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Sentai Snob 10/17/16 10:41 PM

The Sentai Snob Thread
This is the thread for the Sentai Snobs Group we are starting here. Please do not post unless you are willing to join us and believe Sentai is better than Power Rangers. We will be happy to answer any of you're questions though. Either in this thread or via pm. Sentai is Forever has decided to allow me to lead.

Sentai Is Forever 10/17/16 10:47 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Thanks Snob, glad to be part of this group with you. PRangerX just pmed me and told me that he is having trouble with creating the actual social group but will keep working on it. He also asked me to make sure we let everyone know that our views are not necessarily the views of Power Rangers Online.

Ranger Sentai 10/17/16 10:50 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I've decided to take the plunge and try Sentai. To be honest Power Rangers kind of has been boring to me for a long time. I only post here out since I am used to talking about it on the web. I really feel like I need to move on to something else. Perhaps Sentai will help.

I hope you guys don't mind me posting here.

Sentai Snob 10/17/16 10:52 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Oh no this is the type of post we want. We ill be happy to help you learn more about Sentai. I think a lot of fans feel like you and just don't want to admit it. I'll pm you some Sentai info like I did Massive Ego. Hopefully you both can join us. I realize it will take time to watch all the Sentai.

Ranger Sentai 10/17/16 10:55 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Okay, I'm not quite so sure I will ever feel as strongly about it as you guys. I haven't watch much to be honest with you. But I am taking a break from PR. So I will have plenty of time to try and catch up. I know it will take awhile.

Massive Ego 10/17/16 10:56 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Sentai Snob wanted me to post about how I have agreed to watch Sentai. I don't know why. This isn't a cult. And its not a big deal. It will probably suck worse than Power Rangers to be honest. But might as well check it out. I had to sit through Overdrive of all things.

Sentai Is Forever 10/17/16 10:58 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I think he just wants people to see that its okay to watch Sentai. Snob and I have agreed not to force anyone to do anything they don't want to do. We just strongly believe in this. And think it will help everyone understand where we have been coming from.

Sentai Snob 10/17/16 11:01 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Yes, we are only trying to help everyone have some fun. We know a lot of you really don't like Power Rangers anymore. So we are trying to get you to realize Sentai is the answer to what is missing. Massive Ego and Xander Betts have wisely agreed to watch Sentai for themselves. We encourage everyone to give it a try as well. All it takes is one PM. I promise you , you won't be disappointed.

Sentai Envy 10/17/16 11:01 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Count me in guys. I've been lurking for awhile. Now I finally have a reason to post. But I agree with everything you have said.

Sentai Is Forever 10/17/16 11:08 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Welcome aboard. Glad we already have a third official member.

Changeman Returns 10/17/16 11:17 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Consider me on board. I only joined here to talk about the new Fuller House Show. Didn't talk very much. I watched some PR but my first love has always been sentai. I'll talk to PRX about what my new name shall be.

Sentai Snob 10/18/16 11:44 AM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
We already exchanged PMs but thanks again for joining.

Sentai Is Forever 10/18/16 11:45 AM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I was thinking maybe we should use my avatar as a uniform avatars for our members.

Sentai Snob 10/18/16 06:43 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I agree. Get in uniform guys. lol

Changeman Returns 10/22/16 12:58 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I'm gonna change my name to Sentai Fanatic.

Sentai Envy 10/23/16 09:11 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Your new name is pretty cool Fanatic .

Sentai Snob 10/24/16 03:24 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I agree, good to see you found your name.

Changeman Returns 10/24/16 03:26 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Thanks guys. Just glad to be part of the team. I thought this board was all PR fans in the beginning. Good to know there are a lot of us Sentai fans. Glad to have joined.

Sentai Is Forever 10/24/16 03:27 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I know the feeling, when I first got here I was the only one. Luckily Sentai Snob joined.

PRangerX 11/20/16 10:49 AM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Alright I finally added the custom group like you guys wanted. Sentai Snob is the group leader.

Sentai Snob 11/20/16 06:23 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Thank you PRangerx. I am glad we finally have the group together. You should all be able to join. If not pm PRangerX to add you.

Sentai Is Forever 11/20/16 06:26 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I move that Power Rangers should always be refered to American Sentai by every club member. Even for MMPR. I know it was suggested that should be called PR. But I think it makes sense to call it all American Sentai.

Sentai Envy 11/20/16 06:28 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Your probably right. Even if MMPR is total trash. Its best not to refer to PR at all.

Changeman Returns 11/20/16 06:29 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
We should also post in this thread more.

Sentai Snob 11/20/16 06:30 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Your right its important. Now that the club is official its a good time to start.

Ranger Sentai 11/20/16 06:33 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
I am ready to join now. The DC finale was the final straw. Sentai is the future not PR.

Sentai Snob 11/20/16 06:52 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Welcome aboard. Good to see you in uniform. Now you just need a new name. Good post in the Extinction thread. Just remember to refer to PR as American Sentai from now on.

Sentai Envy 11/20/16 06:58 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Glad to see you realize the truth Betts. Its a shame Ego didn't join us.

Sentai Is Forever 11/20/16 07:00 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Don't sweat the Power Rangers hiccup. Your brand new. You will get used to calling it American Sentai.

Ranger Sentai 11/20/16 07:02 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Thanks guys I won't let it happen again.

Sentai Envy 11/20/16 07:05 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Do you think we can get PRX to get rid of the massive ego posts from this thread? Having an American Sentai username in here doesn't seem right. I want to see a sea of Sentai Snob Avatars.

Sentai Envy 01/15/17 08:40 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Come on guys.I know there is more of us out there and other members ready to join up.

Sentai Snob 01/15/17 08:42 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
We welcome all potential Sentai Snobs.

Ranger Sentai 01/15/17 08:45 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Now that I am a Sentai Snob its time for a name change. I've been thinking about this for awhile. I am going to go with Sentai Hunter.

Sentai Is Forever 01/15/17 08:47 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Good choice , glad to see you fitting in.

Sentai Snob 01/15/17 08:48 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
You're a good example to all these American. Sentai fans. We are proud of you.

Ranger Sentai 01/15/17 08:52 PM

Re: The Sentai Snob Thread
Thanks guys. I am glad you have accepted me so well..I only hope more American Sentai fans follow my lead and become Sentai Snobs. I highly recommend it. Its so much better to be a fan of Super Sentai.

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