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Dinoguy 11/29/16 06:17 PM

Did Trent turn good too fast?
It just seemed like a cop out how he randomly was freed from the dino gem's control. It felt like it was too early too. Since the built up to the gem taking over Trent. Also it was odd Trent just startrd working with Mesogog after refusing to for so long.

Goldar's Revenge 11/29/16 06:26 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Disney didn't like the storyline with Trent being evil. They didn't really want an Evil Ranger. Trent was supposed to stay evil longer but the producers were forced to change directions. Thats why they needed the White Clone storyline to get around the sentai footage. Trent and Kira 's attraction to each other was also dropped due to Disney's concerns.

KimandTommy 11/29/16 06:28 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I hated the fact they made Trent evil for so long. It should have only been for little while like Tommy.

White Tiger Fan 11/29/16 06:32 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I wish Amit was in charge. I think he would have found a way to make it work better. He had experience working with Disney.

Disney Ranger 11/29/16 06:34 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I think Disney made the right decision. They were just trying ro make sure DinoThunder stayed family friendly. Disney has a very high standard and always does whats best for the brand.

Massive Ego 11/30/16 07:57 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Disney were fools if they demanded all that. The Trent arc was destoryed by having him be freed from the gems infulence too quickly. Trent ended up being a boring Fifth Ranger. Having him as an evil Ranger at least made him interesting for awhile. But they ruined that by jettisoning the storyline too early.

Disney Ranger 11/30/16 07:58 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
But Disney always did what they thought was best for Power Rangers.

No Green Spandex 11/30/16 07:59 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Like when they tried to cancel it twice?

Massive Ego 11/30/16 08:01 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Disney ruined Power Rangers Wild Force was only watered down by Disney and was still pretty good. But once they had there hooks on the franchise they just destoryed it. Not even Saban Brands could fix it. And has seened to pick up their bad habits.

Sailor Saban 11/30/16 11:30 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Saban does Power Rangers best. If he was in charge Trent would have stayed evil longer. Kira and Trent also would have wound up together. DinoThunder would have been much better. With Tommy not being stuck morphed like he was for awhile .

Captain Mutiny 11/30/16 11:44 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Its a lot more complicated than Disney or Saban. There are a lot of people involved. And lets not forget that Doug Sloan produced DT for Disney yet worked for Saban early on.

Inner Senshi 11/30/16 11:45 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Well I think Saban and Disney both did a great job.

PRangerX 11/30/16 11:48 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I always thought it felt a little forced. I was surprised when it happened. It definitely makes sense that plans were nixed. Given how things happened. I do feel the Trent plot lost something when they just torpedoed the Evil White Ranger storyline. He wasn't even around as much after that and just became another Ranger. Trent keeping Mercer's secret from the Rangers was interesting.... But it really didn't have any consequences once it was revealed.

Massive Ego 11/30/16 11:49 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Saban did a great job the first time. Disney and Neo Saban have both done terrible jobs!

Sentai Master 11/30/16 11:51 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?

Originally Posted by Disney Ranger (Post 60718)
I think Disney made the right decision. They were just trying ro make sure DinoThunder stayed family friendly. Disney has a very high standard and always does whats best for the brand.

DinoThunder would have been family friendly either way. Its not like Trent was Abrekiller.

MMPR Supreme 11/30/16 08:22 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
DinoThunder was pretty decent. Since it was kind of like MMPR in some ways. Trent could never live up to Tommy though.

Ninja Storm Fan 12/05/16 06:39 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Trent was a huge let down after Cam. Just like DinoThunder was a huge letdown in general.

Massive Ego 12/05/16 06:52 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
DinoThunder wasn't much of a let down, because it sucked too.

MattEmily 12/07/16 03:06 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?

Originally Posted by Sailor Saban (Post 60727)
Saban does Power Rangers best. If he was in charge Trent would have stayed evil longer. Kira and Trent also would have wound up together. DinoThunder would have been much better. With Tommy not being stuck morphed like he was for awhile .

while it's true Trent would've likely stayed evil longer it's doubtful he and Kira would've gotten together since even after Saban had reacquired the series the romantic relationships in the show have been downright awful and entirely horrible.

They wouldn't have had any choice in the matter with Tommy being stuck morphed if they were stuck in the same situation that Disney was in with having JDF only coming back in a limited capacity.

