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PrimoPiccolo 03/08/10 02:08 AM

Kamen Rider OOO (Starting September 5, 2010)
Dukemon's got word that next season's Rider theme is going to be constellations. And a whole lot of them!


Originally Posted by dukemon22 (Post 3355655)
-The new rider, after Double, is rumored to have a constellation motif. What's more, it is rumored to once again be a series that has 13 riders, which I can see as being feasable. If you have each rider based on a constellation, there's 12 right there.

-The new rider is said to appear in the Summer Movie Event of this year. The event is said to be split into 3 seperate features- Goseiger's movie, Double's Movie, and something called "7 Riders", which could be an old-style team up of the riders from say Decade-Double, + the newbie. More rumors as they come.

Dibs on Kamen Rider Gemini.

GalaxyRiderZERO 03/08/10 09:14 PM

Where did he get this info?

PrimoPiccolo 03/09/10 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by GalaxyRiderZERO (Post 4819)
Where did he get this info?

Dude, that's Dukemon.

He's got sources that have been more or less on the money for YEARS.

PrimoPiccolo 04/11/10 04:56 AM

New rumors:


-The 2010 rider will change forms via medals. These forms will be represented with different groups of animals. There are 3 medals in each group changing the head, torso/arms, and legs of the rider. The medals are distinguised via lines. 1-lined medals change the head, 2-lined medals change the body/arms, and 3-lined medals change the feet.

-One of his base forms, pictured above, is "Field Form", represented by Lion, Tiger and Cheetah

-Insect Form is composed of a Stag Beetle, Mantis and Butterfly

-A Bird Form is also available

-Eyes are green

-Belt has a signal display

Ignis 04/11/10 11:12 AM

DIBS ON ORION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I predict Orion will be the main Kamen Rider (he's got the sparkly belt and all) and the other 12 will be the zodiac constellations.

I once made up a constellation-based group of characters. There were like 4 teams of 5. I can't remember much except Orion was the main character and Aquarius was the only female leader.

I'd also like to see a dinosaur-themed Kamen Rider series, as well as a unicorn-themed sentai.

Drakeonis 04/11/10 11:44 AM


I can't wait to see how the new series will turn up

Ignis 04/11/10 01:20 PM

I've already been comparing Kamen Riders to constellations.

Double=Gemini, Scissors=Cancer, Femme=Cygnus, Sasword=Scorpio, Hercrus=Hercules, Tiger=Leo, Axe Form=Ursa Major, ect...

PrimoPiccolo 04/15/10 08:28 PM

Form rumor piccies:



Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/15/10 08:38 PM

Hmmm...the green head reminds me of Leangle. And the red does remind me of something but i cant quite recall.

Ignis 04/15/10 10:15 PM

Pretty! Looks kind of Aztec. I can't wait to see him as a real person instead of just anime. Then I'll have more proof that he's not just fan-made.

Kamen Rider Decade 04/16/10 07:48 AM

If he is multicolored like that I will call him the Rainbow Rider.

PrimoPiccolo 04/16/10 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ignis (Post 5579)
Then I'll have more proof that he's not just fan-made.

We're in the rumor stages, all of these pics are fan-made. Even when we get the production sketches, there's never any telling if that's the design they followed through with, so the closest we get to "proof" isn't until the Televi-kun silhouettes.

Ignis 04/16/10 04:37 PM

Okay. ^_^

PrimoPiccolo 04/20/10 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by dukemon22 (Post 3397849)

First pic on the page. It's technically listed as his "Base Form". Said to be black in color.

A red herring? Maybe.

Ignis 04/20/10 04:26 PM

3 stars on his belt... It is Orion and I claimed him! ^_^

PrimoPiccolo 04/20/10 07:29 PM

I'm not sure the constellation theme is still in effect.

Ignis 04/21/10 04:35 PM

Oh wells. It would've been cool.

Ignis 04/25/10 06:21 PM

I heard his name will be Regulus.

PrimoPiccolo 05/01/10 07:00 AM

Seems the new Rider's base form will be black, and added on with the medals. We also see what we could expect for the belt to function like.


Ignis 05/01/10 10:32 AM

He looks beautiful already!

PrimoPiccolo 05/05/10 08:07 PM

The series title is currently rumored to be Kamen Rider Trans.


Originally Posted by dukemon22 (Post 3409581)
"Henshin Belt LinksGear"

-comes with 6 Medals to start with:
Hawk (Red)
Tiger (Yellow)
Hopper (Green)
Lion (Yellow)
Cheetah (Yellow)
Finish (Black)

Medals are stored in the MedalHolder (could be MedalFolder as well, we'll have to wait and see). The Finish Medal is scanned into the Medal Scanner to activate the finishing move.

-Opposite to the Gaia Memories, the Medals themselves have no electronics. The belt has all the sounds, reading them from the medals installed.

"Medalial Sword"

-Resembles a mix of the RekkaDaiZantou and KingRouzer. Comes with 2 Medals- Stag (Green), and Mantis (Green). There's a Holder in the Blade, and Medals can be loaded in through there. When the medal is set, you can still see it from the outside of the blade. The Holder is opened/close via a lever, and there can be set up to 3 medals, corresponding with the rider's 3 modes-

Sky Form, Field Form, Insect Form.

A combo mode is in existence as well, Tri Form and the base form, which may be activated via the Black Finish Medal.

Apparently, not too many sounds on the sword.


