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Red With Evil 11/04/17 07:10 PM

Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Its even more baffling than when he let the MMPR era Rangers just leave during a conflict. He left the planet itself ,just to go home.

Goldar's Revenge 11/04/17 07:13 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Zordon's location had been compromised after Rita's escape in season 1. It only brought more more bad guys to Earth. And worse escalated the conflict between the UAE and the forces of good Zordon had to get bwck to Eltar for the sake of the galaxy. And really did Earth a favor, Spector would have invaded. Plus Dimitria was a good mentor to get the zRangers out of their comfort zone to become stronger and independent. Which they would need to be if anything happened to Zordon.

Sailor Saban 11/04/17 07:14 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Saban decidee that Zordon 's time on the show was over.

Lightspeed Solarzord 11/04/17 07:16 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
It likely wasn't Saban whon made the call, but I wonder why Bob left the series? Especially with him coming back for am re-occurring role in Space.

Turbo Black 11/04/17 07:19 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
The quest to find Zordon in Space would have meant movie if he had stayed to mentor the second Turbo Team. Instead he was just some guy that was there when they got their powers, who they heard was a big deal.

Zordon's Legacy 11/04/17 07:21 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
It didn't really matter since the quest meant something to the viewer and was treated like a big deal for the newbies. And it was implied Andros had a prior protege type relationship with Zordon.

Astro Delta 11/04/17 07:23 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Plus its not like its a stretch to see that the Turbos had been told that he was a big deal. Just like how they were briefed on Divatox and the past villains.

Phantom Stranger 11/04/17 07:26 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
New Rangers in the early seasons were commonly briefed off screen about those type of things.

Zabitan 11/04/17 07:50 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
The INS finally caught up with him after all those years of recruiting random teenagers to be Rangers, and the events of Alpha's magical Christmas.

Serious answer maybe he had some psychic vision of his own death, and wanted to go home one last time before it happened.

MattEmily 11/05/17 07:30 AM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?

Originally Posted by Phantom Stranger (Post 68472)
New Rangers in the early seasons were commonly briefed off screen about those type of things.

not always since the first replacements hadn't been told about Scorpina


Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 68474)
The INS finally caught up with him after all those years of recruiting random teenagers to be Rangers, and the events of Alpha's magical Christmas.

Serious answer maybe he had some psychic vision of his own death, and wanted to go home one last time before it happened.

LOL very funny.

Yes your serious answer is probably the most accurate perhaps he got a vision of what the Blue Senturion's Millennium Message was supposed to be telling Dimitria before the end of it became unplayable to the chip being damaged.

Superstatler 11/05/17 09:57 AM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Oddly enough they seemed to be briefed on Rita and Zedd but no Scorpina.

Ultra Fan Blue 11/05/17 09:58 AM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Probably because Zedd and Rita were actively attscking Earth and Scoprina was mia.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed 11/05/17 10:05 AM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Scorpina only made Zedd think she was working for him. Zordon secretly hired Scorpina to test Adam. This is why the newbies weren't briefed on her.As a reward for her work Scorpina was pardoned and granted Asylum on Eltar. Which is why we never saw her again.

Forever Lame 11/05/17 08:33 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Because he wanted to go home and figured the Rangers were strong enough without him. Dimitria was brought in to help and mentor the newbies after the transfer

KimandTommy 11/06/17 08:51 AM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Maybe he finally realized Kat was evil and Tommy refused to let him fire her. So Zordon left hoping Dimitria could convince him.

No Green Spandex 11/06/17 10:11 AM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
He got sick of dealing with Tommy in general.

Sentai Envy 11/06/17 12:17 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
To Denounce the evils of America Sentai

To extend her reach to the html codes around

Sentai Snobs move at the speed of Goggle Fiber

Original Footage, thats not right!

Zordon shouldn't even had existed much less lasted four seasons. Barza ended his run in one series.

White Spandex Rules 11/06/17 04:12 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
I think there was a big problem on Eltar. And the fact they were later invaded, makes it very likely.

Knights of Ren 11/06/17 04:38 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Thats got to be the reason it was so important to get back to Eltar. We know their was major galaxy issues between the forces of good and UAE.

A Gia To Remember 11/06/17 04:49 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Zordon wanted to go home and knew the Rangers were in good hands with Dimitria. Unfortunately he got captured at the end or the same year.

Zordon Prime 11/06/17 07:14 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
It was a dumb idea by the production team. Since Power Rangers isn't the same without Zordon.

But in universe, its most likely to do with Zordon needing to get back to Eltar to oversee the war with Specter more closely.

Zabitan 12/15/17 05:03 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 68475)
LOL very funny.

Yes your serious answer is probably the most accurate perhaps he got a vision of what the Blue Senturion's Millennium Message was supposed to be telling Dimitria before the end of it became unplayable to the chip being damaged.

I kind of wish we had spoiler tags because I also can't help if it was similar to Thor Ragnarok having a twist with the Ragnarok prophecy.

PRangerX 12/15/17 07:18 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?

Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 70439)
I kind of wish we had spoiler tags because I also can't help if it was similar to Thor Ragnarok having a twist with the Ragnarok prophecy.

You could always go old school and use spoiler space. Thor's been out for awhile anyway.

Blank Ranger 12/15/17 07:24 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
He felt Dimitria was an adequate replacement.

Samurai Forever 12/15/17 07:30 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
I never understood the reason behind this. It ended up being a bad decision since he was captured on Eltar without the Rangers to protect him.

Zabitan 12/15/17 07:33 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 70440)
You could always go old school and use spoiler space. Thor's been out for awhile anyway.

I didn't think about that.

I think it part of it is that Zordon got a vision of his own death along with the events of In Space, and he went back to Eltar to prevent them but then those events happened anyway, and he had another vision that proved that he was supposed to die to release the good energy to counter act Dark Spector's evil energy.

As for why I was worried about spoiling Thor Ragnarok it's because they have a similar twist where Thor goes back to Asgard because he has visions of it's destruction only to realize that he's not supposed to prevent Ragnarok but cause it since Asgard is the source of Hela's powers, and it's okay as long as the Asgardian people are around.

Captain Codfish 12/16/17 08:17 AM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Thats a good comparison. I do think its possible Zordon had some type of premonition.

A Gia To Remember 12/16/17 05:45 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
I think he was really just homesick and figured the Rangers had it covered with Dimitria. He let the older Rangers go to persue other things so he wasn't a hypocrite.

MattEmily 12/16/17 06:14 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?

Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 70439)
I kind of wish we had spoiler tags because I also can't help if it was similar to Thor Ragnarok having a twist with the Ragnarok prophecy.

we do have spoiler tags remember?

Zabitan 12/16/17 06:39 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Oh yeah I forgot.

MMPR Supreme 12/16/17 09:58 PM

Re: Why did Zordon leave Earth?
Zordon should never have left Earth or been written off the show. It wasn't believable that he would leave while Earth was under attack. The wormhole plot was too convenient.

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