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Old 12/11/14, 07:04 PM   #6
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 16: Unleash the Fury

After the Legacy Ranger had said their goodbyes to their Overdrive comrades, they caught a bus back to Crystal Harbor, Jake being quiet the entire time while still clutching Eve's Morpher in his hands. "What's going to happen now?" Zeke asked Jerome towards the back of the bus. The two sitting away from the others. "I'm not sure, man. With Black Phantom Ranger out of the picture, a great enemy has fallen..But we lost a great ally in order to achieve that. I'm more worried now about Zachex." "How so? Didn't Eve..?" "We don't know for sure, there was no evidence to prove one way or the other." Zeke lowered his head slightly, speaking into the Morpher. "T.K, we're heading home. Meet you back at the Garage."

After the two day trip back home, the six warriors entered the Garage through the main door, sitting down at the table where the half eaten celebration cake sat. "Well, what should we do?" Spike asked, looking at the cake as though he wanted to eat it, but couldn't bring himself too. T.K sat at her desk, hands folded into each other with her chin resting on top, unsure of what to say."We go home and rest up. It's been a very long four days for all of us." said Diane, who looked over to their Sixth Ranger worriedly. "Si, we need to be on top of our game, you know?" Vanessa said, trying to smile. "Alright then, let's go and catch some shut eye." said Jerome, the Rangers picking up their travel bags and heading towards the door, Zeke turning to see Jake standing in place. "Hey Jake, you coming with us?" he asked. Their friend stood there, shaking his head slowly, Jerome gently nudging Zeke to leave him be. After they left, T.K stood up from her chair and silently hugged her long time ally, who began to cry once more, she rubbing his back and whispering "I'm so sorry.." before taking Eve's Morpher out of his hand with gentleness, and took it over to the vault, setting it in and shutting the door. "Come on, get some sleep." she said to him. "I can't, not tired. I'm gonna go...For a walk, or something. I'll be back soon." "Jake.." she wanted to approach him, but he turned and started to walk away, turning invisible.

Near the battleground at the Hartford Mansion, a fist punched out of the dirt, followed by two more with a yell coming from underground. Luven and a small group of Nokbots teleported to the ground, grabbing the hands and pulling a half destroyed Zachex out of the ground. "Take him to the lab, we're going to save him." Luven said, all of them vanishing back to the Tul'Van ship.

Back at Crystal Harbor, Jake sat inside of a Jungle Karma Pizza, halfheartedly eating a slice of pizza that a woman with glasses and a homely look about her had served. "How does it taste? Its our newest product; Kilimanjaro Kick Spice." "Like regret and bad decisions." Jake replied, putting the pizza down and sighing. "One moment, I'll go grab my boss." she said nervously, running back into the kitchen. "Hey, we got a customer who is unhappy with the new idea." The man in a white and black chefs outfit looked up over at Fran, eyebrows raised. "I'll talk to them." he said, walking out of the kitchen and over to the young man. "A clouded mind can only be cleared with sunny wisdom." the chef said, sitting across from Jake.

"I'm Robert James, owner of JKP, but please call me RJ." "Jake." "Fran told me there was something you didn't like about the pizza?" "No the pizza's fine, I'm..I'm just.." "Something is obviously troubling you. Come with me." RJ stood up from the table and lead Jake past the kitchen and upstairs to his dojo.

T.K looked at the vault door for a few minutes, deep in thought as Diane came into the Garage. "Hey." she said, wrapping an arm around T.K's waist in a hug. "Diane, I thought you were going to spend the day resting?" "I tried, but couldn't sleep. I'm worried about him, you know?" "I think its safe to say we all are, he just lost his only family.." T.K walked to the vault and opened it up, removing the Phantom Legacy Morpher. "But she isn't gone forever. I have an idea and I want your help on it." she said, the Pink Ranger looking at her curiously.

Back on the Tul'Van ship, Luven was taking metallic tools off a nearby tray, Zachex yelling in pain as he was operated on by the scitenist. "Forgive me, General, but this was the only way in which we could save you." Zachex let out another pained yell, echoing across the ship.

"Welcome to my dojo, Jake. Up here I trained three very special people in the art of Pai Zhuq. The art of combat that harnesses the animal spirit from deep within. Looking at you, I see the same as back then. I see within you the kindred spirit of a Wolf, but the spirit is covered by clouded energies. What is it that saddens you?" "RJ, I lost my sister two days ago in a fight against an enemy my team and I have been fighting for a while." RJ gave Jake a look of understanding. "I almost lost my Father to the forces of Dai Shi when I was the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger...I know it isn't the same, but I sympathize." "Thank you RJ.." "Now, remove your jacket and stand on the mat." "Wait, why?" "Martial arts is more then just self defense. It can also enable one to experience feelings of joy when they achieve their desired goal." Jake took his jacket off and placed it onto a nearby chair, standing on the mat in front of RJ. "The lesson begins." RJ said, the two going for a strike on each other.

