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MattEmily 04/26/18 12:24 PM

Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version
I have an idea to write a new Fanfic. Most of my Fanfics tend to be really out there and this is no exception to that train of thought.

It'll take place probably at some point during Ninja Steel so I can use those characters.

I do want to use other un-introduced Rangers like Talon Ranger for example but I probably won't since I've never seen him in action so for the most part I'll just be using the main Rangers who were introduced in each series and not those specific powers who magically came out of thin air.

I will also be using main allies that fought with the team and yes that includes Ninjor and Auric.

Villains who will be in the Fanfic will include the following:
  1. Lokar
  2. Goldar
  3. Scorpina
  4. Master Vile
  5. Prince Sprocket
  6. Klank
  7. Orbus
  8. Prince Gasket
  9. Princess Archerina
  10. Mama D
  11. Porto
  12. Impostra (Galaxy monster who ran)
  13. Sharkjaw (Nighlok who ran)

Now what other villains would be good? I'm trying to pick out those who might still be alive according to the show's timeline.
I want to make sure I have enough villains for each of my groups to fight now I don't know how I'm going to split up the groups evenly but I do want to have either 1 or 2 groups of Reds same thing with Blues and Yellows I'll also have Greens and Blacks paired up same with Whites (regular ones not Extra ones) and Pinks. I'll likely need to use civilians to fill in some gaps.

Any ideas?

Here's the team that I know will be there.

MMPR White
MMPR Green
MMPR Black (Zack)
MMPR Pink (Kimberly)
MMPR Blue (Billy)
MMPR Yellow
MMPR Red (Jason
all 5 Alien Rangers
all 5 Zeo Rangers plus Trey and Auric. Kat, Tanya, Rocky and Adam will take up their colors. Not sure about Red yet..
all Turbo including Blue Senturion and Phantom
all Space, Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time Force, Wild Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, SPD, Mystic, Overdrive, Jungle, RPM, Samurai, Megaforce, Dino Charge and Ninja Steel including Sam as Omega, Kat Ranger, Nova, Solaris, Wolf Warrior, Sentinel Spirit, Elephant Ranger, Bat Ranger, Shark Ranger, both Red Samurai Rangers, Robo Knight, Orion, all 10 Dino Charge Ranger and all 6 Ninja Steel Rangers

Miki1988 04/26/18 05:31 PM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version
I like the idea of the Rangers fighting the villains from their own respective seasons.

For MMPR, I'd pick the original 5 (Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Jason) + Tommy as MMPR Green. The clone could be the White one. The Zeo group checks out except for Zeo Red. Maybe Eltar could come up with a Robot Ranger version of Tommy for that Ranger and also DinoThunder Black (example: just scrap robot Justin and make him into Robot Tommy for Zeo Red somehow plus come up with a Robot Tommy #2 for Brachio Power).

For Turbo, just use the 4 remaining Robot Turbos and real Justin.

The rest of the teams from the rest of the seasons all check out pretty much, however is Galaxy Pink Kendrix or Karone? I'd rather choose Karone myself, but that's just my opinion since she did end up fulfilling her dreams of being a Power Ranger and making up for all the evil she did as Astronema. Maybe come up with a plot where Kendrix decided to pursue other things in life instead of being a Power Ranger, such as science or something and chose to give her Quasar Saber to Karone permanently.

MattEmily 04/26/18 05:52 PM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version

Originally Posted by Miki1988 (Post 75862)
I like the idea of the Rangers fighting the villains from their own respective seasons.

For MMPR, I'd pick the original 5 (Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Jason) + Tommy as MMPR Green. The clone could be the White one. The Zeo group checks out except for Zeo Red. Maybe Eltar could come up with a Robot Ranger version of Tommy for that Ranger and also DinoThunder Black (example: just scrap robot Justin and make him into Robot Tommy for Zeo Red somehow plus come up with a Robot Tommy #2 for Brachio Power).

For Turbo, just use the 4 remaining Robot Turbos and real Justin.

The rest of the teams from the rest of the seasons all check out pretty much, however is Galaxy Pink Kendrix or Karone? I'd rather choose Karone myself, but that's just my opinion since she did end up fulfilling her dreams of being a Power Ranger and making up for all the evil she did as Astronema. Maybe come up with a plot where Kendrix decided to pursue other things in life instead of being a Power Ranger, such as science or something and chose to give her Quasar Saber to Karone permanently.

