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Lunarwolf Landing 01/26/18 05:23 PM

The Sympathy For Adler
Its interesting how he did so many heinous things ,yet he is still written to be sympathetic in a lot of ways. Obviously not in a way to excuse his actions.

A Gia To Remember 01/26/18 11:47 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I don't know. The fact he murdered Cole's parents for no real reason makes him pretty unsympathetic.

Captain Codfish 01/26/18 11:48 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
The whole idea is how Adler's poor choices have ruined his life and destroyed him. He became a shell of his former self who only had his hatred for Cole left. He was a very tragic character. Even if his choices brought it on himself.

Goldar's Revenge 01/26/18 11:50 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Its easy to call someone a monster. But to see villians are flawed humans makes it scarier. Since it shows how far regular people can fall if they make bad decisions. It makes for a better antagonist as well.

KimandTommy 01/26/18 11:56 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Well I don't feel sorry for him at all. He was a murdere who chose to be evil. He deserved what was coming to him.

Inner Senshi 01/26/18 11:57 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I think Adler's back story was way too dark for a kids show. Its too bad the censors let it go.

VR Master 01/27/18 12:05 AM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Its pretty powerful when Cole refuses to stoop to his level and kill him. He even feels sorry for him despite everything Adler took from Cole.

Bandora's Ghost 01/27/18 08:10 AM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Great villians do have a little bit of sympathy for them. He was a good contrast to Cole. Who didn't give into vengeance or hate. Despite having a better reason for it than Adler did forgetting to his parents.

Astro Omega 01/28/18 04:25 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Master Org was really a multi-layer character. And is even more interesting from Adler's perspective. He is the finest villian the show has ever had in terms of writing.

Turbo Guy 01/28/18 04:26 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I think he was too serious. We needed Master Org to be a villain that cracked jokes and had all kinds of witty one liners.

Inner Senshi 01/28/18 04:27 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I think he was too scary for kids. So he should have been toned down. Adler was just too dark for a children's series. They were smart to make Lothor funny the next season. Its too bad they went more serious again with Mesogog. But he wasn't as scary as Master Org at least.

PRangerX 01/28/18 10:03 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Master Org was a good serious villian. I wouldn't want him making one liners or doing comedy. It would ruin the character and his backstory.

Massive Ego 01/28/18 10:07 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Yes it was so stupid when Lothor was treated like a clown and his backstory as Kiya,showed him to be serious. Plus with him killing the Thunder's parents it just didn't make sense.

VR Master 01/29/18 12:40 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
The sympathy you have for him for letting himself turn into a monster for jealousy, makes him a better villian.

Super Rad 01/29/18 12:53 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Why in the world would why anyone want to to make a great villian like Master Org into a clown like Lothor?

Hayley Oliver 01/29/18 01:08 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I don't know I think the real tragedy was the fact Cole never got to knew his parents.

Goldar's Revenge 01/29/18 01:23 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Adler dies rather pathetically in "Masters Last Stand". After just losing to Cole and getting mercy from the man whose parents he had killed. Its hard not to feel sympathy for Adler. those respects. It doesn't mean that he didn't deserve his fate or bought it on himself.

Its interesting because even when the true Master Org returns , he seems to retain Adler's perspective.

Piccolo's Legacy 01/29/18 01:43 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I always thought it was wierd that there was that scene where Shayla tried to convince Master Org to stop like he was stoll Adler. I know it's easy to see where the Rangers still thought he was Adler. But Master Org answers the questions like a guilt ridden Adler who feels there is no redemption. Rather than being the purely evil Mastsr Org.

Goldar's Revenge 01/29/18 01:48 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler

Originally Posted by Piccolo's Legacy (Post 73426)
I always thought it was wierd that there was that scene where Shayla tried to convince Master Org to stop like he was stoll Adler. I know it's easy to see where the Rangers still thought he was Adler. But Master Org answers the queztion like a guilt ridden Adler who feels there is no redemption. Rather than being the purely evil Mastsr Org.

Ironically Adler's humanity rubbed off on Master Org like Master Org's evil did to Adler. Even though Adler was gone, his memories still remained. As well as an echo of his human soul. From Master Org's prespective he was still Adler. So that scene with Shayla was genuine. We will never know if the real Adler would have repented. But it looks unlikely.

