im glad this forum inst official anymore . But Emma none of us hates you! your music rocks!
I never liked this forum any way because it wasnt you if you know what i mean.

Good luck with everything
work hard
Love Jessica

03/23/06, 05:54 PM
well emma, hope you go well in the music and acting business :D but i'm really sad that you have to leave :cry: and no one is angry at you were all happy for you :D

03/24/06, 01:10 PM

I'm so glad to hear from you, I didn't care that we didn't for a long time, since I know you're so busy with everything.

I do have to say I'm sad these are closing, but I have to agree with you on all the drama, it's bugging me as well, but I hope there can be another place you can establish that will make you happy.

Much love,

03/25/06, 12:19 PM
Excuse me... you are the VERY Emma? I'm italian... i don't understand the message of emma. Can you traduction for me?

03/25/06, 02:32 PM
i put this to italian translations dude

Ehi tutti,

Dunque lei è tutto matto a me per non è qui - ciò ok capisco. Non era effettivamente alla mia conoscenza che l'asse era su e correndo ancora. Adesso per lei odiarme anche più.. Non vado ritornare ai fori. Ho chiesto effettivamente sostiene un momento per loro essere chiuso, e sembra non erano. Sento appena che ci è troppo dramma continuando qui ed il suo indipendente dalla mia volontÃÂ****. Dunque sentirei che più comodo installa qualcosa dove posso controllarlo e le cose parlano in gergo prende a matto. Quando ciò è successo esso sarÃÂ**** annunciato sul mio luogo. Dunque per quelli di lei che capisce e ha indossato l'odio me malato la vede lÃÂ**** - il whereever che può essere! E per quelli di lei che ha indossato me perdona, capisco, e la fortuna buona con tutto!

Le considerazioni,


03/26/06, 02:18 PM
Thanks!!!! But... i dont'understand the message in general!

03/26/06, 03:27 PM
oh-- sorry dude. its pretty much saying that she's not commin back here cause she thinks there's too much goin on here. Too many members fighting. She's also saying that she's gonna try to create a place that she can control better. Once thats done, she's gonna post it on Lahanaforums.com and she hopes to see us there!

03/27/06, 08:56 AM
i should have known all along that she was planning to betray us

03/27/06, 10:24 AM
Betray us? Have you been eating face creme again?

03/27/06, 10:26 AM
are you a dick? it's face cream you moron

Sweetened Angel
03/27/06, 01:12 PM
oh no don't doing again. it is emma's thread i know not her forum anymore but
don't get start fight.

03/27/06, 06:51 PM
Travis! I have had enough with you! There was no need for you to say any of this.


03/27/06, 07:19 PM
I have had enough. Of this. This is getting out of control. I tried to cool my jets. And, you do it again. Will either Admin please ban him? Or upgrade me so I can? Because has got to stop. Travis is this your plan to get banned that you were rambling on about? Because, if you keep pressing our buttons your dream will come true. :evil:

~The Raven~

03/27/06, 07:30 PM
I think it already has come true...

03/28/06, 09:50 AM
Indeed it has. Hopefully, now the rebuilding can truely begin. Without the henderance of a certain member whom of which, is no longer with us. :p

03/28/06, 09:58 AM
a certain member whom of which, is no longer with us. :P

Thank you! He was getting so out of control!

03/30/06, 03:50 AM
You have a very fitting Sig for this past week on this forum.

03/30/06, 10:04 AM
I know I felt like it should show how most of us felt. Besides, George Carlin is funny

03/30/06, 09:11 PM
No doubt about that!


03/31/06, 01:04 AM
He's always been one of my favorites.

Trooper Clerk
04/20/06, 11:31 PM
Travis is gone?

04/21/06, 12:32 AM
Yep. Its been a lot quiter around here lately without him.........That feels so nice. At least the burden is taken care of.


Sweetened Angel
04/21/06, 12:35 AM
did travis get ban?

04/21/06, 01:40 AM


Sweetened Angel
04/21/06, 12:57 PM
oh ok

Trooper Clerk
04/22/06, 02:41 AM

04/22/06, 06:13 PM
Its almost been too quite around here. But otherwise things are good.

Sweetened Angel
04/22/06, 07:31 PM
that what i want no fight, no fuss, and be nice to member, mod, and admin.

congrat anybody, you guys doing great all month. :D

05/17/06, 03:59 PM
I've really missed a lot. :shock: