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prgamestation 12/29/02 09:55 PM

PRO dead?
Do you think we have to start to believe that PRO is dead?

gaoranger37138 12/29/02 09:57 PM

Re: PRO dead?
I starting doing that a long time ago

craigmoore2001 12/29/02 09:58 PM

Re: PRO dead?
Me too.

prgamestation 12/29/02 09:59 PM

Re: PRO dead?
Lol! I know. But ChronoRanger disappears for a
lng time and sundenly reappears! I don't know what to
think about this guy. It's kinda funny. He always
leaves the visitors of his site in the dark and despite
all these he has the biggest Power Rangers domain on
the internet. Sometimes I feel like a sucker

xpt2004 12/29/02 10:00 PM

Re: PRO dead?
Maybe we should, after all many of these great PR
sites have died, The Power Core, Power rangers online
Archives, Starpoints.net etc. But I wouldn't call it a
total loss, another great one always springs up to take
its place. As much as i would like to know what
happened to the site I hardly think Chronoranger owes
anyone an explanation. it's his site and he can do
whatever he wants with it. He created it and he can
destroy it!

xpt2004 12/29/02 10:02 PM

Re: PRO dead?
As much as I hate to admit it, Ray Calderon my
arch-enemy has the biggest pr domain on the web, hands down!
It's a long story why we became arch-enemies and I
still think to this day i am the reason why he took
down the email portion of his site.

PRdude 12/29/02 10:03 PM

Re: PRO dead?
I'd agree about Power Rangers Central being the best PR site around now. Now if only Ray C. could just lighten up a bit...

xpt2004 12/29/02 10:04 PM

Re: PRO dead?
True dat, he is a quite the little prik. But he does know how to rock the web with his cool websites.

PRdude 12/29/02 10:05 PM

Re: PRO dead?
Have you ever stopped by his PRC message board? I
actually post there at times, but I want to stand out from
the crazies over there. <br><br>I go by the name of
PRdude at EZboard message boards by the way. You might
know of me.

Dukemon222 12/29/02 10:06 PM

Re: PRO dead?
Hey PRdude! I'm Dukemon 22 at the Ezboards.

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