I prefer Karone over Kendrix myself but that's just me. I'd like to use both of them but that'd be hard to do. I'd like to use Aisha even though Trini was a much cooler MMPR Yellow. I prefer not to do clones or robots since that's just too simple.

Not sure what villains I should use for the other seasons.

Miki1988 04/27/18 11:50 AM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version
Then either skip those Ranger powers. Not having MMPR group back together kind of sucks, so if I were you, I'd just go by person and assign them the Ranger power that could make a team as complete as possible or really close to being complete or at least make a team be at least represented. So, if for example, Tommy's Green, skip MM White, Zeo Red and DinoThunder Black. Rocky could as well be Zeo Ranger III Blue and Justin Blue Turbo, but have the Turbo 1 group to be Zeo Rangers and the Turbo 2 group be Space Rangers. That way, every team is at least represented. Not every Ranger power has to be there in order for every team to be represented, since in Power Rangers, there are Rangers who had used multiple powers.

As for the villains, here's a couple of suggestions (RangerCentral.com to the rescue for name spelling):
Lightspeed - Diabolico & Olympius and Batlings
Time Force - Frax & Cyclobots or Vypra's Soldiers from the from the LR/TF crossover
Wild Force - Zen-Aku (but independent of Merrick)
Ninja Storm - Shimazu (can't think of any other reason besides his Sentai counterpart being in Gokaiger)
DinoThunder - Mesogog (maybe Anton Mercer is involved in the new LB as well somehow?)
S.P.D.: - Bluehead Krybot & Orangehead Krybot, now independent of Grumm and now serving under a new villain)
Mystic Force - Koragg (would make up for good Wolf Warrior vs. (now real) Koragg battle)
Operation Overdrive - Kamdor (the way he betrayed Miratrix was brutal in my opinion)
Jungle Fury - Phantom Beast Generals
R.P.M. - Kilobyte
Samurai - The Papyrox
Megaforce - Metal Alice
Super Megaforce - Dramas (but the Gokaiger version, not the toned-down SMF version)
Dino Charge & Ninja Steel - no idea. I have not seen those seasons. Only Fury from DC caught my eyes because his Sentai counterpart was amazing.

MattEmily 04/27/18 03:27 PM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version

Originally Posted by Miki1988 (Post 75865)
Then either skip those Ranger powers. Not having MMPR group back together kind of sucks, so if I were you, I'd just go by person and assign them the Ranger power that could make a team as complete as possible or really close to being complete or at least make a team be at least represented. So, if for example, Tommy's Green, skip MM White, Zeo Red and DinoThunder Black. Rocky could as well be Zeo Ranger III Blue and Justin Blue Turbo, but have the Turbo 1 group to be Zeo Rangers and the Turbo 2 group be Space Rangers. That way, every team is at least represented. Not every Ranger power has to be there in order for every team to be represented, since in Power Rangers, there are Rangers who had used multiple powers.

skipping isn't an option.


As for the villains, here's a couple of suggestions (RangerCentral.com to the rescue for name spelling):
Lightspeed - Diabolico & Olympius and Batlings
Time Force - Frax & Cyclobots or Vypra's Soldiers from the from the LR/TF crossover
Wild Force - Zen-Aku (but independent of Merrick)
Ninja Storm - Shimazu (can't think of any other reason besides his Sentai counterpart being in Gokaiger)
DinoThunder - Mesogog (maybe Anton Mercer is involved in the new LB as well somehow?)
S.P.D.: - Bluehead Krybot & Orangehead Krybot, now independent of Grumm and now serving under a new villain)
Mystic Force - Koragg (would make up for good Wolf Warrior vs. (now real) Koragg battle)
Operation Overdrive - Kamdor (the way he betrayed Miratrix was brutal in my opinion)
Jungle Fury - Phantom Beast Generals
R.P.M. - Kilobyte
Samurai - The Papyrox
Megaforce - Metal Alice
Super Megaforce - Dramas (but the Gokaiger version, not the toned-down SMF version)
Dino Charge & Ninja Steel - no idea. I have not seen those seasons. Only Fury from DC caught my eyes because his Sentai counterpart was amazing.
that wouldn't work since all of those are dead and any villains I use will be the ones we saw in the show regardless of how horrible they were but you did give me an idea since that wasn't the actual counterparts of Shimazu and Vexacus in Gokaiger they were their sons however I will be using some new villains. As for Koragg that needs the Master who is dead. Papyrox were Serrator's soldiers and he's dead but a lot of other foot soldiers are options. Cogs, Piranhatrons, Putrid Pods, Quantrons and Moogers.