Zeke sat in front of his computer, trying to focus on the game he had been playing since he had returned home. Sighing, he threw his headset onto the desk and grabbed his phone, dialing a number. "Hey J-Man, you busy?" "Not at the moment, tried sleeping but couldn't do it. You?" Nah, I can't relax either. Wanna meet at the Garage?" "Sure, we could see if he's doing okay, maybe try to cheer him up." "My thoughts exactly. See you there."

Vanessa was at the arcade, sitting at a table while drinking a soda with the machines giving off beeping noises, but had her eyes glued to the table, until she felt a tab on her shoulder. "Hey 'Nessa. Having problems resting too?" Spike sat down beside her, offering a small smile. "I couldn't go home right away, it just didn't feel right, you know?" "Yeah, I know. I haven't heard from Jake since we got back, guess he's knocked out or something." Spike's phone rang, he answering it. "Hello?" "Spike, you seen seen or heard from Vanessa?" Diane asked on the other end. "I'm sitting right beside her, want me to put her on?" "Yes!" Glancing over to his friend, Spike handed Vanessa her phone. "Si? Oh, Diane! I turned my phone off when we got back, didn't want to be bothered too much. Meet at the Garage? Si! We'll be there in a moment." Vanessa hung up the phone and handed it back to Spike. "Come on, T.K has an idea and wants us all there."

"The Wolf technique is all about focusing your inner strength through blows involving your fists, elbows, knees and feet, very similar to the martial art known at Muay Thai. By channeling your Wolf Spirit, your emotions are brought forward into your attacks." RJ explained to his new friend, the two going through a kata together in the formers dojo. They had been practicing nonstop for over two hours, Jake learning new techniques and learning the wisdom of the Pai Zhuq master. Bowing to one another, the two men shook hands, Jake grabbing his jacket and putting it on. "Thank you for everything, RJ. I am starting to feel a bit happier thanks to the training." "No problem! If you ever feel like you need more training, or a good slice of pizza, feel free to stop by."

When he started to head downstairs, an explosion shook the building from outside, RJ looking out his window to see a delivery truck blown up. "Those were ingredients for my new ideas!" he said with wide eyes, looking to the young man in front of him. The two shared a nod, running downstairs and outside the restaurant, stopping when they saw a six armed warrior by the truck.

"No way, how did you.." Jake asked, Zachex standing tall with his left side of his body now fully mechanical. "Hahahaha! You thought your sister could destroy me so easily?! Black Phantom may have perished, but I, Zachex live on to fight!" Jake's fists shook, ready to attack, but RJ gently grabbed his shoulder, shaking his head. "Remember, your Beast Spirit cannot be clouded by sadness or raw anger. A Pai Zhuq practitioner does not fight out of anger or for revenge." RJ stepped forward and looked the six armed warrior over, pulling back his sleeve to reveal the Wolf Morpher. "Ready?" he asked Jake, who spun the face watch of his own Morpher, answering "Ready!". "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" "Legacy Power, Activate!" RJ and Jake transformed into their respective Ranger suits, the former saying "With the courage of a Wolf! Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger!" "Ghost Ranger, ready for battle!"

Zachex took his six swords out, glaring at the two. "I am going to destroy both of you!" he roared, running at the two with all six arms extended as Wolf Ranger and Ghost Ranger ran at the attacking General, letting out a kiyah as the two forces reached each other.

"T.K are you sure this will work?" Spike asked their tech assistant, who was putting the finishing touches on the Phantom Legacy Morphers overhaul. "Diane and I have been working on this for a few hours, theoretically, it should help him." she said, holding it out to the others. "One more thing; I need you all to put just a little of your Ranger energies into it." The five of them held their hands out toward the Morpher, small bursts of Red, Blue, Pink, Green, and Yellow energies shooting into it. "There we go, now if we could find-" the alarms started to go off, the team looking at the main screen to see Wolf and Ghost fighting Zachex. "That thing survived!?" Vanessa asked in shock. "Looks like it got upgrades too." Zeke said in a low voice. "Remember, we fight no matter what, and right now they need our help." Jerome said, the Rangers running over to their bikes, Diane grabbing the Morpher from T.K's hand and following them, all six riding off.

