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Old 01/07/15, 11:33 PM   #6
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At the lab we then see Jeb sing his number one smash hit the Doggy Rap before Ryan pulls out a dog whistle so JB can ask the professor to use the aerial scanner which actually confuses him since he doesn’t know she’s missing (even though he was the one who had her transform into Battle Grid mode earlier).

We then cut back to Kaitlin at the weapons site only to immedtiatley cut back to JB hacking into a weather sattlite to find Kaitlin at the weapons site by tracking her virtualizer.

Meanwhile at the virtual dungeon Grimlord asks General Ivar, and a heretofore unseen, and currently unnamed Colnol Icebot who should be today’s monsters, and Ivar picks a blue, and silver robot with oversized fists named Metalbot while Icebot suggests Cobrot (not Cobrabot Cobrot) a red snake like robot with two arms but no legs, and Grimlord chooses both.

We then see Ryan, and JB drive to the weapons site while Air Striker watches (again), and Grimlord tells him to just keep watching (again), and we then see Ryan, and JB arrive at the weapons site to see Kaitlin, and the Skugs but Kaitlin warns them it’s a trap, and Metalbot, and Cobrot show up so it’s Trooper time kids.

Ryan goes after Metalbot who just skips around, and taunts him and tries to punch but Ryan blocks but Metalbot, and him jump up to a hill.

While JB goes after Cobrot with his laser saber while Cobrot blocks with her bow, trips him with her tail so he tries to get up but Cobrot keeps tripping, and hitting him with her tail but JB eventually blocks it, and jump kicks Cobrot.

JB check in on Ryan who tries to punch Metalbot who punches back causing an earthquake, and they keep punching each other until Metalbot gains the upper hand and punches Ryan repeatedly until Ryan is able to grab him, and flips him over while JB fires lasers at Cobrot who just fires arrows at him.

Ryan charges at Metalbot who keeps punching him while JB keeps getting grabbed by Cobrot’s tail, and shot at byt her arrows, and the timer on the bomb is counting down.

Ryan is still getting beat up by Metalbot but charges up his powers, and starts kicking Metalbot, and gaining an advantage.

JB on the other hand isn’t so lucky still being grabbed, and shot at by Cobrot while Metalbot turns his eyes into tentacles, and fires lasers at Ryan who just jumps out of the way.

JB meanwhile finally decides to use his laser lance to destroy Cobrot while Ryan uses an attack called laser fist command to punch Metalbot also destroying him, and the two are able to rescue Kailtin, and escape before the weapons site is destroyed, and at the virtual dungeon Grimlord proclaims he will no longer tolerate failure (spoilers there’s still 87 episodes which means he will).

At the Underground Voice Daily Ryan, and JB meet up with Kaitlin who tells them that not only did her story make the front page (we have a title people) but also lead to the weapons site being closed down.

Woody then tells Kaitlin to do a story on a spelling bee but she wants to do real news so he suggests a story on the VR Troopers leading to one last comedy bit where they joke around about whether to do it or if anyone would believe it.

Anyway “I miss my dad” the end.
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