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Old 11/10/14, 07:42 PM   #3
Shadow Ranger
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Default Re: Re-watching Mighty Morphin - Forgot how Good Season 3 was

Originally Posted by C-C-C-COMBAT View Post
st worked my way through MMPR again on netflix after a gap of about 15 years.

Whilst I set out on a downer over season three its not without merit. The development of Billy is great and theres some great set plays like Zedd v Tommy and the Evil Kat storyline brings back fond memories of Green With Evil.

However I'll never warm to the complete removal of unmorphed fight scenes. That showed what these guys were deep down without powers and showed the actors martial art skills. The ninja stuff is a cheesefest and just takes up time that could be used better elsewhere.

The vast majority of zord sequences seem criminally short. Not sure if this is because the Sentai footage wasnt workable but its only in Master Vile and the Metalic Armour that these sets of zords seem to properly come into their own. The best post Doomsday Zord sequences in my opinion.

I found with seasons 2 and 3 the zord fights would involve very little fighting. The finishing move would be used very quickly whereas Dino MegaZord and Dragon zord were involved in more scraps.

I also think the death of the MMPR soundtrack is a real shame. The likes of 'combat' '541' and 'i will win' always stirred up the action scenes for me. The cheesy tanga song doesmt cut it.

As a final moan, i never liked Zedd with Rita. Both seemed well a good deal more evil on their own. Its almost as if Saban were told to tone them down for the kids.

Onto Zeo!
I agree and that's the reason why S3 is not my favorite MMPR season. My favorites have always been the 2nd half of season 1 and the 1st half of season 2. We got some great unmorphed fights, and that's when the cast had the best chemistry together.
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