View Full Version : Power Rangers Origins Fan Fic Discussion

03/03/15, 05:40 PM
Here is the thread to discuss Power Rangers Origins. The fan fic by Shiney.


Captain Codfish
03/03/15, 06:05 PM
Looks interesting. It should explain some mysteries or at least some interesting theories on what could actually be canon.

03/03/15, 06:07 PM
I started reading the first few chapters. A lot is going on. This fic should be fun. It seems like it is dealing with a lot of the backstories. The first few chapters has my interesting peaked.

Captain Codfish
03/08/15, 05:55 PM
Funny I didn't connect that Orion was supposed to be connected to be connected to The lights of orion until he did his first attack. Kept thinking of Orion from Super Megaforce. But figured that was impossible.

VR Master
03/09/15, 12:25 AM
Zordon's kind of a jerk in wht I read so far. Good story though. Its well written and seems to be trying hard to fit in continuity. I look forward to seeing how it all plays out. And how it relates to Omega Ranger.

Phantom Stranger
03/09/15, 12:53 AM
I wonder why a few of the Alien Rangers seem to be Morphing Masters ahead of

03/13/15, 10:45 PM
Its been good so far. Can't wait to get more background on KO 35. Or at least I hope thats part of the story. But I guess I have to read on. Zordon is pretty anti-social so far. So different from the more mature Zordon we knew in MMPR.

03/15/15, 10:08 AM
I'm interested to see what happens to Zedd and what makes him evil.