Thread: my column
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Old 04/17/14, 05:53 PM   #1
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Default Re: my column

I agree that Lightspeed's characters were more developed than most of the ones in MMPR. A lot of the Saban characters following Turbo were usually pretty good with developing their characters.
Andros wasn't very trusting of others, not even when he decided to give Ashley and the others the Astro Morphers, he still wanted to do things himself... which likely stems from Darkonda kidnapping Karone and the Monster on KO-35 nearly 'destroying' Zhane.

Joel was basically an attention seeker and he always was.
Dana was usually the calm one.
Chad was usually the more adventurous one.
Kelsey was the more daring one which is something that she always was.
Carter was the by-the-book one after getting over not trusting himself to be a Ranger or a leader.

Jen was usually always angry until she eventually cooled down because of her friends.
Lucas was usually the cool one.
Eric was the power hungry one.

Alyssa was basically the smart one and appeared to be one of the youngest members of the team since she still went to school... I think it was a college if I remember right.
Taylor was the strict one for part of the season.
Merrick was the lone wolf.
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