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Time Arrow 05/30/20 10:58 AM

The new Turbo Rangers
It was bad enough that the old team left so quickly and out of nowhere...But why did they act like the new Turbos were always Rangers? Shouldn't they have made a big deal.about their first mission?

PRangerX 05/30/20 11:12 AM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I remember feeling how odd that was when the episode aired. I expected them to do an episode after Passing of the Torch that made a big deal about their first mission. But the next episode acted like they were experienced Rangers and long time friends. There was that one seen an episode or so later where they hastily went into a battle against Dimitria's warning.

Turbo Guy 05/30/20 04:14 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Its just because Turbo was a whacky season. And I mean that as a compliment.

Morphing Master 06/01/20 04:52 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I would have liked it if we got to see the Turbo Team's first day on the job.

Kat Manx 06/01/20 05:08 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Its too bad one of the previous Rangers couldn't have stayed in a supporting mentor type role. Someone like Adam would have worked. Similar to Billy in Zeo. Keep Adam for the rest of Turbo at least. We know he knew Carlos and Ashley already. He was already a mentor of sorts to Carlos.

Turbo Guy 06/01/20 05:10 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Probably because they already had Justin remaining. He was the most relateable Ranger in Turbo's first half anyway. Especially for the target demo. I know because I was in that demo at the time.

I don't mind the weird transition anyway. It just added to the wackiness of the season. And as I repeatedly say, I love whacky,

PRangerX 06/01/20 05:15 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Keeping Adam around would have been a good idea. I remember there being talk that at one point Adam and Tanya are staying. Adam would have become Red Ranger and leader of the team, with Justin Blue, Carlos as Green, and Ashley, as Pink. But after the production changes that was all scrapped. But keep in mind this could have been debunked. Behind the scenes rumors don't always hold up, Especially from so long ago.

I do wonder if Adam would have remained Green, because Carlos did wear Red in his first appearance in season 1. Even if the above is bs, it does seem like Carlos and Ashley were a part of the plans by that point.

Zeo Forever 06/01/20 06:01 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I still say they stood have done Zeo Season 2 rather then Turbo. This would have involved keeping the Zeo cast around. If they had to replace Steve, that would be one thing.

Power Red 06/02/20 04:39 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
The best we got was when Dimitria gave them the Turbo Launcher and talked about them as new Rangers. Also the scene where they rush into a battle without a plan.

Piccolo Diamond 06/02/20 04:40 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
They were already introduced in Pass of The Torch. That was enough. They were already briefed on their powers off screen.

Bad Carranger 06/02/20 04:42 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Turbo was just a terrible season. Nothing they did made sense. The new Turbos were lame until PRIS.

Green With Envy 06/02/20 08:35 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I wish the old Rangers had a better final battle too. Their whole exit felt rushed. Obviously because it was a late decision.

Turbo Ultimate 06/02/20 08:37 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I am surprised they just didn't keep the old Rangers for the rest of the season and do a big finale with the old cast before moving on.

Bad Carranger 06/02/20 08:39 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Power Rangers Turbo would have been an odd time for such a finale. It was a comedy season and pretty awful overall. It would have felt off unless the Rangers got their send off in Space. The send off still felt special in Space even with the new cast. Since a lot of the past villains' storylines were all wrapped up. Not to mention Zordon's.

Astro Delta 06/02/20 08:43 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
You could actually argue the Space Rangers were actually a stronger team then the older Rangers. They were the only team up until that point that actually won.

Gosei Great 06/02/20 08:44 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I like the Space Rangers. But lets not forget they did run into some dumb luck and had help from Zordon's Wave. No Zordon's Wave and UAE wins. Not saying they weren't a good team. The older Rangers would have been screwed too without it.

Goldar's Revenge 06/02/20 08:49 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
It actually worked out that they switched up the cast. The series ratings were down and the old characters were stale. The ratings started to go up after the cast change. It was rough getting used to the new characters. But getting introduced to them in the second half of the season set up Space well. By that point we knew enough about the Space Rangers and could route for them. Which was good since most of the characterization in Space went to Andros. But it didn't matter because we already knew who the former Turbos were.

Turbo Black 06/02/20 08:51 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Its kind of funny because you would figure removing the old favorites would have the opposite effect.

Captain Codfish 06/02/20 08:54 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
Its also important to remember that the first half of the season was awkard. Justin dominated the show, the old Rangers didn't get to do much, and you had the detonator of the week plot that was tiresome. To top it off most of the early episodes didn't have zord battles. The second half still had a lot of Turbo's eccentric nature but the episodes were more PR like. Much more eventful moments happened.

Goldar's Revenge 06/02/20 08:56 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
The thing is , the second half had Justin as an important part of the team. The others got the same focus. It also felt more realistic for a kid to be tagging along with high school kids then young adults. It fit better with Justin being in high school himself. This made the rest of Turbo so much better.

No Green Spandex 06/02/20 08:56 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I did find it funny the great Tommy Oliver had to take a backseat to a 11 year old.

Zeo Master 06/02/20 08:59 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
A lot of people point to Countdown as the best PR finale...It was great no doubt...But people forget the epic Turbo Finale. For a comedy season , its amazing that finale was so good. It was the first truly great season finale.

Bad Carranger 06/02/20 09:00 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I have to admit the finale was good. It didn't save the season. But it at least made things exciting leading into Space. I guess you could say it saved the series from continuing to fall in quality.

Astronema 06/05/20 10:10 PM

Re: The new Turbo Rangers
I did think this was weird. At least the season introduced us to the future Space Rangers. So we were used to them by that season.

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