"Wolf Beam!" Wolf Ranger yelled out, sending out a purple colored beam from its fist, the six swords vibrating before Zachex slashed the attack into thin air, running at the Jungle Fury warrior while his swords began to power up. "Nova Blade!" he called out, readying the attack to send it in RJ's direction, only for Ghost to fly at him with an elbow strike to his face, followed by two knees and a leg sweep. With each hit, Ghost yelled out "Not! This! Time!" sending Zachex stumbling back, until Ghost's body began to glow light blue, a Wolf shooting out of his body and clamping its teeth around one of the General's arms

. "He did it.." Wolf Ranger said in a proud tone, holding his thumb and index out to form a diamond; a purple wolf shot out of his own body, tackling Zachex to the ground and biting at him. Letting out a roar, Zachex send out a wave of energy that sent the wolves away, stand ing up and, tracing a symbol of a reversed pyramid, blurred before the two warriors, slashing at Wolf Ranger with all six blades rapidly until he went flying, powering down once he landed. "RJ!" Ghost yelled, only for Zachex to say " Worry about yourself Ghost Ranger! No friends, no family to help you out! You're all alone..."

"He's not alone!" a male voice said as Zachex was blasted back by Legacy Blue's Shot Blaster, the five Legacy Rangers stopping their Legacy Cycles to a halt, Green running over to RJ to check on him as Pink pulled out the Phantom Legacy Morpher and threw it at Ghost Ranger, yelling "Jake, catch!" Ghost jumped into the air and caught it, looking at the device in his hand, gasping softly. "This is..." "T.K modified it. A gift from all of us to you; You'll never be alone no matter what, and your sister will always be by your side!"Legacy Red declared, running past Ghost with his own sword ready for battle, clashing against the six bladed warrior. "Your our leader, and always will be part of our family, mi amigo!" said Legacy Yellow as she and Pink ran forward to help Red. Blue placed a hand onto his shoulder, speaking "Your a part of the team, dude. Like it not you're stuck with us." Green brought RJ over to the cycles, walking over to Ghost. "Even though she may be gone, Eve still lives within you. Look inside.." He and Blue ran forth to help the other three, Ghost clenching his hand around the Morpher as RJ said "Those are some friends you have there. Don't let them down now"

"This one's for you, Eve.." Ghost said to himself, strapping the Phantom Legacy Morpher on his left wrist, and slamming his fists together, shouting out "GHOST LEGACY BATTLEIZER MODE!". His body glowed brightly, the suit changing drastically; his helmet took shape of the S.P.D style helmets, the visor covering the front of the face with red colors across the sides of the helmet. His arms were still gray, but the gloves turned completely black, his shoulder pads gaining a pink and yellow color, the torso area was now covered in an armor, bracers on his arms with green. His legs turned metallic as well, tinges of blue and his boots turning black. "Hya! Ha! Ghost Legacy Battleizer!" he yelled, an explosion happening behind him.

"Zachex, you will never understand what it means to have friends! I pity you!" Ghost ran forward, the others clearing the way as he slammed his fists into Zachex's torso multiple times, calling out "One Thousand Phantom Fists!" with the final punch, his Wolf Spirit once again shot out of his body, howling. "C'mon guys, he needs our help!" Legacy Pink said, everyone spinning their watches to 10:07 and calling out "Legacy Transcendence! Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!"

The five Legacy Rangers Transcended into the Jungle Fury Rangers, going through their roll call. "With the strength of a Tiger! Jungle Fury Red Ranger!" "With the Stealth of a Jaguar! Jungle Fury Blue Ranger!" "With the speed of a Cheetah! Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger!" "With the courage of a Wolf! Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger!" "With the power of a Rhino! Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger!" The five ran forward, RJ watching them in amazement as they each slammed a fist into Zachex, a Tiger, Jaguar, Cheetah, Wolf, and Rhino emerging from the hits and driving Zachex back. "This ends here!" Ghost yelled. All six Rangers joined their hands as a giant orb of energy powered up, the General letting out a battle cry and summoning another Nova Blade, sending it forward. "JUNGLE STAMPEDE!" The Beast Spirits shot out from the orb the Rangers had formed, rushing past the Nova Blade and ramming into the General, one after the other until Zachex exploded in a brilliant fireball, the six Rangers turning around and powering down to their civilian forms.

Later inside Jungle Karma Pizzeria, the Rangers were celebrating their victory over the current General, RJ serving a pizza down on the table. "Voila! Savannah S'more Pie, on the house." he said, sitting beside them and saying in a low tone. "You guys did well out there in that fight. It's good to know that there's a new team out there protecting the planet." "Thank you for helping me find my inner spirit." Jake said, looking his friends over as Diane kissed his cheek. "Thank you all for reminding me that you're all my family." "Hey bro, we're here for you, just like you're here for us." said Zeke, taking a slice of the pizza and biting into it. The other all grabbed a slice, Fran walking over to their table and smiling. "How's the pizza?" "Sooo goood." Spike said. She would smile at RJ who gave her a thumbs up, giving her a slice.

On the Tul'Van ship, a guard bowed before the Emperor, who two other guards held a screen in front of to block his appearance. "Your Excellency, Zachex has fallen. Luven has informed me of our plan reaching Phase Three...

-To Be Continued.-
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