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Old 01/07/15, 11:31 PM   #5
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Kaitlin’s Front Page written by Robert Hughes, and directed by Debra Spelling

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment, and this time it’s actually pretty good since it’s about how Ryan’s dad taught him to have faith in people but also be careful who you place that faith in which is actually a pretty cool message I think.

we then go to the Underground Voice Daily office where Woody is throwing paper airplanes around while Kaitlin is talking to strange man who looks like a poor man’s Dick Tracy who’s telling her that there’s some secret illegal weapons site just outside Crossworld City, and that he has a map to it, and says the only way to stop it is to expose it in the media but refuses to say who he is.

He then goes outside, and surprise surprise he’s really a Skug transforms into his true form, and teleports to Ziktor’s office where back in human form he tells Ziktor that Kaitlin’s probably on her way to the weapons site so Ziktor tells him, the Skug secretaries to go there, and be ready.

He then gloats before transforming into Grimlord, and teleporting to the virtual dungeon. Once there the virtual mutants hail him before he explains what his evil plan is which is to capture Kaitlin when she gets to the weapons site so that he can use her as bait to destroy the VR Troopers.

Meanwhile at Tao Dojo Ryan is teaching a Karate class, and afterwards goes back to talk to Tao tell him the kids are looking better everyday (that doesn’t sound right) when Kaitlin calls them to say that she is in fact checking out the story she got, and wants Ryan, and JB to come with her.

Ryan has another class while JB wants to go but has help Tao with his paperwork so she’ll have to go to the weapons site by herself while they wait unil the afternoon to talk to her about it

Kaitlin then drives out to the weapons site while Air Striker watches, and checks with Grimlord who tells him to do nothing but observe her.

Kaitlin then gets out of her car sees the weapons site, and walks over to a hill where she takes pictures of workers moving explosives before taking out her tape recorder to take notes when a bunch of workers come up to her.

Kaitlin tries to pretend that she’s just a tourist taking pictures of rock formations hoping to get them to leave but they turn out to be Skugs, and attack her.

Kaitlin kicks the Skugs away from her but then two try to grab her but she kicks those as well, and another tries to grab her but she flips it over, and takes a defensive stance while they circle her.

At the Virtual Dungeon Zelton or Decimator (I’m honestly not sure who since they're both Michael Sorich) informs Grimlord that the Skugs are losing so he orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid.

We then get another Troopers less Battle Grid alert Prepare for Battle Grid mode before Kaitlin transforms into Battle Grid mode by herself, and we get to see a full portal sequence with just Kaitlin.

Which instead of the usual from behind, from side, from front, from behind we get from behind, from front, from side, from behind.

We then see Kaitlin land in the Battle Grid where she taunts the Skugs hoping to get them to come out which they do so she jumps into the air before twirling mid air, and landing, and starts kicking the Skugs,

The Skugs then try to circle Kaitlin while she points out that they just keep coming when the Skug make hatchets appear, and try to hit her but she just punches them into each other disintegrating them.
Kaitlin then backflips for a bit before saying she doesn’t how much longer she can do this before punching, kicking, and flipping some more Skugs.

Kaitlin then points around and proclaims how the Skugs may be tough but it’s not over yet, and jumps into the air, and performs some weird swan dive/scissor punch attack that destroys some more Skugs.

Then we see the exact same punching, kicking, and flipping we saw earlier only this time at the end Kaitlin proclaims she can’t keep it up, and that’s it it just cuts to the Underground Voice Daily.

Ryan, and JB are wondering what happened to Kaitlin who was supposed to be their over an hour ago so they ask Woody who’s doing a comedy bit where he tells a reporter to do a good story but doesn’t know what about, and afterwards Ryan, and JB ask him if he know where Kaitlin is which he doesn’t.

We then cut back to the weapons site where Kaitlin who has already transformed back into Sarah Brown offscreen is being tied to a bomb by Skugs, and starts taunting them.

While back at the Underground Voice Daily Ryan, and JB are checking Kaitlin’s computer to find it empty so they decide to use the aerial scanner at the lab we then see them riding their backs to the lab while Air Striker watches, and Grimlord tells him to just keep watching.
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