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Old 05/15/02, 12:25 AM   #18
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 07/10/00
Posts: 65
Default Re: Two theories on Phantom's Identity....

(gasps) What's this? Di...did I just hear CML ASSUMING a whole crapload details that was never proven on the show? Apparently, hell has frozen over.
The Astronema era ended at the millenium, and the Silver Hills era took place in 2001, it's VERY possible that Alex could have done both. (And btw, does the phrase "exosting out of time" mean anything to ya?)
Who's to say how much Mitchel knew of Ranger history? I'm pretty sure that the minds of both hr and Ms. Fairweather could produce just a teeeeeeny of outside world info. Yes, he lives under the sea, it's nice that you have a memory which works that well, but I guess satellite images, servallence, and television all went extinct before Lightspeed opened for business.
Yes, the NASADA guy was part of Zordon's "Master PLan" as quoted by Alhpa 6. Again, we seem to not know Mitchell's factoid limitations.
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