View Full Version : Possible Extended Cut of Legendary Battle?

11/05/14, 07:41 PM
Looks like we might be getting a extended cut of the legendary war. ciara just tweeted about doing ADR for a extended episode

11/05/14, 07:45 PM
So wait, would that just be the version that airs in the US to begin with? Or will they play the episode twice for this?

IMO it should have been at the very least a 2 parter episode to being with. There just wasn't enough time.

11/05/14, 07:45 PM
It isn't uncommon for international masters of episodes to different from the original. I wonder if this was always the plan? Saban Brands couldn't guarantee an international airing of an extended episode, so they simply put out a general episode? I wonder if this cut was supervised by Judd Lynn? It'd be interesting if he wrote new dialogue or if new footage was shot.

I almost expect this to just be more Gokaiger footage without any extra New Zealand footage.

11/05/14, 07:46 PM
If this does end up being noticeably better than the international airing, I kind of wish I just waited to watch it.

Even if it's just more war footage, it could help. My biggest problem was the cameos were for the most part wasted, but the battle itself was extremely poorly cut/edited anyways. Once the fight started it didn't even look like the Megaforce rangers were even in the same place. Was there a single shot of the Megaforce rangers during the actual fight, with any other rangers on screen? I didn't like how it just cut to the megaforce rangers/ than the old Gokaiger footage, and back again. It just seemed disconnected.

11/05/14, 07:47 PM
They should had put some effort for the season finale, or this will had the same situation of Space Finale, since they plan more Parts for the story but they just show up 2

11/05/14, 07:48 PM
So, they found the original footage JT left on the cutting room floor. I kid, but it stills seems kinda weird she's doing ADR now of all times, but perhaps Saban Brands was attempting to get an extended episode and only now got the OK. Or perhaps they're trying to make amends to the fans in show of good faith after the international version's poor reception (maybe with footage of AbarePink flying to boot).

11/05/14, 07:49 PM
Odds are that an extended episode was always in the cards for the Legend War. However, due to how far ahead of us that the overseas market is, they had to rush out an shorter, incomplete version to make their deadlines over there.

But for here, they always had the plan of a longer episode.

11/05/14, 07:50 PM
Okay, it seems like they're trying to pull a Hail Mary on this. I'm not hopeful, but I am interested.

11/05/14, 07:52 PM
Odds are that an extended episode was always in the cards for the Legend War. However, due to how far ahead of us that the overseas market is, they had to rush out an shorter, incomplete version to make their deadlines over there.

But for here, they always had the plan of a longer episode.

They filmed it in May of 2013. There is no reason the international version of what is supposed to be the crown jewel of the series should have been rushed.

big smile
11/05/14, 07:53 PM
This is very, very strange. Filming of the legend war was in May of last year. But now, they are putting the final touches to an extended episode. It's not like they didn't have the time do it earlier. Also, why would they have filmed extra footage if they weren't originally going to use it?

Still I'm not complaining. They are probably reacting to the negative feedback, and while they should have really done a good job the first time around (It's not like they didn't have the time to plan), I give them credit for trying to fix it.

11/05/14, 07:54 PM
So if what the message on Ciara's twitter is true then we're going to be getting an extended episode? I really have a hard time believing that but then again anything would be better than the international episode we saw. And if what Soulspice said was true then it wasn't the fans themselves that made Saban change their minds but the case and crew themselves? Good to see Saban still cares about the money....I mean the end product!

11/05/14, 07:55 PM
Extended cut seems pretty much verified! I assume the cast & crew had a lot of leverage in this being done! Only thing that'd make me even more excited about this news, is if they get the voice actor who voiced Gosei in to explain a few things!

11/05/14, 07:56 PM
ow, there may be some hope for a decent finale after all.

This feels like a last ditch effort, otherwise the extended version would have been 100% done already. There shouldn't be any other reason why the Megaforce Rangers are doing ADR weeks before the episode's supposed to air. So the finale may not be as good as we wished, but it seems like they're doing what they can.

Maybe Saban is listening to the fans? I think it's admirable, I guess they knew how much JT fucked up and they're doing what they can to make this episode Legendary.

I hope they did rid of that pointless RoboKnight scene as well as Tommy becoming the Green Samurai Ranger. Maybe they can try quickly reaching out to the guest Rangers to do additional ADR as well?

I wish whoever's editing this together the best of luck.

11/05/14, 07:57 PM
If this does end up being noticeably better than the international airing, I kind of wish I just waited to watch it.

Even if it's just more war footage, it could help. My biggest problem was the cameos were for the most part wasted, but the battle itself was extremely poorly cut/edited anyways. Once the fight started it didn't even look like the Megaforce rangers were even in the same place. Was there a single shot of the Megaforce rangers during the actual fight, with any other rangers on screen? I didn't like how it just cut to the megaforce rangers/ than the old Gokaiger footage, and back again. It just seemed disconnected.

Well, Orion was absent in the source footage, as was Titanium Ranger. And Goseiger didn't feature much in the Sentai Legend War other than leading the charge, so the other Mega Rangers also got the shaft, until they did the stock footage Megaforce Blaster shot at the end (another fail - surely their most powerful finisher is the Super Mega Cannon? Or if not that, at least use Ultra Mode

11/05/14, 07:58 PM
Someone on RC said Ciara favorite a tweet adding back in deleted scenes of the war.

And remember Tzachor is gone so I'm sure it won't be that bad the dialogue.

11/05/14, 08:00 PM
They're most likely just going to air the episode with the other(/extra?) scenes that were cut out: Jason Faunt's other lines, Hector and Brittany's lines (assuming they had any to begin with same with Melody Perkins), past villains, etc.

11/05/14, 08:01 PM
I hope so. If I was Hector or Brittany I would be kinda upset about going down there just for a scene of them literally standing there. If they didn't have lines to begin with that's a different story, but just a waste of resources.

11/05/14, 08:02 PM
I can only imagine someone walking up to Judd Lynn, handing him a box of all of the cut footage from Megaforce and the Mega War, and saying "please, fix this shit."

One can dream.

Evil Haim Saban2
11/05/14, 08:03 PM
Personally, I'd give the footage to an editor and not a writer. I feel the editor would have a better idea with what to do with it.

11/05/14, 08:04 PM
Judd's more than just a writer though... he's served in a variety of capacities since the early days of MMPR, as a PA to the writing staff to head writer and all the way up to the Executive Producer position. I'd say he more than a lot of people would be able to craft a story around the bits and pieces that were left out.

Editor's don't craft a story, they take what the writer/producer instruct them to use and make all of the pieces fit that story.

12/11/14, 03:18 PM
Well, Orion was absent in the source footage, as was Titanium Ranger. And Goseiger didn't feature much in the Sentai Legend War other than leading the charge, so the other Mega Rangers also got the shaft, until they did the stock footage Megaforce Blaster shot at the end (another fail - surely their most powerful finisher is the Super Mega Cannon? Or if not that, at least use Ultra Mode

I personally would have been for them using Ultra Mode but then I would have wanted the others to use their own power-ups whether it was their own Super Modes or Battlizers.