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Old 12/11/14, 07:05 PM   #7
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 17: Get in Gear, Legacy Yellow!

"The man looked to the lady in the green dress, adjusting his tie before making his way over to the.. the..Bat?" Ms. Trejo asked, looking over to her daughter in slight confusion. "Sound it out, Madre. You were close with the last word, keep it up!" Vanessa said to her mother, who read some more from the book in front of her; Ms. Trejo had been working on her English since the two of them finally got everything unpacked from their move. Vanessa rented books from the library and would spend two hours with her every day to help her improve. "He made his way over to the bar, saying 'you're quite a looker.'" She stopped reading, giving Vanessa a look with a bit of a smirk. "One of the romance novels?" "Si." Vanessa said with a giggle.

The doorbell rang, Vanessa getting out of her chair to answer it; Diane stood in the doorway, hugging her friend tightly with a smile. "Good morning, 'Nessy!" she said cheerfully, looking over her shoulder to see Ms. Trejo waving at her. "Buenos dias, Diane! You ready for a day at the movies?" "You know it! I've been waiting for Vampire's Embrace for months!" she said excitedly. "La hija, what is this movie rated?" Ms. Trejo asked, giving a weary look to the two girls. "PG-13, Madre!" Vanessa answered, running over to hug her mother before kissing her cheek. "We'll be back in a few hours." the young woman turned to head out with Diane, when her watch beeped. "Que fue eso?" her mom asked, Diane giving a look that said 'Oh, crap!'. "That was my new..Text tone! The guys are probably waiting for us at the theater. Gotta go!" The two girls rushed out the front door, shutting it behind them .

"What's up T.K?" Diane asked into her watch, the two walking down the sidewalk while checking to make sure they weren't being watched. "I need everyone at the Garage now! I'm getting an emergency S.O.S signal that you need to investigate." Vanessa looked over to her friend with an eyebrow raised as the two vanished into thin air. At the Garage, the guys were all leaning over their tech friend, a message coming through the computer speakers, repeating. "Venjix robots kidnapped Operator Series Yellow! Energy levels are now, request assistance!"

"Operator Series Yellow? Wait a sec, isn't that the-" Zeke started "Designation for the RPM Yellow Ranger? Yes." T.K finished, bringing up footage of Grinders carrying off an unconscious Ranger. "The video and audio come from Corinth, a domed city that exists in an alternate world. Sadly that's all Jake and I could put into the archives. When Series Red teamed up with the Samurai Rangers, he learned about the four other RPM Rangers, and just that." "So how -do- we get to Corinth?" asked Spike, T.K responding "There's been portals opening a closing at random, but one's been open for a while. By linking your energies up to the Grid that exists there, you'll be teleported to Corinth. However, there is a window of time; If you take too long, you'll be stuck there for a long while, maybe forever." The Rangers all looked at each other, giving a nod of understanding. "We're willing to do whatever it takes to help our allies." said Jerome.

The six stood side by side on a circular device, T.K hitting a few buttons on her keyboard while looking at the team. "Remember, your time in Corinth is limited. Rescue Operator Series Yellow and get back here as soon as possible." As soon as she hit enter, the machine activated, but something went horribly wrong; A spark shot out of the machine, blinding everyone. Vanessa let out a scream of absolute pain, grabbing her head as the six of theme vanished, T.K's eyes were wide in horror. "What have I done..?"

The six of them landed in a small pile in front of an opened garage door, inside was a red sports style car, a blue Hummer, and yellow motorcycle. After they untangled themselves, Diane slowly helped Vanessa up, looking at her in a concerned manner. "You okay girl?" she asked the yellow Ranger slowly backing up from the group. "Who-who are you? Where am I?!" "You gotta be kidding me.." Zeke said in disbelief. "Can you tell us your name?" asked Jerome, approaching her but she backed up, shaking her head. Jake slowly walking over to her, hands raised as to show her he meant no harm. "Hey, its alright. We're your friends, and we're here to help a fellow Ranger." "Ranger?" she asked, confused. "Let's head inside, there seems to be people here so we can try to ask for their help." said Spike.

