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PRangerX 06/21/08 09:50 PM

Making your own Power Rangers Movie
Alright a major studio has given you millions of dollars to make a PR movie for the mainstream ( a la Transformers and the future 80's movie adaptions). What kind of movie would you do? What would it be about?

red timeforce ranger 06/21/08 10:02 PM

i make movie about pr timeforce - jen control new time poilce - she pick 6 new time force members - they come new pr timeforce - they chased after alex [jen 's old boyfiend ] come a villan and his group in the past

Knightfall 06/21/08 10:05 PM

"Power Rangers Reborn"

A Batman Begins/Star Trek/Casino Royale-style reboot of Power Rangers for mainstream audiences. Origins story.

- Suits, Zords and characters based off MMPR

- Transformers-style SFX for the robots

- Villians would be a CGI-based Machine Empire with hints of Lord Zedd for the sequel.

- It would show the origins of Zordon's legacy on Eltar and the ancient war against the villians and then jump to the present to the current crisis on Earth.

- Rangers would be in highschool with updated personalities;

Jason: A troubled teen involved in underground street fight clubs as a means to vent his emotions.

Billy: A computer hacker.

Zach: A street racer.


PRangerX 06/21/08 10:13 PM

I think a reboot would diffinitly be best. Especially if your trying to get the mainstream audience. You want to make it clear that this isn't a kids movie ( not talking anything close to R rated though, you still need the kids audience that other blockbusters attract).

Here is an interesting question though? Do you introduce Tommy in the first movie or in the second ( knowing that if the first one flops there probably won't be a second one)?

Knightfall 06/21/08 10:43 PM

Tommy in the second.

Jason should be the lead in the first.

They can incorperate the Evil Green Ranger Saga and Zedd into the 2nd film pretty easily.

They should avoid Rita in all these films though; too lame for a mainstream film.

They could definitely do an ID4-type invasion with the Machine Empire in the first film; that'd be great for a summer blockbuster.

PRangerX 06/22/08 11:16 AM

I'd diffinitly do the reboot. My main villain for the first one would be Rita Repulsa. But reimagined into a less campy villain. She would be freed by Astronauts on a hidden temple on the moon. Her mission to conquer Earth and find the Zeo Crystal to revive her master, Lord Zedd. Zordon, Lord Zedd's rival would recruit the Power Rangers to defend Earth. Jason, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy. Who would be five teenagers from different social cliques. The first movie would be very character driven. And really focus on how being a superhero effected their lives, and changed them as people. Of course there would be plenty of action too. Tommy would be introduced in it. And would build to his role in the second movie. The Rangers would defeat Rita Repulsa before she could revive Lord Zedd fully. But the end of the movie would see Zedd's Spirit come to Tommy and forshadow his role as Green Ranger.

The next movie would take place a a year later. The Power Rangers would be seen as big stars to the general public but the teens would have to deal with living there regular lives. With no one knowing they were the Rangers. They'd probably be a bit cocky. Tommy would complete his training as Green Ranger and become a new menace to the team. Nearly destorying them. In the climatic battle the Rangers would defeat Tommy and free him from Zedd's control. But the movie would end with Zedd being fully revived.

Zedd would prove to be a major menace to the Rangers. Leaving Massive damage in his attacks. Zedd would plot to use the Zeo Crystal to destory Earth. Tommy would agonize over all the evil he did. But in the movies the Green Ranger powers would be evil. Meaning that if Tommy morphed again, he'd risk becoming evil forever. There would be romantic angst between Kim and Tommy. In the Movie's climax Tommy would chance using the Green Ranger Powers and seemingly sacrifice himself to defeat Zedd. The Zeo Crystal would go missing.

In the fourth movie, the Rangers would be getting ready to graduate from school. Still mourning the loss of Tommy. Their Dinosuar powers would be weak after the last battle. Making them worry about their future as Rangers. But Lord Zedd would return. This time with his fleet of ships ( that were trapped in limbo for years). Earth would be be decimated by Zedd's forces. But Tommy would return , having been revived and his powers perified by the Zeo Crystal. Now as the White Ranger the Ranger teens would defeat Zedd and his forces, but at the cost of the orginal fives Dino Powers. But the Rangers would have learned to move on and let go. Tommy and Kim would admit their feelings for each other. But would let each other go so Kim could persue other opertunities in Gymnastics. It would end with Tommy leading a new generation of Zeo Rangers ( to set up possible sequels). Who would have been introduced throughout the movie.

DarkRanger99 06/22/08 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by red timeforce ranger (Post 31969)
i make movie about pr timeforce - jen control new time poilce - she pick 6 new time force members - they come new pr timeforce - they chased after alex [jen 's old boyfiend ] come a villan and his group in the past

There actually were plans to release a Time Force Movie, but they were cancelled due to 9/11

PRangerX 06/22/08 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by DarkRanger99 (Post 31996)
There actually were plans to release a Time Force Movie, but they were cancelled due to 9/11

It had a lot to do with the threat of a strike ( writers or actors) that year, that never happened. The movie was an idea, not sure how close it was to happening. But at one point they wanted TF to have 52 episodes. I believe Jonathon even pushed for more episodes. But it all ended up being cut down to 40. Which is why things seemed to jump after Ransik goes after Frax. They lost a huge chunk of episodes that they were going to use to tell their story. I'm not sure if 9/11 played a role as well, it very well could have though. I know it caused TF episodes to get reedited with less explosions, and mentions refering to stuff like that.

PrimoPiccolo 07/11/08 07:00 PM

I'd definitely opt for an origin story, but not the MMPR rehash. Instead, jump to the world where Tommy's grandson becomes a Ranger. That way you could get Jason Frank to make a cameo explaining the game, and drive those nutty Tommyholics to the theaters. And of course no Zords.

Equal parts old and new, that'd do the trick.

DarkRanger99 07/12/08 03:42 PM

No Zords? If it was done right, the Megazord battle could the best part of the movie!

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