View Full Version : Why do some people not like Casey?

12/11/14, 09:15 PM
What do you think was the problems with Casey's character?

PR Lover
12/11/14, 09:19 PM
^ Complained too much. And didnt think before speaking.
Eample 1-3rd episode, he asked RJ to train him, and RJ said he would, but Casey had to do whatever it was he said. Ironicially, he spent the whole episode complaining he wasnt being trained (which I probably would have done), in reality, he should have watched the Karate Kid to realize he was indeed being trained.

Example 2- Theo and Lily had been trained by Master Phant, and Master Swoop, and Casey straight out asked when he could get his next Master, and throughout the episode, managed to hurt RJ's feelings by saying how good of a Master his father was, and that he was happy he could learn his ways.

Mr. CD
12/11/14, 09:23 PM
To answer your question. Firest off, him being the leader of the JF Rangers made absolutely no sense. The season always bring up that Casey was a cub, so it made no sense for him to be the leader over two experience Pai Zhui members and an Master. By all rights, either Lily, Theo, or RJ should have been leader.

Second of all, Casey whined. All the time. The first time he whined that he wasn't strong enough, that was fine and justified. But unfortunately, they went overboard with it. He whined that he didn't get his own Master and weapon. He whined about RJ changed the time on their schedule by one hour and that RJ was trying to "take" his leadership role away from him. And then he whined about not getting his own Master tattoo. I will admit, he was pretty cool in Spirit of Kindness and the last two episodes, but unfortunately, the damage had already been done.

PR Lover
12/11/14, 09:23 PM
^ Id take Jayden, Cole, Scott, and Mack over Casey any day.

Aka Red
12/11/14, 09:26 PM
^ How in God's name is MACK better than Casey? Mack has got to be THE worst Ranger ever. Not just Red Ranger, I mean Ranger in general. How is HE a better Ranger than Casey (who at least managed to man up in the end)?

PR Lover
12/11/14, 09:39 PM
Simple. Mack wanted to be a Ranger in the beginning. He didnt complain about stuff, or whine about what he didnt have. And it didnt take him until the end of the season to man up.

12/12/14, 12:18 PM
I dont know always seemed most people didnt like the Blue Ranger. I know his name cat just got my tongue.