Inside the Corinth Garage, the teenagers sat Vanessa down at a workbench, Jerome walking away with Jake as the two looked for people inside the building. "Vanessa, do you know how this happened to you?" Diane asked softly, sitting beside her. "No, I can't remember anything except a..a flash of light? Then my head started hurting." "It must have been whatever happened when we teleported here." Zeke said, arms crossed, looking over at Spike who was looking over the red car. "What are you doing?" "You have to see this car! It's beautiful!" Diane shook her head, saying "I'm Diane, you and I are best friends. This is Zeke, that's Spike. The two who walked off are Jerome and Jake. We're all your friends, and we're the protectors of the planet Earth." she said, holding out her wrist watch, and showing Vanessa her own. "We are Power Rangers."

"Hello, is anyone here?" Jerome called out, both he and Jake having made their way to a dead end, at least it looked like one; they could see a light underneath a small crack. "Let's look for a switch or something." said Jake, the two patting the nearby wall for something, when Jerome hit a nearby lose brick, pushing it in. A door slowly rose up, revealing a brightly lit room with equipment. "Guys, come here, quick!" Jerome called out, standing before a display case. The four ran from the main garage area and to the secret door. "These have got to be the RPM suits!" Zeke said, looking them over. "Wait a sec..The Yellow suit's still here!" Spike said, pointing at it, looking to the others. "Wait, if its here, who is using the RPM yellow powers?" asked Jake, a voice speaking up behind them saying "No one is. The Ranger Operator Bio-suits have not been in use for nearly four whole years."

The six teenagers spun around to see a woman of short stature, her black hair was a bit longer then it had used to be; tied in a bun and going past her cheeks slightly were two looser strands framing her face. "I do not not who you are, but you are trespassing on private property." "Wait! We're not here to hurt you or anything. We came here to help." "Explain, you have ten seconds." the woman said, reaching for a nearby violin and bow. "We received a transmission that Ranger Operator Series Yellow had been kidnapped and needed help." said Diane, Vanessa whispering to her "Whats a Series Yellow?" The woman still held her violin and bow, explaining to the group what they were at length.

"The Ranger Operator Bio Suits are a form of defense for Corinth. I created them to do battle with Venjix. After the Operators defeated him, the suits have been here in case they were ever needed again. How did you receive this transmission?" "It came through the computer system of our own Garage. We're from a world where we are are the Power Rangers." Jerome said, showing his own Morpher. "You have a Bio-Field where you come from?" she asked, slowly setting the items down. "Who are you exactly?" "We're the Legacy Rangers, and where we come from, its called the Morphing Grid.. I'm Zeke, this is Jerome, Spike, Diane, Jake, and Vanessa." "How did you end up in Corinth?" "Look, if we're going to play twenty questions, you could at least tell us your name." Diane said irritatedly. "Oh, yes. My apologies, my name is Doctor K, creator and former mentor of what you call the RPM Rangers."

"Doc, we came here via a portal that's been opening and closing, creating a link between our worlds. We have a short amount of time before they close for good. Do you have any idea what might have sent that false transmission?" Spike asked. Doctor K sat her desk, scanning the frequencies for anything that might have gone through. "Got something! An audio message coming from by the old Venjix Barricade...and video footage of.." Doctor K blinked, squinting her eyes as she watched the feed. "I can't believe this, they doctored footage from four years ago, turning a civilian into Ranger Yellow." "We can go out there and look for whoever sent it. Would it be possible to borrow the RPM powers? We aren't sure if ours will work here." Jake said, looking at Vanessa in a worried manner. "I'm afraid not, for two resons. One, the Cell Shift, Rev, and Sky Morphers were all D.N.A bonded by their original users. Two, after the Rangers defeated Venjix, Ranger Red- I mean Scott's- Cell Shift Morpher was infected with the last traces of the Venjix Virus. If it gets activated, the Bio-Field could be corrupted and destroyed. What's wrong with your friend?" Doc K asked, her scanners having read the fields of the Rangers, only to find Vanessa's was out of tune with the others. "She lost her memory when we were sent here."

