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View Full Version : Website Ideas

03/19/11, 07:15 PM
The PRE Website is new and ever growing. This is a thread where you can post any ideas for the site. I can't promise that you're idea will be carried out. But I will consider everything.


03/20/11, 04:49 PM
Spell check for starters. Tranasuarus Dinozord? lol. You mean Tyrannosaurus. And get all the pages you already have up completed before adding new stuff. For example, the zords page only covers season 1.

03/20/11, 09:15 PM
Yeah the pages could use some proofreading and spell checking. Good point about not adding anything else before completing existing pages. I've been working on them. The Production Page and Database pages will soon be up to date, if not already. I can still add additional stuff to them later. Look for all the pages to slowly be completed. I should review everything at some point to fix mistakes like you mentioned.

03/21/11, 01:56 AM
Also, the names of some of the characters are wrong: Mesgagog should be Mesogog, Moltar should be Moltor, and so on. Also, you should change the letter a in the name of PRE's original creator with the letter o.

03/21/11, 08:34 AM
Yeah, for some reason I always get confused with Mesogog.

03/21/11, 01:29 PM
I fixed a lot of those mistakes. I also added pictures to more of the pages. I did some work on adding some content too.

03/21/11, 03:26 PM
There's still some typos (piloted; Falcon Megazord instead of Megafalconzord; warrior mode), and some of the images could do with recapturing.
I can tell that was taken from a VHS.

Also, the Production History link is to a blank page with episodeguide in the URL.

03/21/11, 04:15 PM
There's still some typos (piloted; Falcon Megazord instead of Megafalconzord; warrior mode), and some of the images could do with recapturing.
I can tell that was taken from a VHS.

Also, the Production History link is to a blank page with episodeguide in the URL.

Thanks, I knew I still had more work to do.

The caps are all from encodes. They are mostly taken from awhile ago.

I'll fix that link.

edit: The Production link is fixed.

Just wanted to add that some of the later season pics will be of better quality. One of these days I need to cap more pics. Hopefully better quality then some of the old ones.

03/28/11, 11:54 PM
I did a lot of content updating. The Character, Weapons, Zords, and Places sections have all had big updates. I fixed the misspelling of pilot on the Zords page. Look for more updates and mistake fixing. As PRE continues to grow.