Thread: Hello
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Old 03/23/06, 03:09 AM   #3
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Join Date: 12/04/00
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I would like to personally apoligize to you Emma. I was not aware that you wanted the forum to be shut down. I did not mean to go against your wishes. I am also sorry for allowing the board to remain crazy and not being sticter. Its just that I am not a very strict admin and beleive in a loose atmosphere where anything goes. Which works on a fan board but not a official forum. I was a little stricter here than I am at my PR board.. If I had to do things over again I would have probably have ran this place a bit tighter. I also haven't been around enough.

If you were to give m another chance Emma, I would run things per your orders. But I realize you probably want to start over more professionally.

I will respect your wishes and will not longer refer to this place as the official forums for your. If this site can no longer be your official forums than I would still like to keep it open in some shape or forum. Once choice would be having this be another fan site with no affilation to you. Just like RB is not an offical site for Power Rangers. Or I could just rebrand this board for the people here into something new to keep the community together.
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