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Old 12/18/11, 01:57 PM   #1
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Default Re: Aishia's journey and what it meant for Tanya

Well considering what Zordon states in regards to Aisha's decision to stay in Africa, regardless of how the Orb of Doom thing actually worked, Zordon made it seem like Aisha's decision affected the course of the timeline.
Now whether it did or didn't we really have no way of knowing. I mean Tanya still had to apply for school like she was a new student so it definitely wasn't a case of just Aisha and Tanya switching places in the timeline.

There is also the fact that Angel Grove clearly doesn't remember the Alien Rangers. Granted Bulk and Skull are Bulk and Skull but if they don't recognize Cestro then it's clear that some of the timeline was changed as well and it also featured a memory wipe for ordinary humans.
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