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Old 11/23/11, 11:52 PM   #6
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Default Re: If you were in Charge of PR

Let's see... what would I do?
Well first off I would want some interesting villains like for example a villain like Mesogog. I like villains who are serious and threatening. I just wouldn't want a villain to be part human like Mesogog kind of was.

I don't really care about the zord fights since being in charge of Power Rangers, you can't control what's already in the Sentai footage. My only problem with the zords is all of the Mega Combo Megazords where it seems like Toei feels the need to create about 10-13 zords and then come up with a combination that has every zord in it but again you can't control anything in regards to the zords. All you can do is control the footage. It'd be nice if some zords got more focus instead of focusing the attention to a specific zord. I mean in the first season, you typically only saw the Megazord, the Dragonzord, the Dragonzord in Battle Mode and the Ultrazord. You didn't really get to see a whole lot of the Megadraqgonzord so that is definitely 1 thing that I would have changed. Sure, it would have just been recycled footage but most things in Power Rangers are recycled anyway.

I would also like an evenly split team so that there's 3 boys and 3 girls. I think it's so unfair that they don't ever do that since it's basically like Toei is being sexist. I would also have female Red Rangers, female Green Rangers, female Black Rangers and female 6th Ranger. Sure, we've had a female Red Ranger already but I mean a female Red Ranger that is the main Red Ranger throughout the whole season.

Also if I was in charge of Power Rangers, I wouldn't ever use the zord fights unless they're of a certain length. If a zord fight is just basically tacked on to an episode just so that they can use a minute or 2 of zord footage then I wouldn't ever use it.

Also in 1 instance I would have it so that civilians hate the villains and the Rangers because they're causing a war between each other that is causing serious damage to their city. Not to mention the millions of destroyed buildings.
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