-Another weapon that comes with the other two Red Medals, Eagle and Crow

PrimoPiccolo 05/06/10 07:16 PM

New title rumors:


Originally Posted by dukemon22 (Post 3410286)
-Name is Kamen Rider Links

-There will be memory gadget type devices representing the rider's different animals (right now, an eagle, kuwagata, and lion)

-Medals may also activate the bike

Ignis 05/06/10 10:17 PM

It would be awesome if his name was Links. My last name is Link, so with a bit of exaggeration I'd be a Kamen Rider.

PrimoPiccolo 05/13/10 05:06 PM

Weapons production scans are coming our way, y'all!

Originally Posted by Gold Samurai (Post 3416506)

Ignis 05/13/10 06:27 PM

Looks cool! But I'll miss the Double guys...

PrimoPiccolo 05/25/10 05:36 PM

Hints at the form changes, and there are new medals. Elephant, Beetle and Octopus.

~Pic of basically everything you need to know at the moment~

Ignis 05/25/10 07:23 PM

I can't wait to see what he looks like in dialogue mode.

mbozzo 06/19/10 09:08 PM

Does anyone heard any rumors of an American Kamen Rider series for 2011? :o

Ignis 06/19/10 11:45 PM

No, but I REALLY want there to be one!

Kamen Rider Decade 06/20/10 11:03 AM

KRDK is still fresh in the minds of the networks, it bombed they aren't going to try again this soon.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/20/10 11:10 AM

Jeeze...well maybe its because people kept saying things like "Kamen rider is a rip-off of power rangers". I know i got that alot when i made cosplay of kamen riders on GaiaOnline

Ignis 06/20/10 11:48 AM

The same happened to me.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/20/10 01:20 PM

You have a gaia Ignis? Well anyway its just people being bad about info when i fact kamen rider came about two years before super sentai (power rangers) and created by the same guy...brillian man in my book.

Ignis 06/20/10 03:26 PM

Yes there need to be more people like him.

I had a Gaia and I used lots of cash cards, so I was VERY rich but also very generous so everybody loved me. But since I sometimes went on patrol in order to keep the site clean, I had my fair share of haters, and thus I was hacked.

PrimoPiccolo 06/20/10 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by mbozzo (Post 6013)
Does anyone heard any rumors of an American Kamen Rider series for 2011? :o

Seriously, enough is enough.

We live in a world now where our favorite Japanese children's series are subtitled on a weekly basis, breaking down the one barrier that would keep us from fully enjoying a product not in our own language. You're online every day, download an episode and enjoy.

By some miracle, Power Rangers is already on its way back to new episodes. If we ever get another Kamen Rider made for our shores, more power to us. But your continual push for products in our market when they're easily available in their own is bordering on spam. Please find new ways to contribute to conversation.


Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Dragoon (Post 6021)
kamen rider came about two years before super sentai

Actually, it was six, which makes it even more obvious.

But, hey, people only know Power Rangers. Henshin Heroes aren't an institution here. Can't be mad at people who don't really care not knowing the facts.

PrimoPiccolo 06/22/10 02:45 PM

OOO's first official appearance!


Televi-kun Magazine reveals the new Kamen Rider, as well as where he'll first appear: The new Kamen Rider Double Movie in August!

Ignis 06/22/10 04:45 PM

He looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PrimoPiccolo 06/29/10 05:39 AM

CA3Blog reveals next season's plotline:


Originally Posted by dukemon22

"I don't want anything, and I don't attach to much importance to anything"

Such a man obtained the Rider's power. Before long, something will change in him.

Kamen Rider OOO is the 12th Heisei Work, succeeding Kamen Rider W. The title is arranged with 3 O's, but is read as "Ozu".

Ozu will scramble for the 3 types of Medals which allow him to transform. It is said that when the medals are found, the "Fukusuu no Ou" (The Plural King) will appear.

This time, our hero is a man who has no dreams, no work, and no family. However, he does not attach importance to such things, and so he is not really unhappy.

The enemy are 5 different animal groups, who have existed since an unknown time. Their bodies incomplete, they search for the Medals too to complete their form. These Kaijin feed off of human lust, and now, have begun physically attacking human beings as well.

A mystery man, apparently from one of the 5 groups, is the one who gives our hero his belt. Ozu himself must collect these medals to gain new powers.

More over, a mysterious corporation seems to be backing Ozu in his quest. However, their true intentions are unknown. It is in these mysterious conditions that our hero must fight.

For the first time he will "feel alive" by fighting.


Original Creator: Ishinomori Shotaro
Writer: Kobayashi Yasuko
Directors: Tasaki Ryuta, Shibasaki Takayuki, and others
Action Director: Miyazaki Takeshi (Japan Action Enterprise)
SFX Supervisor: Butsuda Hiroshi (Special Effects Laboratory)
Creature Design: Izubuchi Yutaka, Shinohara Tamotsu
Producers: Motoi Kengo (TV Asahi), Takebe Naomi and Kazuhiro Takahashi (Toei)

And, as far as rumors go... (this is only a RUMOR!)


Originally Posted by dukemon22
The 2nd rider, named Wozu/Wars, seems to be sea themed.

Ignis 06/29/10 09:52 AM

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Some of it reminds me of stuff I made up.

PrimoPiccolo 07/01/10 05:30 AM

Here's a nice surprise. Press conference in Japan today (AKA pretty much yesterday for us Americans) showing off the OOO goodies.


Included are our first looks at his Lion/Gorilla/Grasshopper configuration, his Kuwagata/Mantis/Cheetah configuration, his motorcycle and toy-friendly vending machine, his sword, his human identity, his new friends and his ally and possible future Rider, Anku (the guy with the red arm).


Originally Posted by dukemon22
It seems the lower level Kaijin are being controlled by "Yami" someone who is trying to use their medals to become King. Ozu is needed to stop him, and is selected because he has no human lust, and can resist greed, etc.

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