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Old 11/10/14, 02:14 PM   #3
Shadow Ranger
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Default Re: In Space vs Time Force

Originally Posted by MastaDan View Post
What are it's flaws? I think it gets more passes for it's flaws because it has less flaws than many other seasons. I don't think any PR season is perfect, but specifically what flaws are you referring to?

Honestly the only major one I can think of that aren't inherent flaws that virtually every PR season has, is that certain characters were underutilized. And I guess that happens with every PR season to some degree but it seemed even worse with Lucas and Trip. Trip they could've done a whole lot more with particularly.

But the main story is so engaging for me personally it never bothered me.

Some bring up that they don't use time travel enough in the series and go in and out of different time periods. I think what we got was better than that. I wouldn't want anything not set in present day honestly. I think the fact they came from the future, use futuristic technology, communicate with people from the future, had an episode where they actually did go to the past, and end up going back to the future is enough to consider it a time travel season.
Well i got in to PR because i loved the awesome ranger suits, fighting to rock music then jumping in giant roaring mechanical beasts to more rock music.

But with time force the music is just so bland, the fight sequences suffer as a result of this. The Megazord i think is one of the most boring visual designs of them all ( the fact it changed modes into something equally not impressive doesnt help). Alex, Wes, Jen, Lucas and Eric all came across as douches. Trip is on the fence, he would always laugh at other peoples expenses when given the chance. I don know if i like Katie, or if i just dont find her to be an ass like the others. So at this point i have no investment in either the action or the characters.

We went from giant world invading fleets, demons coming to re-take the world... to Ransik a half mutant guy with a grudge. I just didnt feel any threat from him at all. It was nice when he would go to battle... maybe 4 times was it? But he always had to run away. Footsoldiers were ok i cant fault them. I cant think of any monsters of the day that stood out off the top of my head other than ones that just happened to be in episodes where events happened (brick neck comes to mind).

Nadira. Oh god. This is one of the " free passes ". She has got to be the most obnoxious, worst villain in PR. But she barely gets mentioned at all. Like, nearly never ever. I feel this is because that people like the show so much they dont want to mention her because its something youd like to pretend didnt happen.

These are just the basics of the show to me. The action, sound, and characters ( and gadgets. i am a full grown man but the lack of anything eye candy for the most part sucks. Hour and minute hand swords? pistols? that 1 rifle thing? time jet?). The story, some of the elements i agree are ok for a Power Rangers show. But you need to sit through all the bland and mundane to get to a scene with a Ransik flashback. Or a glimpse of a Frax heel turn.

And again with Free passes id like to point at Turbo, and Wild Force (there is more of course but im trying to be concise). They presented some very serious real life issues. But because they are presented in a more light hearted fashion due to the series aestetics it for some reason made all of the bullying that happened in Turbo not important, the time when the Turbo megazord stopped the dude from killing himself in the car. The fact divatox was trying to blow up arenas of people with hidden bombs. Master Org being so jaded by rejection he sacrifices himself that he goes on an actual killing spree of his friends and then plan to rule the world.

But again, its my taste, my vote and my reasons. Some of my points might not be valid to some people. But i just didnt want to make a post and leave it ambiguous.
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