"Come here, please?" Doc K asked the young woman, who slowly walked forward over to the Doctor. "It appears the short circuit of your transport device shot itself into her Morpher and caused a synaptic shutdown." Doc K said, scanning Vanessa's body with a hand held device. "Meaning...?" Diane asked. "Meaning until she gets her memories back on her own, she wont be much use to you in a fight. I'll watch after her, you have my word." Doctor K said, opening up a drawer and tossing Jerome a key. "That is the key to Flynn's Hummer you can fit five in there. Go out to the barricade and see whats going on." "So... Who's driving?" asked Jerome, a grin coming across Zeke's face.

The wasteland had grown since the defeat of Venjix; flowers and grass was growing where what use to be infinite sand and dirt, the sky had gone from scorched and red to a faint blue with slight clouds. Slowly, but surely, there world was putting itself back together. The Hummer engine roared out in the open, Zeke letting out a loud "Wooo-hoooo!" as Jerome sat in the passenger seat, clutching the handle on the upper right side, with Spike, Diane and Jake holding hands and praying their seat belts lasted the trip.

"Never again am I riding with you as driver!" Diane said as she jumped out of the car when it finally stopped at the old Venjix Barricade; dozens of laser guns, large blocks, and scrapped Grinders were now rusted. "Doctor K said the signal was emitting from around here, all we have to do is find- ahhhh!" Spike was sent flying back to the ground, blasts of red energy, robots emerging from behind the barricade blocks and making mechanical sounds. "What the heck are those?!" Jake yelled in surprise, the robots firing more shots; Zeke helped Spike get up, the five of them running to the back of the car. "Rangers, Doctor K here; the robots you see before you are leftover Grinders, you can defeat them if you're able to Morph. If research was correct, your Morphing Grid and my Bio Field should be one in the same." "We'll give it a shot!" Jerome said into his watch, looking at the other four, saying "Ready?" Spike, Diane and Jake each said, "No!" "Whaddya mean ready!?" "No, I'm not ready!" "Legacy Power, Activate!" Jerome yelled out, the others following suit and going on the offensive. "Looks like Doc K was right! Who knows how long our powers will last though?" said Legacy Pink.

Back at the RPM Base, Vanessa watched the five Rangers on the screen, Doctor K typing a few things into her computer. "Those suits look very familiar for some reason." said Vanessa, studying the battle. "Do they ring any bells? Doc K asked sincerely, looking at her. Vanessa looked down at her own watch in silence while tracing a finger over it. The young girl took a deep breath, copying what she had seen on the screen and whispered "Legacy Power, Activate." Letting out a slight pained gasp, she transformed into Legacy Yellow, looking herself over and saying in shock "I -am- a Power Ranger!" "Do you feel up to helping your friends?" "I'm not sure, do you think I-ugh!" Legacy Yellow grabbed her helmet, shutting her eyes tightly. "What's wrong?!" Doc K grabbed her hands, but Yellow slowly stood fully after a moment of panting. "I remember them! I..I don't know who I am still, not fully, but I do know they're my friends, and they need my help!"

"Ha!" Ghost Ranger went in for a leg sweep on one of the Grinders, Legacy Pink following up with a spinning knee strike to its neck area, causing the mechanical head to fly off. Legacy Green and Blue took turns shooting and slicing a few of them up, as Red sent the last few back with a few Tae Kwon Do kicks to the chest. "Alright, that takes care of that, now to find that signal." he said, the small group walking towards the Venjix Barrier. Once they reached the other side, a pig shaped robot squealed loudly, kicking over a radio and growling. "Stupid human junk! How am I supposed to get those RPM Rangers out here when I can't transmit a distress signal!" "So that thing was trying to get the Rangers of Corinth to attack them. But got us instead..." Legacy Blue said, aiming his Shot Blaster at the robot, only for a portal to appear behind him and suck him in, another opening up to drop him from the sky with an 'oof!'.

"Hahahaha! You think you could sneak up on me that easily? I am Warp Pig! You are not going to leave this world alive!" "Are you the one that opened up that portal to our world?" "Right the first time! I was trying to open one into Corinth, but I got you punks! Oh well, a Ranger is still a Ranger!" Letting out a robotic oink, Warp Pig's hooves turned into miniature cannons, shooting out a large portal that sucked all five Rangers in and sent them flying into different directions, slamming into the ground.