Kimberly Hart 12/08/16 09:05 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I am glad he turned good. It was much better to have him on the good side. The evil plot lasted too long.

Captain Mutiny 12/09/16 11:23 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Trent should have been a flawed character from the beginning and not under the gem's power at any point. They could have built to him joining the Rangers.

Gosei Gold 12/10/16 08:09 AM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
It did seem kind of odd for them to spend all that time with Trent struggling with the gem's influence and then to have him freed by some random beam. I did like the White Ranger Clone idea.

Super Rad 12/12/16 06:19 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
The whole Trent storyline was a mess. The evil spell storyline was dumb. Trent should have been a troubled teen not a good guy from the start. It was weak that they had to do the whole evil spell like storyline. I'm fine with Trent still turning good in the end. After all Abrakiller did. I just wouldn't have done it like they did.

Yellow Fan Forever 12/13/16 12:37 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I think Trent should have just been a good guy the whole time.

Sentai Snob 12/13/16 12:39 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Its a shame you guys missed out on the greatness of Abarekiller.

Power Rangers Forever 12/13/16 12:40 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Not those of us who watch both Power Rangers and Sentai. I like both characters in there own ways. I like that they are different. I wouldn't have ended the evil gem plot so quickly but I liked Trent overall.

Massive Ego 12/13/16 12:44 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?

Originally Posted by Sailor Saban (Post 60727)
Saban does Power Rangers best. If he was in charge Trent would have stayed evil longer. Kira and Trent also would have wound up together. DinoThunder would have been much better. With Tommy not being stuck morphed like he was for awhile .

Because his company has done such a great job with Power Rangers since they got it back. I think not.

edit: I forgot I already responded to this before but my feelings are clear.

Green Nightwolf Koragg 12/19/16 03:32 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
He should have been freed from the gem's influence a lot closer to the end. Perhaps direcrly by Mercer instead of a freak accident by Mesagog's laser.

MattEmily 12/19/16 03:39 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I thought he should've stayed evil a little longer but it was cool with how they wrote things.

I can see why Disney didn't want Trent to remain evil for most of the season since Rangers are supposed to be seen as heroes and not villains.

Lightspeed Zeo 12/19/16 03:54 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Its too bad they didn't give the clone a human form. Even if he just looked like Trent.

Vypra's Monster 12/19/16 04:18 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I didn't have a problem with it. Since they had the cool clone storyline that was pretty unique.

Time Force Traitor 12/20/16 12:55 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
He should have been freed in the last episode. I would have even had Mesagog defeated earlier and Trent become main antagonist.

Superhero Galaxy 12/20/16 01:20 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
The whole thing was pretty dumb in execution. It felt like they had more story to tell with evil Trent.

Lion Tamer Org 12/20/16 02:12 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
It feels like they wanted Trent to be a full antagonist but couldn't due to Disney. So the wrote him as a good guy possessed by the white dino gem. And when Disney was still unhappy with that they had Trent.become free snd join the Rangers. Where they started the Clone storyline.

Summer Is Rich 12/20/16 05:09 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I was just surprised they went that root. I didn't see it coming. They actually handled things very well afterwards.

Hexagon Ranger 12/21/16 12:31 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I don't know why having an antagonist Ranger was such a big deal? They even had Trent under the control of the gem.

Sailor Moon Ranger 12/21/16 12:48 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I think its better when Rangers are good guys. Unless they are bad for just a few episodes. Trent was bad long enough and it was time to make him good.

Itzy Bitzy Carter 12/21/16 08:35 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
At least DinoThunder had equal character focus. I really liked how they didn't over focus one one characer. Tommy didn't rven get over focused. Trent was like a Six Ranger. And even he didn't hog the spotlight.

Dic Dubber 12/22/16 12:18 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
I agree with Disney. Power Rangers should always be good. And if they are under an evil spell or tricked...They should turn good after a few episodes.

MMPR Forever 12/22/16 08:19 PM

Re: Did Trent turn good too fast?
Trent was just a watered downed attempt to create a new Tommy. And really didn't come close to living up to the original. Just like DinoThunder failed to live up to MMPR. Having Trent turn good earlier would have helped but it wkuld have taken a lot more for DT to be on the level of DinoThunder.

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