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Goldar's Revenge 04/17/17 08:40 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
Time Force was still very much written for a young audience. Every pr season has been. Just because the story felt more sophisticated at times, don't confuse that with it being a shoe for grown ups.

Lion Tamer Org 04/18/17 02:04 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
I don't.think he should have died. Wes should have defeated him to take his morpher. I don't buy him suddenly becoming Wes's friend.

Massive Ego 04/18/17 02:06 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
He didn't suddenly become Wes'.friend..Their storyline went throughout the whole season..They gradually earned respect for each other and slowly became allies. By the end , actually becoming real friends.

A Gia To Remember 04/18/17 02:07 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
Eric was a lot nicer in the team up.

Yellow Fan Forever 04/18/17 02:08 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
Except when he gave Taylor a speeding ticket. lol

Dark Specter's Revenge 04/18/17 02:09 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
Which was stupid since Taylor was so responsible she would never speed like that. It was poor writing for convenience.

Eradicator 04/19/17 06:31 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
I think it would have made for a powerful plot point. It would have been sad but would have made Time Force even more sophisticated.

Ransik Lives 04/20/17 06:57 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
I think you could go either way. But the fact Eric survived did not diminish his story. And it was probably good to do something different with Sentai. It also allowed Eric to be a part of the team up. It wouldn't have been the same without him.

Omega Black 04/22/17 09:13 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
Probably but it didn't ruin his storyline..

Silverhawk 04/22/17 09:29 PM

Re: Should Eric have died?
Just because Sentai did it, doesn't mean PR had to go the same route. Eric did not need to die to make his story work. In a lot of ways he was the best written character. Certainly he most three dimensional Ranger ever.

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