View Full Version : Galvanax Rises Episode Discussion

11/13/17, 02:53 PM
Here's the discussion thread for this Saturday's new episode which technically is the "season finale" episode of Ninja Steel

Massive Ego
11/18/17, 05:49 PM
That was the episode? And just when I thought they couldn't get lamer.

Usagi Reborn
11/18/17, 05:52 PM
Really? You pick this episode to mock? I don't like Ninja Steel either but this episode was actually pretty decent. It felt like a season finale and we know more is coming.

11/18/17, 09:28 PM
yea there's nothing to hate about this episode even Victor and Monty weren't pathetic and a waste of space like they usually are but I do hope Cosmo returns he's a cool villain

Galvanax Rises
11/18/17, 11:17 PM
The episode was awesome! I had to join and post to discuss it. Victor and Monty finally got to shine! The rivalry between Galvanax and Odious finally came to a head. Mick basically became a Ranger. Kelson Henderson become a Ranger! Enough said! I can't wait for Super Ninja Steel.

11/19/17, 08:59 PM
I seen this episode. This was the one episode that I gave high marks for Ninja Steel. Money farting did ruin it a little bit. Why couldn't the writers have Victor challenge to have a sword fight with one of the villains causing the villains to teleport them to Earth? ;)

Mastadon Ranger
11/20/17, 12:59 PM
I hope Cosmos comes back as the main villian. Galvanax looks finished.

11/20/17, 06:27 PM
Why couldn't the writers have Victor challenge to have a sword fight with one of the villains causing the villains to teleport them to Earth? ;)

because as Maligore likes to say the producers are "cheap" but it's not just them being cheap in that case but more like they wanted to get things over with hence why only Galvanax was involved in the battle as opposed to what happened in Ninninger on top of which any kind of choreography includes training.

I hope Cosmos comes back as the main villian. Galvanax looks finished.

same here Cosmo is such a cool villain sure we don't see him battle the Rangers but I hope we do at some point and yes I do agree with that in regards to Galvanax but it's always possible that he survived after so many previous villains surviving explosions such as Ecliptor and Darkonda just to name a couple of them but we also had Diabolico who was destroyed once, Master Org was destroyed at least twice, Nayzor at least once, all of Lothor's monsters were destroyed twice and Zeltrax was destroyed twice.