Hayley Oliver 01/29/18 01:51 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I never believed that Adler died in " Masters Last Stand". I think he was Adler the whole time after that. He just had become a real Org and truly deserved the title Mastsr Org. The original Master Org was killed by Merrick.

KimandTommy 01/29/18 01:52 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Yes Adler truely became an evil monster and was beyond redemption. He couldn't fool anyone like Kat or Karone. He was evil to the core and outwordly. The Wild Force team had no choice but to fknksh him off for good.

Usagi Reborn 01/29/18 02:39 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
It makes too much sense for Master Org to be possessing Adler 's dead body after "Master's". What would be the point of him fake dying and just coming back as Master Org? Plus we only see Org's posssess inanimate things. Jindrax knows Adler wasn't the real Master Org. But he refers to him as the real one they were waiting for all those years.

its likely Org was latent in Adler all that time and let him have access to his powers until the time was right to let him die. And in the process really returned. Its just Master Org still retained Adler's memories and feelings after his return.

PRangerX 01/29/18 02:41 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Agreed. The Scene with Shayla does fly in the face of the Adler death in "Last Stand" but the idea the real master just has his memories explains that away. It still feels more natural that the Master Org we see in the end has now possessed Adler's body. After the first had f showing us Adler's possessing Org's powers before his death.

Zabitan 01/29/18 04:05 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I'm not sure how I felt since on one hand I get that he was in love with Cole's mom, and wanted to be famous but things didn't work out.

But at the same time he seemed like even before he became Master Org he was blaming Cole's parents for why his life sucked instead of himself.

Astro Omega 01/29/18 04:15 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
He clearly showed signs of being psychotic before he even ate the seeds of Master Org.

Lunarwolf Landing 01/29/18 04:17 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler

Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 73448)
I'm not sure how I felt since on one hand I get that he was in love with Cole's mom, and wanted to be famous but things didn't work out.

But at the same time he seemed like even before he became Master Org he was blaming Cole's parents for why his life sucked instead of himself.

Thats right but it kind of makes me feel sorry for him that he was that petty. I am not saying his fall wasn't his own fault.

Byron Stinger 01/29/18 04:21 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
He really didn't have a bad life. And the Evans could have remained good friends and colleagues. He also had a chance to make a tremendous discovery with Animarium. And whose to say he wouldn't have found someone else that truely loved him back? He through his life away over petty jealousy. And feelings of betrayal that wasn't really there. Its likely Mrs. Evans never even knew he was attracted to her like that. Thats where the tragedy of his situation comes in. But it doesn't mean he didn't cause it all himself.

KimandTommy 01/29/18 04:28 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler

Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 73448)
I'm not sure how I felt since on one hand I get that he was in love with Cole's mom, and wanted to be famous but things didn't work out.

But at the same time he seemed like even before he became Master Org he was blaming Cole's parents for why his life sucked instead of himself.

I agree. I have no sympathy for the evil monster.

I Love Lothor 01/29/18 07:23 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I would have loved it if Master Org was funny and made one liners. Its why I love Lothor so much.

MattEmily 07/13/21 09:50 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler

Originally Posted by Lunarwolf Landing (Post 73289)
Its interesting how he did so many heinous things ,yet he is still written to be sympathetic in a lot of ways. Obviously not in a way to excuse his actions.

I don't know I mean I don't quite see him as sympathetic but I do get where he came from


Originally Posted by A Gia To Remember (Post 73295)
I don't know. The fact he murdered Cole's parents for no real reason makes him pretty unsympathetic.

Well I wouldn't say for no reason since he was hurt over Elizabeth's rejection then Richard got all of the spotlight so I do get how hurt he was so it's understandable even though it doesn't excuse it


Originally Posted by Goldar's Revenge (Post 73297)
Its easy to call someone a monster. But to see villians are flawed humans makes it scarier. Since it shows how far regular people can fall if they make bad decisions. It makes for a better antagonist as well.

I completely agree plus even if Elizabeth had rejected him, it might not have been the final nail in the coffin since they were an expedition team so all 3 should've been seen as equal regardless of whether 2 wanted to hook up or not, it still should've been a TEAM effort so it's understandable why he was hurt not just by Elizabeth's rejection BUT also by Richard taking over the spotlight.


Originally Posted by KimandTommy (Post 73298)
Well I don't feel sorry for him at all. He was a murderer who chose to be evil. He deserved what was coming to him.

