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Old 01/08/15, 11:06 PM   #8
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Dojo Plot written by Stewart St. John, and directed by Debra Spelling

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment, which isn’t all that much since it’s just Ryan talking about how he, and his dad used to practice Karate when the weather was nice moving on.

We then go to Tao Dojo where Tao himself is teaching a karate class to some kids when a shady looking guy comes in, and after the class Tao talks to the man who is a banker, and has come to tell Tao that the Dojo is in financial trouble, and unless Tao can come up with the money the dojo will be seized.

Then the Troopers walk in with Ryan, and JB arguing over which one of them a pretty girl was looking at while Kaitlin points out that she was wearing sun glasses.

But the comedy ends when they ask Tao what’s wrong, and he gives them the bad news while outside the banker who surprise surprise is working for Ziktor who’s latest evil plan is to seize the dojo, and turn into a weather station to take over the world (we have a title people), and transforms into Grimlord.
At the virtual dungeon Grimlord calls up Col Icebot (who now has a name), and tells him to test out the weather device at -50 degrees but instead of showing footage of a snowstorm or something we just see a bunch of machinery working while Grimlord, and Col Icebot once again remind us they need Tao Dojo.

Later at the lab the Troopers are trying to come up with a way to help Tao while Ryan trains on Skug simulator using his visor, and JB works on a device so the professor can contact Jeb when Kaitlin suggests a fundraiser.

Meanwhile at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders Decimator, and today’s monster Cannonbot (who despite his name looks more like a robot sumo wrestler) to prove themselves in hand to hand combat but we don’t see anything.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is asking Woody who’s goofing around with some paper if they can hold the fundraiser at the Underground Voice Daily which he agrees to much to the delight of the Troopers while at Ziktor industries Ziktor hears from one of his secretaries about the fundraiser, and doesn’t want it to happen.

We then go back the Underground Voice Daily we see Kaitlin setting up the party when a bunch of caterers show up, and tell her the party’s canceled before transforming into Skugs so Kaitlin kicks one before somersaulting over and kicking another then another tries to kick her but she ducks down but another Skug grabs her from behind but she just uses it to kick the other Skugs, and is able to force two together to disintegrate them when Ryan, and JB show up, and help destroy the last two Skugs, and afterwards the Troopers realize Grimlord wants to stop the party while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders Cannonbot to destroy the Troopers but otherwise nothing happens.
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