View Full Version : To Members of RangerVision and/or RangerTalk...

09/10/11, 07:50 AM
What's up with RangerVision? When I try to get on the board, it says "account suspended" for the actual board, not my personal account. Are they finally transferring over to the new digs? If so, any info on when the board will be "re-opened"?

Anybody here a member of RangerTalk? It's what RangerVision used to be called. The actual RangerTalk site was "sold/given" to a new owner. Everything about the site remained the same, except for the owner, and the site URL/name. The rangertalk domain is still active, via the same owner. I want to register over there, but it says I'm banned for some reason. I tried getting in contact with the owner via their feedback page, but I keep getting an error message. Anybody able to give me any info about why I'm banned...?

09/11/11, 03:21 PM
Not 100 percent sure. I think Rangervision was discussing some changes recently. Maybe it has something to do with this. Sounds like there account may have been suspended by the webhost for some reason. Or they could just be having some trouble.

I know the owner of Rangertalk so I'll show him this post to see if he can help about the banning. Whenever I see him anyway.

09/11/11, 03:49 PM
So I talked to the owner of Rangertalk. You are using an yahoo email to join the board. Yahoo emails are banned. So you just have to change you're email to one that is accepted by the board.


09/12/11, 12:02 AM
So I talked to the owner of Rangertalk. You are using an yahoo email to join the board. Yahoo emails are banned. So you just have to change you're email to one that is accepted by the board.


Thanks for the heads-up PRX! Yeah, they're talking about some changes over there. I found out over on RangerCrew that RV needed to pay something, or something, and that the board is back up. Still not sure when they're moving/not moving though...

09/12/11, 07:38 PM
No problem. The email thing has happened to me before at other boards.

09/14/11, 07:14 AM
No problem. The email thing has happened to me before at other boards.

It sucks... Do you know any free email hosts I could use, just for this reason?

Kamen Rider Decade
09/14/11, 08:13 AM
It sucks... Do you know any free email hosts I could use, just for this reason?Google or Bing it.