View Full Version : Dragon Knight Episode #24: "Dark Temptation"

09/19/09, 05:29 PM
Since PrimoPiccolo didn't post this yet I'll do it in the meantime.

Kamen Rider Onyx makes his debut. Xaviax gets more direct in recruiting Kit.

09/19/09, 05:48 PM
There was definitely some dramatic intensity here, but Kit's contempt towards Kase seems misplaced, not enough to push him over the edge. Conflict within the good guys is enevitable, and I'm deeply anticipating the next episode. I mean Kit is both, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight and Onyx. I really didn't see that coming. It was a bit of a surprise and is reminicent of Spider-Man 3. Anyway, KRDK is always a pleasure, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Onyx.

09/19/09, 05:56 PM
I agree about Kit and Kase. I can understand that he feels jealous and unneeded, but it is not enough for someone who is usually very nice to be such a jerk. He does have a lot going on though. Mainly him having vented someone and the situation with his father.

To be honest I kind of liked the rumors about Adam being Onyx. Not that I am disappointed. I'm hoping Onyx will be prominent in later episodes after the next one.

09/19/09, 06:34 PM
Interesting situations all around. Kase, the feds, AND Xaviax are all horning in on Kit's life, and it's breaking him. He's still acting like a jerk, though, so I wasn't too pleased watching him function. The action scene also left a lot to be desired. Where's Kase's Final Vent, dagnabit?!

On the positive, O'Leary was never better.

09/19/09, 07:33 PM
'Dark Temptation' is a good episode. Xaviax is tempting Kit to betray Len by offering to cure his father. I hope that Kit can fight it. i can't wait to see what happen next.