View Full Version : Why is Neo Saban so different?

Super Zeo Ranger
01/21/17, 07:20 PM
Anyone notice that the Neo Saban Seasons are still nothing like the old Saban Seasons? I thought when they bought back PR ,the new seasons would feel more like the Saban Seasons in tone.

Goldar's Revenge
01/21/17, 10:15 PM
The beginning of Neo Saban era is designed to carter to MMPR nostalgia. The problem is Tzachor's strategy of striaghtly adapting the Sentai Footage contradicted this. So you have this wierd mismatch Neo MMPR with a Sentai Clone. The Lynn seasons have thus far tried to be true to oldsld school PR while still doing it's own thing.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
01/21/17, 10:26 PM
Ten years went by , it had to be different and couldn't be the same. Its just not realistic for it to be exactly the same.

Sailor Saban
01/21/17, 10:28 PM
I thinks the new Saban Seasons are just as good as the old ones. Saban always did PR best.

Disney Ranger
01/21/17, 10:32 PM
The only Saban season that has truly been great was MMPR. The Disney Seasons were the best otherwise..I am surprised Disney sold the show and didn't bring it back themselves.

01/22/17, 12:25 AM
The only Saban season that has truly been great was MMPR. The Disney Seasons were the best otherwise..I am surprised Disney sold the show and didn't bring it back themselves.

why would you be surprise? They never even wanted the series to begin with. They tried to cancel it after Wild Force but Doug convinced them to continue on. I think there was another instance where they were trying to cancel it later on but some kind of contract forced them to continue on. I believe Jungle Fury wasn't even supposed to be made but something forced them to continue on but they stood firm on their decision to call the series following the RPM and if they hadn't sold the series back to Saban we wouldn't have gotten anything in terms of new seasons.

01/22/17, 05:13 PM
I would have preferred it if Saban never sold the show. Its a shame Doug and Ann didn't at least stick around longer. We are lucky they were around in NS and DT.

Goldar's Revenge
01/22/17, 05:26 PM
Disney didn't understand Power Rangers and bought it by accident yet they should still get credit for keeping it going for as long as they did. They ultimately agreed to Sloan and Austensl's proposal to keep the show alive with production in New Zealand.

Despite never fully understanding or getting behind, it they did give it several years. Not to mention that they still spent considerable money on it. They even tried to do an animated series when live action was on the chopping block. Toei just wouldn't let them

The franchise is better off with Saban Brands but Disney weren't all bad. Neo Saban did have the problem with going back to Tzachor's philosophy for the first few years. But they got past it with Lynn now back in charge.

Lightspeed Omega
01/22/17, 09:38 PM
It followed the tone of the Disney Seasons more than people expected it too. Which is not surprising since Kalish heavily copied Sentai.

Captain Mutiny
01/22/17, 09:44 PM
Power Rangers has almost started to shift again. Since the Lynn Neo Saban years have taken in on its own tone.

Bandai Guy
01/22/17, 10:59 PM
It seems pretty similar to the Saban Years. As elements of MMPR and later Saban Era seasons are.here mixed.together.

Storm Hater
01/23/17, 12:35 AM
It had to be different. Saban Entertainment was long gone. A lot had changed and the show needed to evovle.

Lothor's Revenge
01/23/17, 12:41 AM
I don't think the show really changed that much dramatically. PR has been largely the same since Ninja Storm. Not that every season has been good. But the tone is there. Any changes have been made gradually from season to season.

Bratty Katty
01/23/17, 05:12 PM
Its not as good because they rely on the Sentai too much. The Lynn seasons have been better, but their still not original enough.

Zordon's Heroes
01/23/17, 05:30 PM
Samurai and Megaforce are a mismatch of Tzachor PR and Disney Style PR. The Lynn years have retained some of the Disney style but relied far less on Sentai "dubbing".

SPD Emergency
01/23/17, 10:56 PM
They wanted to cater to the nostalgia of the old days while still relying heavily on the Sentai Footage. Which Kalish also did in his own way during the Disney era. Luckily SPD had Greg to make it more original . I do think the Neo Saban Era started off with a lot of the same elements of Wild Force. In how it was heavily influenced by Sentai.

MMPR Forever
01/24/17, 07:19 PM
It really isn't that much different to me. Since everything after MMPR has been pretty forgettable.

Disney Ranger
01/24/17, 07:30 PM
The Disney Era was awesome! The show was never so good besides MMPR. Neo Saban has been a step down. Its hard to get too excited about it. Its a shame Disney has to sell the series. The only bad season they produced was RPM.

Inner Senshi
01/24/17, 07:34 PM
I think ever era has been awesome! The Neo Saban Era has definitely lived up to the hype.

Digimon Ranger
01/24/17, 07:44 PM
Its because Neo Saban's team wasn't MMPr Productions. Just a few of its producers and writers.

Ninja Storm Fan
01/24/17, 07:46 PM
Neo Saban has done a bad job. But only Disney has ever done a good job with PR. And this was for only one season.

Goldar's Revenge
01/24/17, 08:16 PM
Disney wasn't all bad. But saying they are the only ones that ever did a good job is not true. That's selling short a lot of the great writers and production people the show has had over the years. Regardless who may have owned the brand at the time. Saban Entertainment had plenty of good season made under their ownership before Disney was even in the picture. Saban Brands just made the mistake of putting Tzachor in charge and letting him just slave to Sentai way too much.

Saban Fan
01/24/17, 08:18 PM
Everyone knows that Saban is the greatest creative force and owner Power Rangers has every had. He is just amazing. Disney just didn't cut it. They didn't have the passion and creative direction that Haim Saban brought to the franchise. And how could they? Saban is the creator of Power Rangers itself.

Lightspeed Rescue
01/25/17, 09:23 PM
Its a shame the new seasons couldn't be like Lightspeed Rescue.

Jen's Revenge
01/28/17, 01:06 PM
I wish they took the show in a more serious direction and produced seasons like Time Force.But with their own themes.

Time Force Traitor
01/29/17, 06:40 AM
I do wish they would do a season with the tone and writing of Time Force. I've been waiting for one since Saban Brands bought the show. Of course RPM did have that tone. But that was a Disney Season.

Super Rad
01/29/17, 06:48 AM
Its a big disapointment that they failed to reclaim the glory days of the old Saban Era. Some Neo Saban Seasons have even been worse than the some of the Disney Seasons.