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-   -   What would you ask the VR Troopers Cast and Crew at a convention? (powerrangersonline.com/showthread.php?t=3239)

Zabitan 01/17/11 07:34 PM

What would you ask the VR Troopers Cast and Crew at a convention?
Hypothetically speaking if the cast and crew was at a convention like the next Morphicon, and you were there what would you ask.


Is VR Troopers in the same universe as Power Rangers?

Was there ever plans to crossover with Power Rangers?

Were the Troopers ever gonna find out Ziktor was Grimlord?

Was there ever a third season or a proper finale planned?

Was there an "in universe" explanation for the battle grid suits?

If they did a new VR Troopers would you return, and if so would you play your old character or a new one?

Were there any scenes or episodes that were written and/or filmed that never made it on the show?

PRangerX 01/17/11 07:34 PM

Good Questions

Did you ever get to do you're own stunts?

How did VR Troopers shape you're acting carreer?

Are you surprised that people still remember the show?

Do you ever get reconized on the street because of the show?

Was there any pressure to do as well as Power Rangers had done?

Did you ever interact with the Power Rangers cast at the time?

What made VR Troopers such a special show?

MattEmily 02/23/14 06:43 PM

Re: What would you ask the VR Troopers Cast and Crew at a convention?
Those are some great questions.
One of my questions would definitely have to be if they got to wear the suits at all whether they'd be the Battle Grid suits or the VR Trooper suits.

Another question I would have is whether they got to meet the voice actors.

MattEmily 07/07/14 04:54 PM

Re: What would you ask the VR Troopers Cast and Crew at a convention?
My other questions would be is what they thought about auditioning for the show and if it was as intense as Power Rangers was due to the fighting that they had to do.

MattEmily 12/04/17 06:49 PM

Re: What would you ask the VR Troopers Cast and Crew at a convention?
My other questions would be as follows:

Which Grimlord suit was your favorite?
If you had the chance to pick your character who would you choose? Any character goes as long as he or she was in an episode.
Were you disappointed that the show didn't get proper closer?
What do you think your characters would be up to now?

Troopers Supreme 12/04/17 07:32 PM

Re: What would you ask the VR Troopers Cast and Crew at a convention?
Was there any pressure to do as well as Power Rangers?

MattEmily 02/14/18 10:45 AM

Re: What would you ask the VR Troopers Cast and Crew at a convention?
I thought of some more questions.

How hard was it when doing scenes with Professor Hart or Jeb?
Did you ever come across Julian (Professor Hart) in the studio when you were doing scenes?
Did you ever run into any of the voice actors on the show? Not quite the late Gardner since you had scenes with him when he was Carl Ziktor but I mean the ones like Kerrigan who did Jeb or Icebot?

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