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ShadowForceBlue 02/26/02 07:45 PM

The ever famous "Galactabeasts over here"

MattEmily 06/11/12 02:48 AM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever
Thread is locked for now due to not having all of its posts ported over from the yuku.

psychic ranger 10/26/14 06:29 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever
Alpha , " No, not teenagers", day of the dumpster

prfanforlife 10/26/14 06:30 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever
Adam "I'm a frog."
Johnny Yong Bosch came up with that line.

fanficwriter 10/26/14 06:32 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever
mY favorite lines:

1´´ wHO´S THAT?´´dIVATOX referring to aSTRONEMA THE FIRST TIME SHE MEET HER IN ´´From Out Of Nowhere ´´EPISODE..

2- Zhane: "I have an interest in her too"
Andros: "What do you mean you have an interest"

PRIS ep30: Dark Specter's Revenge

3 Andros: yOu went on a date with my sister
Zane:I did not know she was your sister and besides it was not really a date.
Andros:(2 min. later) Just one date?


Mist Mayweather 10/26/14 06:33 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever
"A black sun is a thing of such beauty, isn't it? Now you'll be powerless to stop me!" ~ Rita (Green With Evil part 4)

Actually, so much of Green With Evil, including.
"I want my mommy!" ~ Bulk
"Yeah, I want your mommy!" ~ Skull
And the look that Bulk gives him.

MattEmily 12/18/17 03:30 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever

Originally Posted by WiseWizard (Post 28054)
oh... and also...

IN MMPR:TM, When Kimberly said "Gotta Love it!" - I don't know why this one stands out.

{EDIT}: The line by Brickneck in the Episode when Eric gets his Quantam Ranger Powers. "No one's to tough for the power rangers" - One of the Rangers "Then allow me to introduce my self, I'm noone and I'm too tough for the Power Rangers" - Brickneck

yea I like that Brickneck/Quantum Ranger convo too.


Originally Posted by Morbius (Post 28056)
Fatcatfish in Jen's Revenge

"Yeah, I know you and your boyfriend got lucky last time....what's this? Your boyfriend's not here<crying then laughing>...Yeah I remember now, Ransik destroyed him! How did that feel pinky!"

I loved that part because he totally rubbed in the most mature scene the show has ever had.

Astronema in Countdown to Destruction

"You have a front row seat to the end of your era....and the beginning of mine."

Lines like this made Astronema so cool.

yea all of the Fatcatfish stuff he directed towards Jen plus her quote of "I won't let his death be in vain"


Originally Posted by BT20 (Post 28057)
my fav line was in PR in Space in the ninja turtle episode when the rangers escape to the planet & Astromea says all sweetly "U forgot to say goodby" they she like growls "SO I'll say it" they all sweetly goodbye

that was just cool

that it was


Originally Posted by MiChaos (Post 28058)
Ohh, give me long enough, I could think of lots, so I'll do a top 10:

1. "We've got to...help the Power Rangers" Lord Zedd, King for a Day Part II

2. "My mission is to protect the Power Rangers, and their quest, to protect the Universe from the Force of Evil, one goal, one dream, known as the Power Rangers" Alpha 6, From Out of No-Where Part II

3. "Lerigot has returned to give me my freedom. It is time for me to leave and rejoin my own family. I realise this is difficult, but th time has come to bid farewell" Zordon, Shift into Turbo Part 3

4. "Now?? HAHAHA, I think not." Divatox to the Cimmerian Messenger, Chase into Space Part II

5. "Now crush him! Crush him!" Lord Zedd in Serphanterra, referring to the Red Dragon Thunderzord, The Power Transfer Part I

6. "What is this, pick on the frog day?" Adam, MMPR:TM

7. "What is it this time, a monstor that blows itself up??" Lord Zedd to Finster, Changing of the Zords Part 1.

8. "I'm afraid nothing we can do will ever give the Zords enough power. You now need stronger new Zords equiped with the Power of Thunder to defeat Lord Zedd" Zordon, The Mutiny Part 1

9. "AAGGGHHH, SKULL!" Bulk and Professor Phenomenous remembering what they've forgotten, Quasar Quest Part 1

10. "I am the Leader of the Machine Empire!" Tommy, King for a Day Part 1

I could think of loads more, but these were the best!

I agree with 1. since I thought that quote by Zedd was awesome but really that's the only 1 out of the ones that you went with.


Originally Posted by JaG Lockjaw (Post 28059)
"I call upon the power of Pyramidas!" (Trey)

What made this line so cool was that he was pulling out Pyamidas for the first time. Also, right when he said, his theme music was in the perfect spot.

I agree with Trey's quote.


Originally Posted by Natinspace (Post 28064)
Here's one. Most of my other favorites have already been mentioned, like Brickneck's line in Quantum Quest.

Trey: "It's time for a gold rush!"

agree with Trey's


Originally Posted by MiChaos (Post 28065)
I told you I'd think of some more lines...

"What is all this fuss about? Everyone appears to be frantic and I haven't done a single thing yet?" King Mondo, Graduation Blues

"That's a trick I haven't seen before" General Havoc, Fall of the Phantom

"Are you too tired to fight or too scared? Either way, you're finished!" Crosspatch, Clash of the Megazords

More to be added as I think of them, sorry! :)

agree with Havoc's


Originally Posted by MiChaos (Post 28068)
What about some of the Bulk & Skull lines, like from A Different Shade of Pink
Bulk: 5'10, tall, grey hair, remind you of anyone?
Skull: [In a Bill Clinton impression?] The President of the United States?

that was kinda good but not 1 of the better ones


Originally Posted by JZSpock (Post 28070)
Zordon's Classic: "May the Power protect you"
Alpha 5's Classic: "Ayi yai yai yai yai yai"

how can you not like those? they're classic catchphrases


Originally Posted by ShadowForceBlue (Post 28072)
The ever famous "Galactabeasts over here"

no doubt Karone's quote was a hilarious line

Massive Ego 12/18/17 06:54 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever
I thought Karone's quote was out of character and took away from her debut. Luckily it didn't ruin the episode.

MattEmily 12/18/17 06:58 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever

Originally Posted by Massive Ego (Post 70710)
I thought Karone's quote was out of character and took away from her debut. Luckily it didn't ruin the episode.

not out of character at all since we really didn't know her character yet and I thought it added to her debut since it not only was a hilarious scene but it also cemented the fact that their zords wouldn't just come by them calling for them you had to do something specific as well

Massive Ego 12/18/17 07:01 PM

Re: Favorite line from pr ever

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 70714)
not out of character at all since we really didn't know her character yet and I thought it added to her debut since it not only was a hilarious scene but it also cemented the fact that their zords wouldn't just come by them calling for them you had to do something specific as well

The line was better suited for a comic relief character. Whicn Karone was not. Perhaps it would have worked better with Cassie since she could be funny like that.

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