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Old 12/13/11, 04:54 PM   #7
Comic Relief
Join Date: 02/22/11
Posts: 47
Default Re: If you were in Charge of PR

The 1st season ends as seen. The 2nd season starts the same, with the existing season 1 finale/season 2 start episode. Thunderzords are separate fleet of Zords that Zordon gives to the Rangers. The Rangers and Zordon manage to restore Tommy's Green Ranger Powers for good. Of course, Zedd doesn't hunt or target him in early S2 episodes, because the fact that the Green Rangers in running on low battery charge somehow escapes him and when he realizes, it's too late. Tommy stays as the Green Ranger and gains a new sheild and a new Zord. His new shield would be the White Ranger's (Kibaranger's) sheild, only the black parts would be repainted green. Jason, Trini and Zack don't leave to the Piece Conference, they stay with the team. Tommy's new Zord is still the White Tigerzord and he is given Saba as well, although he still uses the Dragon Dagger occasionally as a weapon. The 2nd season developes the characters even more and each of them gets a focus episode. Tommy/Kim, Trini/Billy, Zack/Angela relationshps are acknowledged. Also, another sub-plot begins in the last quarter of episodes of the 2nd season and that is about the Rangers wanting to find something of an interest they'd do for a living. But, after a hard and massive battle, they decide that the safety of the World comes first and they put the persuit of their interests temporarily on hold. Zedd and Rita don't get married, but they do become allies, after Rita prooving to him she is worthy of being an empress of evil after somehow returning back to the moon palace. Zedd rewards her and she gains not only new powers, but a new voice and attitude. Together, they become more powerful and the Rangers are having trouble defeating them, but in the end, they always manage to do so.

Bulk and Skull's stories are the same as seen in S2.

The second season ends with a 3-part finale, where Squatt and Baboo are sacrificed and their magic is given to Goldar and Scorpina, who go to to battle with the Rangers. With the Power of Dino Megazord, Thunder Megazord, fully re-energized Dragonzord and White Tigerzord, Goldar and Scorpina are defeated by the Rangers, but Goldar is later revived by Zedd & Rita.

The third season starts in the same way as seen, only "A Friend In Need" episodes are moved to somewhere after the "Ninja Quest" episodes. As season progresses, both Rangers and Rita & Zedd get more powerful. Tommy becomes the White Ranger and everything else is pretty much the same as far as the entire team is considered. Kimberly still gets her Pen Global Games storyline, but conveniently, the games don't start until after the season is over. The Rangers gain the Kakuranger abilities and powers thanks to the Metalic Armor, but the suits stay the same. Bulk and Skull still get the same storyline. In a finale battle against Rita & Zedd, Rita is finally defeated and Zedd suffers major blows to his powers by the Rangers in an "All Megazords" fight, which includes every Zord & Megazord from the three seasons. Zedd retreats, but swears he'll return. Rito and Master Vile are also destroyed by the Rangers, as well as Goldar.

The series ends with a movie, in which Zedd returns with one purpose and that's to get back to the Rangers. With his new army of Super Z Putties and Super Tengas, he keeps the Rangers busy while he goes to destroy Angel Grove, but is confronted by the leadership of the Machine Empire and is defeated by them. The Rangers see that Zedd has been defeated, but they don't know by whom. The new evil gang proceeds to attack Angel Grove while the Rangers are fighting, but they are confronted with an unknown team of Rangers, who call themselves Power Rangers Zeo, who turn out to be Kat, Tanya, Rocky, Adam and Tommy's brother, David. They make the leadership retreat. Meanwhile, the MMPRs manage to defeat Zedd's Super Z Putties and Super Tengas. The movie also introduces the plot in which Bulk and Skull along with Lt. Stone start their detective agency. Eventually, they witness the fight and see both Ranger teams in action. After defeating the footsoldiers, the MMPRs spot the Zeo Rangers teleporting away, wondering who the hell they were, only to get an explanation by Zordon and Alpha 5 later in the newly built Power Chamber. The movie ends with the new team taking over and with Tommy, Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Zack and Jason going back to their normal lives and back to persuing their careers. Of course, they do not see who the new Zeo Rangers are, leaving an opening for the next season.

Zeo starts pretty much the same, except David is in Tommy's place, the rest is all the same - Billy joins the team as a techy, providing the team with Zords and weapons. Tommy's arrow quest still remains the same, with little changes. "Rangers Of Two Worlds" features a true crossover between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Power Rangers Zeo, including the somehow revived Squatt and Baboo, who reveal they have just been pretending they were useless the entire time. Billy graduates and departs the team, but re-assures they are secure, because he had invented a lot of stuff they could use in fighting against evil. Tommy/Kim, Trini/Billy and Zack/Angela relationships are permanent.

The Turbo movie would be the same as seen, only David would be in Tommy's place. See the rest of my "if I were incharge" summaries on my board. I'm up to Lightspeed Rescue.

Last edited by Mnikolic; 12/13/11 at 06:13 PM.
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