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Old 03/03/08, 10:21 PM   #10
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 01/15/08
Posts: 66
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Well, the episode was pretty mediocre, to be honest. The Lily/Casey interaction was good, but, the fact that Casey was poisoned was forgotten a minute after it happened. It seemed to affect Lily more than Casey, because of her worrying. I'm hoping it wasn't forgotten, but, instead, something that's going to pop up later. The bike scene was tolerable, and, at least the weapons aren't "Lasers!" as we've been subjected to since, what, Dino Thunder? Tiger Strike is far less annoying a name, and wasn't shouted with that annoying voice that all the other rangers in recent memory have done. And, finally, the Daishi reveal wasn't handled as well as it could have been, but wasn't bad. I hope they end up doing more with it in the near future.

The squishing of two Geki eps wasn't a bad idea, but the ep was rushed. With so many multi-episode story arcs in Geki, this doesn't bode well for the future. Nearly every two episodes there was a multi-ep arc, and occasionally several were placed back to back. If they all end up as rushed as this one was, then I fear for what might become of this series. It's started out with so much promise, and I really hope it doesn't let us down, but it's concerning.

I give this ep a 3/5.

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