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Drakeonis 04/23/10 12:03 AM

"you monster!!" drake ran beside kio his fist ablaze once more

" these are the fist that will take you down"

he jumped and punched at yuuji but was struck down by an oncoming lightning blast and blown away by a wind gust he simply roared and started charging again

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/23/10 12:06 AM

Kio stood there...fists clenched. "Oh and how do i have it wrong? You killed someone that had a chance to be saved. Tell me why...why i shouldnt just hit you with a memory break right now."

Kio ignored the lightning..he was worried about it.

Rennzeth 04/23/10 12:09 AM

Yuuji allowed Drake to punch him as he fell down onto the floor. Droplets of water fell upon them as he smiled and got up. Blood raced down his mouth at he looked the other way.

"See ya."

Yuuji started to walk again, his new toy was enough to earn the day. The appearance of the riders were not much to worry about, he expected them to be alot tougher.

"I guess the former riders would've been a much more bigger threat. Hit me with all you got then, another time maybe?"

Gathering memories was now his sole mission, Yuuji now didn't have to heed these so called riders.

Zarkenor 04/23/10 12:17 AM

"Crud, looks like they need some serious artillery support," Lost said,

He quickly shot 4 times in a flash, then continued to shoot rapidly, 6 bullets per sec. Raining bullets on Yuuji, but being wary of the others at the same time.

Drakeonis 04/24/10 01:59 AM

Drake fell onto his hands and knees and in a fit of rage began to punch the ground multiple tines but calmed down

"no your not getting away from your crimes" drake activated his kabuto phone

"track him don't lose him" the phone made a nodding gesture and flew after yuuji

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/24/10 10:28 AM

Kio growled and turned away. He walked over to the body of the young boy and shifted him, placing him in a better position. He sighed softly. "Rest in peace...and know that people that loved you will remember you forever. We riders will stop that crazy dopant."

Drakeonis 04/25/10 01:35 AM

"your dang right were gonna catch that dopant"

drake became covered in a red aura he then knelt to the teens body and crossed his heart the aura died down

"sorry kid"

the kabuto phone flew over drakes head and began to make signal torwards the east

"the dopants over there will follow my kabuto phone to it"
he walked over to his bike and revved the engine

Zarkenor 04/25/10 11:34 AM

Where Lost was standing, was exactly middle of Fuuto City, though where he was, was no other than the Fuuto Tower, the highest building in the city, and it's main symbol.Lost could see all of Fuuto's sightings from here as it was his favorite hangout for free time.

"Hmmmm, looks like he's on the move at the moment, I'll have to try and slow him down a bit at least," he said.

Lost's Body can withstand 4 Maxium Drive Shots, he's used 3 so far, and at least one more to go before he's drained of energy. He's already exhausted at the moment.

"Well, at least I'm up here," he said casually.

He inserted the Trigger Memory into the slot.

Maximum Drive! Trigger Focus!

He shot out a huge laser as an attempt to slow Yuuji down, then collasped from exhaustion and fainted on the roof.

Drakeonis 04/25/10 11:59 PM

Drake kcked his bike into overdrive booking for yuuji

"where are you,where are you?"

his wheels on fire from how fast he was going he kept following the kabuto phone until it came to where it last saw yuuji and turned back into a phone drake grabbed it as it fell only to find the weather dopant no where in sight just a crowd off people walking one of the people saw him

"look kamen rider is back" the people crowded around him

"thank you but have you seen a white monster wearing a gold gauntlet?"

the people began to tell him of their sighting but from he could tell he was gone

"damn it"

he pulled out the sparrow disk lost gave him and threw it up into the air flying torwards it master

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/26/10 12:07 AM

All Kio could do now was leave the sight. He headed down a deserted street and when he was out of sight of everyone he de-henshined and started punching a wall. He was angry with himself..angry he couldnt stop that dopant from killing that kid. He kept punching until his fist was bloody. Kio slumped to his knees and began to cry. He felt weak.

After a few minutes he got up, hid his hand, and made his way back to his bike. Kio hoped on it and drove. He knew all he could do now was go home and clean his hand up. He also knew that he would get a chance later to take out that creep.

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