View Full Version : Would the Ninja Storm Suits have worked well to adapt a VR Troopers season ?

01/09/11, 05:51 PM
Do you think the Ninja Storm suits would have worked well for a VR Troopers season?

I think the NS suits look almost Metal Hero like. They seem different then most Super Sentai or Power Rangers suits. I think it diffinitly could have worked. It would startout with Three Troopers and them have the Thunders as adversarys turn heros. You's even be able to have a sixth trooper. Obviously it didn't happen and never will. But I thought it would have made a great VR Troopers adaption.

01/09/11, 05:53 PM
I don't know like I said whenever if they mostly used Battle Grid mode I could see but then again when I imagine Sentai suits in VR Troopers the first thing I think is Battle Grid mode.

01/09/11, 06:03 PM
I was just thinking that the NS suits looked different and kind or reminded me of metal heroes.

01/09/11, 06:08 PM
I see it's not that I think it's a bad idea if anything I would be happy with anything that would bring back VR Troopers, hell if anything I had this idea for a Power Rangers season based on VR Troopers where it was explained that the suits they had were modified Battle Grid suits that they could wear in the real world as well as Virtual Reality.

I just think if you went through the trouble of that you could make new suits since the Battle Grid suits themselves were American made.

01/17/11, 07:26 PM
Well, I don't expect them to do that now. Since the Hurican suits we're already used for Ninja Storm. It was just something that I thought could have been done. Obviously not something likely to have happened.

01/17/11, 07:26 PM
Oh sorry if I sounded rude.

01/17/11, 07:27 PM
Oh not at all. I was just clarifying.

01/17/11, 07:27 PM
I just thought of something though there was a ninja themed Metal Hero show called Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya that I always thought would have been good source footage for JB, and Kaitlin where it not for the fact that the heroes' costumes don't completely hide their identities.

05/20/14, 09:58 AM
It would've been interesting to say the least but I personally don't see the Wind Rangers in a VR Trooper kind of way. The Thunder Rangers are more closer to it than the Wind Rangers and Green Samurai Ranger ever will be.