Krybots operated under Gruumm and Broodwing without them they can't appear.

MMPR = Lokar, Goldar, Scorpina and Master Vile. Putties were made by Finster, Z-Putties were made by Zedd so they're out but Tenga Warriors are an option.
Zeo = Prince Sprocket, Klank, Orbus, Prince Gasket and Princess Archerina. Cogs are manufactured so that's an option
Turbo = Mama D and Porto. Piranhatrons were soldiers who aligned themselves with Divatox.
Galaxy = Impostra. I think these 2 would be good https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic.../ghelmadix.jpg and https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...daitanixii.jpg
Time Force = I think he https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...ger/banjan.jpg would be a good option for the mutants
Samurai = Sharkjaw
Dino Charge = I could use Sledge, Poisandra and Wrench
Ninja Steel = I would have their Rangers come from Super Ninja Steel

MMPR Forever 05/02/18 10:06 PM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version
Just focus on MMPR and pretend tnat Zedd and Rita were never purified. MMPR isthe best. Maybe Ninja Steel can have a cameo.

Plan Xander 05/02/18 10:21 PM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version
I would like to see more stuff with Master Vile. Since we never got resolution.

MattEmily 05/03/18 09:43 AM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version

Originally Posted by MMPR Forever (Post 75925)
Just focus on MMPR and pretend tnat Zedd and Rita were never purified. MMPR isthe best. Maybe Ninja Steel can have a cameo.

don't be ridiculous this is a Legendary War that involves all teams not just specific ones that are my favorite or your favorite..


Originally Posted by Plan Xander (Post 75926)
I would like to see more stuff with Master Vile. Since we never got resolution.

oh that's not a bad idea we could have him lead the faction that was once under Dark Specter's control

MattEmily 05/03/18 10:07 AM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version
MMPR = Lokar, Goldar, Scorpina and Master Vile. Putties were made by Finster, Z-Putties were made by Zedd so they're out but Tenga Warriors are an option.
Zeo = Prince Sprocket, Klank, Orbus, Prince Gasket and Princess Archerina. Cogs are manufactured so that's an option
Turbo = Mama D and Porto. Piranhatrons were soldiers who aligned themselves with Divatox.
Galaxy = Impostra. I think these 2 would be good https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic.../ghelmadix.jpg and https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...daitanixii.jpg
Time Force = I think he https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...ger/banjan.jpg would be a good option for the mutants
Ninja Storm = Vexacus Jr. and Shimazu Jr.

Mystic Force = https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...anger/ogre.jpg or https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...r/kirikage.jpg
RPM = https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic.../arelunbra.jpg
Samurai = Sharkjaw
Dino Charge = I could use Sledge, Poisandra and Wrench
Ninja Steel = I would have their Rangers come from Super Ninja Steel

MattEmily 07/17/18 07:06 PM

Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version
some adjustments here on the villains.

MMPR = Lokar, Goldar, Scorpina, Finster and Master Vile. Putties and Super Putties were made by Finster so they're available, Z-Putties were made by Zedd so they're out but Tenga Warriors are an option.
Zeo = Prince Sprocket, Klank, Orbus, Prince Gasket and Princess Archerina. Cogs are manufactured so that's an option
Turbo = Mama D and Porto. Piranhatrons were soldiers who aligned themselves with Divatox so they're an option. Putrid Pods sometimes came from the Subcraft so they're an option. I think I would use an unused Terrorzord to create a bigger threat.
Galaxy = Impostra. I think these 2 would be good https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic.../ghelmadix.jpg and https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...daitanixii.jpg
Time Force = I think he https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...ger/banjan.jpg would be a good option for the mutants
Ninja Storm = Vexacus Jr. and Shimazu Jr.

Mystic Force = https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...anger/ogre.jpg or https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic...r/kirikage.jpg
RPM = https://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pic.../arelunbra.jpg
Samurai = Sharkjaw
Dino Charge = I could use Sledge, Poisandra and Wrench
Ninja Steel = I would have their Rangers come from Super Ninja Steel

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