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Old 12/14/11, 01:40 AM   #8
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Default Re: If you were in Charge of PR

Well that's basically a "what would you change about previous seasons if you were in charge" type of post but I think it's a good idea to use for this thread too so nice idea.

So using that idea as well, here are some things that I would change about previous seasons.

The first season would end with the Rangers defeating Rita and imprisoning her but her minions escape the wrath by teleporting away at the last second.

The 2nd season would feature Goldar in charge with Scorpina helping out. Goldar would be in charge until all of the Zyu2 footage is exhausted. Between Rita and Goldar's failures of not being able to destroy the "children," Lord Zedd would come by to take over. Then the Rangers would upgrade to their Thunderzords after a battle with Goldar damages their Dinozords and the Dragonzord which means there was an overload with the Dragonzord that also damages the Dragon Coin which Zordon isn't capable of fixing. So they activate the new zords and they also activate the White Ranger.

After that it'll be pretty much the same deal as Season 2. Granted I didn't like Zack, Trini and Jason leaving but being in charge, you wouldn't be able to do anything about that anyway. That was basically a Saban issue and it wouldn't be your department to tell him how to spend his money anyway. The only other difference I would make with Season 2 is Rita wouldn't have came back in Season 2. I would have waited until Season 3 to bring her back. Basically the season would feature Rita returning first however she would have brought Rito with her considering Rito was the one who freed her from her "space dumpster." Rito wouldn't be an idiot at first. He would actually be serious enough that he succeeds in destroying the Rangers' powers... however he would still have the help of 4 Zyu2 Monsters like he did in the show. However after they defeat the Ninja Megazord (or is it the Ninja Megafalconzord? I can't remember which one it was) delivers the big blow on him, he would suffer some brain damage but he would still teleport away. At that point he would be an idiot. Like calling Zedd "Ed" like he did in the show. He would call Rita "Frita" or something like that. He would call Goldar "Doldar." Basically he would give names to all of the evil teammates that are close to their real names but he would still mess up. He would even do it with the good guys too.

Zeo would have ended with the Rangers fighting all of the Machine Empire. The result would end in Klank and Orbus blowing up so badly that it would take some time to rebuild them and because of orders from higher up the Machine Empire would not be allowed to continue their activities currently. Zedd and Rita would be wanting to take over at this point and they do during some of Turbo however Divatox is also 1 of the enemies during Turbo too. Basically Rita and Zedd are enemies for the first part of Turbo. The Blue Senturion comes by with that message but it gets damaged like in the show. Eventually the Blue Senturion's wiring is repaired so that he can replay the message in full. Because of the message, they're in a hurry to replace the veterans with new Rangers so while they're searching around for new members, they have to deal with issues such as a mysterious being planting explosives all around the city yet no one knows who is doing it and this being is avoiding detection of the Power Chamber alarms somehow. Also the Turbo movie would be the same except Justin wouldn't be replacing Rocky at that point in time so Rocky wouldn't have gotten hurt then.
Anyway eventually Adam, Kat, Rocky, Tanya and Tommy find replacements for themselves so they have Alpha teleport them in and they do a power transference ceremony. Basically it's explained that Zordon had stored the Sword of Light in the basement in case of another power transference situation. After the transference is complete, Rita and Zedd are in battle, fighting the new team of Rangers. During the battle however, they are interrupted by a voice that only they can hear at that time. All they'll say is something like this "We'll finish this another time, Rangers but right now we've been called in to be in a very important meeting. But don't think you've seen the last of us and don't think there won't be someone else coming by to attack your planet either. There will be and trust me she's a real Diva." Obviously that is when Divatox and her crew come by. She'll have a few eps of doing her own stuff until they get to the Havoc stuff. After all it'll be pretty much the same deal.

Last edited by MattEmily; 12/14/11 at 01:56 AM.
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