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Old 12/17/14, 08:01 PM   #2
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Default Re: Thread: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers FAN made series.

Originally Posted by BananaRama View Post
I plan on making a Megaforce fan websereies by utilizing nothing but Goseiger stock footage with poorly done ADR dubbed over it.

Fans won't know the difference between my fanmade Megaforce series and the actual one.
That's cool

I am going to start a Kickstarter to raise $10 million that I will blow on weed, Mike's hard lemonade, and Cherry Dr. Pepper.

I'll then hold a casting call, and get a bunch of people to play the Rangers, and voice Zordon, and Rita.

I'll also take a bunch of Zyuranger clips.

And I'll make up my own story that's just a fast food version of season one but with elements of Zyuranger like Bandora's son Kai being adapted as Thrax, and the current Rangers being descendants of the original Rangers from Atlantis who are the Zyurangers.

Also in their civilian lives the Rangers will work as security guards at a Five Nights at Freddy's esque Pizzeria run by a random fairy tale villain.

And at the end the Rangers will use their powers to beat up, and blow up the animatronics, and their boss will catch them, and fire them, and the Rangers will say thanks, and blow up their head with a blaster.

Also Rita, and her minions will be pimps, and drug dealers.

I will then make 10,000,000 bootleg Mighty Morphin Power Rangers DVDs real not fake, and sell them to various retail stores like Wal Mart, and F.Y.E., and say that they are non pirated.

If they sell well enough I will do the same thing to other seasons, and Saban superheroes.
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