Back at RPM HQ, Doc K was watching the battle with Warp Pig, and seeing how the Legacy Rangers couldn't get near the robot, she began to type furiously on her keyboard, streaming through data files. "They may not be able to use the original powers, but maybe I can help them in another way."

Warp Pig sent more portals at the Rangers, sending them into the air and then slamming them into parts of the barrier, laughing. "You can't even touch me!" "Man, this stinks! We cant even get near him!" Legacy Blue said, slamming a fist into the ground. The robot was going to fire more portals, when a motorcycle revving caught his attention. Speeding towards him was Legacy Yellow on the bike owned by Summer Landsdown. "Hyaaaaaa!" Yellow leapt off the bike right as a portal was fired at her, slamming into the robot with a double booted kick, sending them back. "Vanessa!" Legacy Pink cheered, going to hug her friend. "I don't remember everything yet, but I do remember you are my friends." she said, the Rangers standing beside her as Doc K's voice came through their watches. "Rangers, I down-Morphed the data of the Ranger Series Operator Suits into your Morphers. They won't be as powerful as the original hard copies, but they'll suffice."

"Thanks, Doc! We'll put 'em to good use!" "Time to Transcend!" Legacy Yellow said, standing in front of the others who held up their watches yelling out "Legacy Transcendence! RPM, Get in Gear!" "Legacy Transcendence! Fusion-RPM Gold and Silver!" Ghost Ranger called out, combining the suits of both Rangers. The six of them posed, epic explosions going off behind them. "It doesn't matter what powers you have, I will suck you into an infinite vortex!" "You may be powerful, but you'll find out the hard way what happens when you mess with the Legacy Rangers!" said Legacy RPM Blue, summoning the Turbo Cannon and firing it, Legacy RPM Green ran forward with his Turbo Axe and brought it over his head, tripping and slamming the weapon down on the robots foot. Legacy RPM Yellow and Black went for a team attack, with Yellow firing off her Zip Charger, Black firing off a burst from her Rocket Blaster to give the car a boost, slamming into Warp Pig's stomach, causing him to squeal in pain.

"Street Saber Slash!" Legacy RPM Red yelled, rushing past the robot in a blur, slashing him with the blade, with Legacy RPM Gold/Silver firing a stream of fire and ice at him. The pig shaped robot fell onto his back, trying to get up. "Now, put them together!" Legacy RPM Red, Blue and Yellow combined the Street Saber, Turbo Cannon and Zip Charger, while Legacy RPM Black and Green combined the Rocket Blaster and Turbo Axe. "Road Blaster!" "Turbo Plasma Launcher!" "Skyshift Blazer!" Legacy Gold/Silver combined the Cloud Hatchets into one, all three weapons glowing. "No, I'm not going down like this!" Warp Pig yelled, finally getting onto its knees, the Rangers all yelling out "FIRE!" the three shots firing and hitting the robot one after another, causing it to explode.

"Doc K, thank you for the Powers. Are you sure you don't want us to give them back?" asked Jerome. "Keep them, you never know when you may need them again in your fight against this Empire you told me about. Vanessa, how do you feel?" "Better, after I powered down, the rest of my memories came back, I think using your Bio Field may have cleared up the glitch." "Zeke? Thank you for bringing back the Hummer in one piece, Flynn would've blown a gasket if anything had happened to it. Same with Summer's motorcycle." Giving the team a smile, Doc K hit a few buttons on her computer, and the team would be teleported back to their own world, this time without any issues.

Once they arrived, T.K rushed over and hugged the Yellow Ranger tightly, who returned the gesture with a smile. "Don't worry, mi amigo, you did nothing wrong." "Still, I'm sorry that happened to you. How can I make it up to you?" Vanessa turned to Diane, who gave a mischievous smile. "You could go see Vampire's Embrace with us?" "Uhhh. No." "Too late, it's been decided!" Vanessa said, grabbing T.K by the arm and dragging her along with the other Rangers, who chanted "Movie night! Movie night! Movie night!"

-To Be Continued-
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