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Zarkenor 04/20/10 09:13 PM

Lost, with his enhanced hearing from his previous life, heard a scream, from which to him was at least 14 blocks away,

"Aw, I just came from that direction too.....," he sighed, but then slightly grinned, "Ah, what's the point of going back on ground? I'll come from the air!"

He rode his bike through a shopping building, though avoiding everyone on the way, he raced to the top of the roof.

Drakeonis 04/20/10 09:27 PM

when drake arrived on the scene he saw a teenager who appered to be a few years younger than him sitting in the middle of a circle formed of men in black tuxedos each holding a memory in their hands. Drake glared at them intensely and no one said a word

"men wearing black tuxedos this is the neo-museums doing" he thought stiil not speaking he pushed the button on the heat memory


kid you shouldn't be hanging around these guys hive me the memory and I'm sure the police will be leniant" keeping his memory at the ready

the teenager chuckled "and give up all this power,are you insane let me show you the power" he jabbed the memory into his arm and the tuxedo men inserted theirs


Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/20/10 09:38 PM

Kio saw the police cars racing towards downtown so he got up, paid, and left the building. Keeping hidden he watched as the Heat rider fought against members of the museum including someone with the violence memory. "Well isnt this a treat. Lets see if he can handle this on his own."

Drakeonis 04/20/10 10:13 PM

" I gave you a chance kid,henshin" he transformed into heat and charged into the hoard of masqurade dopants he rapidly started punching the dopants his fist blazing

"out of my way" he pulled out his kabuto phone and inseted his heat memory into a slot on it's back

HEAT MAXIMUM DRIVE!! The kabuto phone on fire charged into the group taking down multiple dopants

Zarkenor 04/20/10 11:56 PM

At the top of the roof about 100 meters away from where Heat is, Lost dismounted 狙撃兵 地帯.
He took out the Trigger memory and the Driver.



Transforming into Trigger, he switched his gun to Focus mode, he then shot two bullets, hitting the Violent Memory user in the chest and stomach.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/21/10 12:10 AM

Kio watched, seeing the shots hit the violence dopant and heat using his beetle for an attack. "My these guys are pretty good. Well i doubt they will need me."

Unfortunetly fang kept tugging his leg. It dawned on kio that these were the reason it was upset.

"What could be upsetting you fang?"

Drakeonis 04/21/10 12:17 AM

After the kabuto phone finished clearing a path it deactivated and fell into drakes hands he saw the violence dopant get hit by the bullets he turned around and couldn't see any one but figured it was lost he gave a thumbs up in the direction of the bullets and ran back at violence he shot a stream of fire at violence until it wasn't visible

"how do ya like that ha ha" in ball mode the violence dlopant emergedfrom the flames and rammed into drake knocking him into a nearby wall


Zarkenor 04/22/10 07:11 PM

Lost quickly positioned himself for another shot, but saw that Drake already started fighting, so no further assistance is needed as he thought.

"Hmm looks like Drake got the Violence Memory from here on out," he said cheerily.

Lost then adjusted his view and prepared for a Memory Break for the remaining Masquerade users. He adjusted his stance, and took aim and inserted the Trigger Memory into the Gun Driver's 2nd slot.

Maximum Drive! Trigger Focus!

1 huge shot blasted out from Lost's gun, and split into 15 as they rained down and struck the weakened Masqurade users that Drake took down, breaking each of their memories.

Drakeonis 04/22/10 09:15 PM

No one hits me into a building drake ran at violience who still in ball mode flung itself at him. Drake dogdged to the side and hurled a few fireballs at the dopant

"hmm, I think I got an idea"

drake placed his hands on the ground and tansfered as much heat into the ground as possible causing the tar to melt he quicklydried it back up trapping the dopant in place

"alright kid last chance you ready to fold"

Rennzeth 04/22/10 09:20 PM


Yuuji was pressed the memory from afar from everyone's view. He placed the memory into his hand, then walked up to the building silently.

"Maybe you should back off and let me handle him."

Yuuji's voiced changed into a deeper one, he held out his palm, revealing a blanket of ice charging at Drake and the dopant.

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