Yes he became a murder but I do understand him as would people that have a heart


Originally Posted by Inner Senshi (Post 73299)
I think Adler's back story was way too dark for a kids show. Its too bad the censors let it go.

I think you're blowing it up since while it was dark it wasn't that dark.


Originally Posted by VR Master (Post 73305)
Its pretty powerful when Cole refuses to stoop to his level and kill him. He even feels sorry for him despite everything Adler took from Cole.

yup that was such a great scene especially since the Rangers had no reason to attack since he had just lost his powers and wasn't in the shape to fight


Originally Posted by Bandora's Ghost (Post 73309)
Great villians do have a little bit of sympathy for them. He was a good contrast to Cole. Who didn't give into vengeance or hate. Despite having a better reason for it than Adler did for killing to his parents.

Well I don't entirely agree with that. Rita, Zedd are all great villains and their history is pretty unknown


Originally Posted by Astro Omega (Post 73393)
Master Org was really a multi-layer character. And is even more interesting from Adler's perspective. He is the finest villian the show has ever had in terms of writing.

I don't know if I'd go that far BUT he is a great villain


Originally Posted by Turbo Guy (Post 73394)
I think he was too serious. We needed Master Org to be a cillian that cracked jokes and had all kinds of witty one liners.

I thought him being serious was fine.

Originally Posted by Inner Senshi (Post 73395)
I think he was too scary for kids. So he should have been toned down. Adler was just too dark for a children's series. They were smart to make Lothor funny the next season. Its too bad they went more serious again with Mesogog. But he wasn't as scary as Mastsr Org at least.

I didn't really care if he was too scary and I disagree about being toned down or "being too dark"

I hated Lothor so that was a bad move. Rita and Zedd did the goofy stuff right, Lothor was just bad


Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 73406)
Master Org was a good serious villian. I wouldn't want him making one liners or doing comedy. It would ruin the character and his backstory.



Originally Posted by Massive Ego (Post 73407)
Yes it was so stupid when Lothor was treated like a clown and his backstory as Kiya,showed him to be serious. Plus with him killing the Thunder's parents it just didn't make sense.

no doubt about that


Originally Posted by Super Rad (Post 73416)
Why in the world would why anyone want to to make a great villian like Master Org into a clown like Lothor?

precisely, Lothor was 1 of the worst ones we've had just because of his bad comedy routine


Originally Posted by Hayley Oliver (Post 73417)
I don't know I think the real tragedy was the fact Cole never got to know his parents.

that's very true but it is par for the course.

Tommy never got to know his real Parents since he was adapted
We never found out what happened with Mrs. Cranston so it's possible she died when Billy was really young
Justin's Mom possibly passed away

Andros never knew what happened to his
Cole's as we know were murdered
Hunter and Blake's Parents were murdered I don't recall if they were birth or adoptive
Trent's Dad presumably died in a cave-in
Syd only ever mentioned her Mom. Sky's Dad had been murdered.
Nick never knew what happened to his but discovered it.
Jayden's Dad died more than likely
Tyler's Dad went missing for awhile as did Brody's
Same with the Parents that Amelia had
Ravi never mentioned his Dad neither did Zoey while Devon never mentioned a Mom


Originally Posted by Goldar's Revenge (Post 73420)
Adler dies rather pathetically in "Masters Last Stand". After just losing to Cole and getting mercy from the man whose parents he had killed. Its hard not to feel sympathy for Adler. those respects. It doesn't mean that he didn't deserve his fate or brought it on himself.

Its interesting because even when the true Master Org returns , he seems to retain Adler's perspective.

I wouldn't say his death was bad since it wasn't in fact it was pretty good. Cole defeated him with his ultimate power to the point Adler lost his powers and was very weak while he was trying to get somewhere in the desert until he fell to his death at the hands of Mandilok

Yes at that point the true Master Org manifested but he still had to deal with the human emotions of the related human


Originally Posted by Piccolo's Legacy (Post 73426)
I always thought it was wierd that there was that scene where Shayla tried to convince Master Org to stop like he was still Adler. I know it's easy to see where the Rangers still thought he was Adler. But Master Org answers the question like a guilt ridden Adler who feels there is no redemption. Rather than being the purely evil Mastsr Org.

