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Old 10/24/09, 08:41 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by PrimoPiccolo View Post
Wow. We sit around to re-account for the things we've already spent plenty of time sulking about, from the loss of Sting to Kit's whinefest upon Siren's arrival, yet when we finally get a chance for Kit to air out the Onyx problem, he keeps tight-lipped about it? That's not storytelling, that's purposefully avoiding storytelling for the sake of the plot you've already decided to go with.

A writer's first duty should always be to make their characters believable. And there's nothing believable about a neophyte to alien powers keeping dreams of destroying his teammates from the very aliens he got said powers from, especially when the bad guy has admitted to invading his brain before. It's not about worrying them, it's about keeping them safe!

Leave it to Dragon Knight to make a recap episode more annoying than the concept already is.
I get the sense that there is more to the Onyx dreams. There may be a reason why they had Kit refuse to talk about it. Otherwise they could have done without Kit saying that. Since it sounded like he told them about it in the flashback.
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