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Old 10/09/09, 08:28 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Tendou View Post
Everything relies on the sales of toys. Power Rangers is a show that is basically one big commercial. All that the executives care about are the sales of the toys. KRDK is in the same boat. If the toys don't sell then there will be no sequel or anything continuing after it. That is why RPM is the final Ranger season. The toys have not been selling as much as they used to.

This is something I think all of you should read. This is an interview with the creator Steve Wang. He talks about the show and what he plans to do in the future.
The production costs also played a huge role in PR's cancellations. Toy Sales going down are diffinitly a big part of it though. You're right the toy sales are extremely important

I agree that the toy sales are going to make or break Kamen Rider's chances of a new season. If things fail, it still wouldn't surprise me to see Kamen Rider make another comeback someday.

I think any new incarnation will probably start with a clean slate. Dragon Knight was shot a few years ago and the actors have probably moved on. Also its unclear how much they will leave open for a sequel.

That was a good interview. Of course it was done in Feb. So it was very early in Dragon Knight's run.
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