I didn't think it was weird since to them he was still Adler even though the true Master's spirit had manifested BUT he still had to suffer through whatever the human connection was


Originally Posted by Goldar's Revenge (Post 73427)
Ironically Adler's humanity rubbed off on Master Org like Master Org's evil did to Adler. Even though Adler was gone, his memories still remained. As well as an echo of his human soul. From Master Org's prespective he was still Adler. So that scene with Shayla was genuine. We will never know if the real Adler would have repented. But it looks unlikely.

yup precisely


Originally Posted by Hayley Oliver (Post 73428)
I never believed that Adler died in " Masters Last Stand". I think he was Adler the whole time after that He just had become a real Org and truly deserved the title Mastsr Org. The original Master Ort was killed by Merrick.

I don't agree since I feel the Master's spirit wouldn't have been able to manifest in someone that was still alive


Originally Posted by KimandTommy (Post 73429)
Yes Adler truely became an evil monster and was beyond redemption. He couldn't fool anypne like Kat or Karone. He was evil to the core and outwordly. The Wild Force team had no choice but to fknksh him off for goog.

I agree he couldn't fool anyone but Kat and Karone were not fooling anyone since they were no longer evil no matter how much your imaginary dream land wants to think that all female evil villains will always be evil. What about Tommy? What makes him not evil whereas you believe Kat and Karone are? How about Ryan, Hunter and Blake? They were brainwashed. What about Trent?


Originally Posted by Usagi Reborn (Post 73441)
It makes too much sense for Master Org to be possessing Adler 's dead body after "Master's". What would be the point of him fake dying and just coming back as Master Org? Plus we only see Org's possess inanimate things. Jindrax knows Adler wasn't the real Master Org. But he refers to him as the real one they were waiting for all those years.

its likely Org was latent in Adler all that time and let him have access to his powers until the time was rjght to let him die. And in the process really return. Its just Master Org still retained Adler's memories and feelings after his return.

I think you're partially right. Adler ate the seeds which put the Master in him hence the powers that he got however I don't believe he had a way to take control until the host died


Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 73442)
Agreed. The Scene with Shayla does fly in the face of the Adler death in "Last Stand" but the idea the real master just has his memories explains that away. It still feels more natural that the Master Org we see in the end has now possessed Adler's body. After the first had f showing us Adler's possessing Org's powers before his death.

true but I don't know


Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 73448)
I'm not sure how I felt since on one hand I get that he was in love with Cole's mom, and wanted to be famous but things didn't work out.

But at the same time he seemed like even before he became Master Org he was blaming Cole's parents for why his life sucked instead of himself.

well it wasn't just the Mom but also they were shunning him from the spotlight once they hooked up


Originally Posted by Astro Omega (Post 73449)
He clearly showed signs of being psychotic before he even ate the seeds of Master Org.

I don't think so


Originally Posted by Byron Stinger (Post 73451)
He really didn't have a bad life. And the Evans could have remained good friends and colleagues. He also had a chance to make a tremendous discovery with Animarium. And whose to say he wouldn't have found someone else that truely loved him back? He through his life away over petty jealousy. And feelings of betrayal that wasn't really there. Its likely Mrs. Evans never even knew he was attracted to her like that. Thats where the tragedy of his situation comes in. But it doesn't mean he didn't cause it all himself.

Correct however I also believe the Evans taking over the expedition spotlight played a role in it


Originally Posted by I Love Lothor (Post 73458)
I would have loved it if Master Org was funny and made one liners. Its why I love Lothor so much.

I wouldn't approve of that. It worked with Rita and Zedd but it wouldn't work with Master Org. It doesn't even work with Lothor either because he was serious when he was Kiya so it makes no sense

PRangerX 07/20/21 01:17 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
Him being sympathetic doesn't make him right. He can have some sympathy to him and still be totally wrong in his actions. Adler wanted to kill Richard when he hate the seeds. The seeds made him even worse...To where he wanted to kill the whole family. All terrible intentiona but even Cole feels sorry for Adler in the end.

Nate Zoey 07/20/21 01:26 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
I didn't see much of Wild Force but from what I know and have seen...Adler seems like a pretty bland villian.

Decepticon 07/20/21 01:28 PM

Re: The Sympathy For Adler
What makes Adler's story works is that its a story about a very flawed human being that is believable...Well until he eats magic seeds that turn him into the leader of evil spirits.

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