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PRangerX 04/03/04 02:49 PM

Beneath the Surface Descussion
Dicuss the latest epsiode of DinoThunder here.

Crystal Ranger 04/04/04 08:05 PM

A cut and paste from the Free Country Messageboard. . .

This was another great episode. We finally know for a fact that Randell is Elsia, for those to blind to not notice that is. The scenes between those two were great.

As if to make it better, Zeltracks acts like he's jealious. This helps prove a theroy many have that Elsia and Zeltrack are really Trent's parents.

We had another great MotW. Not to mention our first seperate Zord fight. The new Zord is pretty cool. With all the Zords coming and making a more powerful Megazord mode its striking me to be like Wild Force in that sense. Which I don't consider an insult, because unlike most PR fans I consider Wild Force one of the best series.

The part between Trent and Anton was good. Anton keeps talking that he wants to "better" the world and that soon it will be up to him. Duh, we all know he's going to be the White Ranger. However, I don't think he does it of his own free will. I read somewhere that he loses his memory, which I wouldn't put it past Anton/Messegog.

The ending was good. I loved how Messegog got in Elsia's face.

Elsia: "But master do I have to, he's just so...good!"

Then Messagog gets his undies in a bunch and gets in her face about it.

The end with Randell and Tommy was good. Somethign tells me theres antoher sub plot there. Then the scene between the four Rangers was great.

Connor: "Yeah, but remember Dr. O. has a thing for dinosaurs."
Tommy: "Don't even start with me Connor."
Kira: "I think it's a perfect match."
Tommy: "Aren't you lat for class?"
Connor: "Yeah, we were kind of hoping you could write us a pass or something."
Tommy: "Yeah right!"

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