View Full Version : Power Rangers fan questionnaire

11/07/14, 11:06 PM
Hello. My name is Carlos. I am distributing questionnaires for a Mass Media course that I am currently taking at my university. The topic deals with fans of television shows and I would appreciate to hear directly from the fans in my research instead of what other people have heard and reported.

1. Why do you enjoy the show?
2. Do you feel you get more out of the show than simply entertainment?
3. Do you learn things from the show that affect the way you view life? For example, would you consider a character to be inspirational and this character’s inspirational qualities carry over to the real world and affect the way you behave?
4. Why did you join this forum site?
5. How important is the Power Rangers community to you? Why?
6. How do you feel upon discovering that someone does not like Power Rangers? Describe your general thoughts and feelings as detailed as possible.

Thank you very much.
I hope this is posted under the right forum.