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Old 11/17/14, 11:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: No character is irreplacable (except the ones that are)

RPM had a lot of production issues behind the scenes that led to Judd Lynn taking over mid season. So it would have been interesting to see how he would have handled such a challenge. I know Funaro mentioned an idea on Rangercrew for such a senario. Basically using the Rangerblack idea of Dillion really being Venjix and his memories false. In this case Funaro would have had Tenaya 7 still be a real person whose memories Dillion's fake one's were based off her. Since Dillion's body used her DNA it would be a way of explaining how she could become Ranger Black. Of course this was all hypothetical.

Space Losing Andros would have been tough since he was so important to the plot. I suppose you could have had his sister be someone else or have Astronoma turn good earlier. So the sister could take his place, giveing us our first full time female Red Ranger.

Or a revived Zhane could have got the powers with Andros forced into suspended animation to heal from a bad injury. You still could have found a way to resolve the Astronoma/Karone plot. It would have worked since Zhane and her had a thing anyway.
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