View Full Version : Why didn't the Rangers go to college?

03/12/15, 08:42 PM
At the time I thought it was weird that the Ranger's didn't go to college in Turbo. Do you think Power Rangers should have continued on with the Rangers in college from Turbo to etc. It would have been an interesting angle to take the show while solving the age problem for the old cast.

Dayu's Tears
03/13/15, 11:50 AM
The producers wanted to keep the show young. Thats why the Turbo cast was changed to younger cbaracters. In the case of Justin they succeeded big time.

03/13/15, 12:08 PM
Well they didn't really succeed with Justin since there's people that still hate him as well as him being a Ranger and I don't necessary agree that they were trying to keep the show young but I think the issue is that they didn't want the Rangers to grow too old working as Power Rangers and I think that is partially why they opted to not have the veterans go to college while they were still Rangers since being Rangers and being college students just wouldn't fly at times due to them being Rangers and college students are typically a lot smarter especially Professors so they would have been able to put 2-and-2 together with 6 students always leaving before the Monster Alert even rings.
Look at Power Rangers In Space. Carlos, Cassie, T.J. and Ashley still going to High School simply just didn't work with them being Rangers and also going on Space adventures with Andros and eventually Zhane so they just simply claimed that they graduated off-screen.

Dayu's Tears
03/13/15, 10:17 PM
I meant they succeeded in getting younger since Justin was very young. Nothing to do with success of the character in general.

03/13/15, 10:23 PM
I think it actually would be easier for college kids to be Rangers. In real life high school is pretty regulated in terms of where teens can and can't go during school hours. In college you can do whatever you want. Of course if you don't show up you will fail but no one can legally force you to stay on school grounds. Professors also don't usually waste time tracking down absentee students. Since you are expected to be an Adult.

I remember expecting the Turbo Rangers to go to college. I guess they just didn't want to go that root and focused on the Rangers getting jobs. Maybe they took a year off? Although you would think Kat was going to some schooling, since she was a student teacher.

I doubt they planned to go younger in the beginning. Aside from Justin, which was apparently a Shulky Levy idea to try and attract the younger demo. Since the first half of Turbo had Doug Sloan as Story Editor. Levy was also beginning to shift his showrunner duties to Tzachor , who would have full control by the second half. Plus you had the story editor change from Sloan to Judd Lynn for the second half. So things really changed by the time the second half began filming.

Originally JDF and Sutherland we're going to leave the show. Johnny Yong Bosh , Blake Foster and Nakia Burrise were going to stay on with Roger Velasco and Tracy Lynn Cruz joining the team. Carlos and Ashley would have been Red and Black. But by the time the change over happened the decision was made to just go with the new cast save Blake.

Turbo Guy
03/13/15, 10:26 PM
Justin is my favorite character. He really made Turbo interesting for me. It was cool to have someone my age as a Power Rangers at the time. I grew up on Turbo and always have felt it was the best season.

The Ghost Ranger
03/13/15, 11:55 PM
I think if Adam and Tanya were allowed to stay for the mentor roles, it could have very well showed the two going to college, while helping make new ranger gadgets and weapons on the side.

Byron Stinger
03/15/15, 11:16 AM
That would have been cool. It would have made it easier to deal with the cast changing so abruptly. The old Rangers were written out vaguely and out of no where. Only for the newbies to just take over like they've always been Rangers. It was a big shock that took time to get used to.

03/15/15, 11:35 AM
Turbo started when school was over. So the Rangers were just working summer jobs. Justin probably had to attend summer school to get caught up. The Rangers probably all went to college after their time as Rangers.

Todd Oliver
03/15/15, 11:38 AM
I always thought it was silly that Tommy became a race car driver. Just didn't fit. Tommy was an acedemic and martial arts enthusiast. His role as a teacher in DT was much more believable.

Lightspeed Zeo
03/17/15, 12:19 PM
They probably wanted to keep it closure to high school age kids. Once the original cast of Turbo left they went ight back to high school. Also Justin was in high school the whole time. Billy was never shown going to college when he graduated early. The only college we ever saw was with Alyssa. And that was with Ayssa.

Astronema Karone
03/17/15, 02:56 PM
only ranger said to of went to College was Tommy as it was revealed on DT

Sensei Ranger
03/17/15, 05:06 PM
Ayssa went to college in wild force. Thats how she became a teacher a the end.

Astronema Karone
03/17/15, 05:15 PM
Oh yeah forgot about her.

Phantom Stranger
03/17/15, 05:44 PM
It is pretty odd that the Ranger series has seldom used college kids. I mean its not like they haven't used young adults before. So the age group wouldn't have been an issue. Does anyone know if Ayssa's sentai counterpart went to college? I know Wild Force followed Gaoranger closely.