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Old 02/23/14, 02:00 AM   #1
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

This was a pretty cool episode.

There’s some generally touching bits when Ryan thinks the prisoner is his dad, and his friends try to cheer him up. I like how they took a show don’t tell approach to whether or not the prisoner is Ryan’s dad, and even the “I miss my dad” parts actually felt relevant for a change

I also thought a lot of parts like Decimator explaining why poisoning the water supply is stupid to JB, and Kaitlin arguing over Kaitlin’s flying.

Also once again this show has some good monster designs I like Magician’s whole ninja motif, and powers, and I like Shockerbot/Shishkabot/Nathaniel Merryweather the 3rd/call him what you will with his electro tentacles, and shoulder bazooka.

And Scarlet Seductress with her spikes, and everything but let’s just say I wish they had saved her for a later episode.

And the mutant scouts where cool with their electro ropes, and laser needles I wish we could have gotten them in American footage since I can imagine the suits are any more complex than the Skug suits.

Also random thought I once had a dream where the Troopers fought the Mutant Scouts in the Battle Grid.

That would have been cool because one of my few problems with Battle Grid mode is that they only fight Skugs who aren’t much of a challenge in civilian mode so it probably would have lent the Battle Grid scenes some weight I think if they used Mutant Scouts for them.

Not much on the Metal Hero front there was a fight scene with Scarlet Seductress but Metalder was unmorphed, a jet fighter chase, and Spielban morphed looking around a quarry but they were both more relevant to Spielban’s version of what will later be The Rise of The Red Python.

I think there’s a few more seconds of the mutant scout fight in the Metalder, and in Spielban they used the Gran Nazca’s cannon formation but that’s it.

Anyway tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews with me Zabitan.
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