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Old 01/11/15, 04:03 PM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 01/07/15
Posts: 7
Default Re: Feelings on Samurai

My expectations were really high at first because RPM was so awesome, plus I really enjoyed Shinkenger so I was hoping for something special. But the constant chatter and horrible dialogue and poorly translated plot points really wore into me very quickly.

Samurai felt like a team of Dax's. I didn't like a single one of the Rangers, plus the splitting the 40 episode series over 2 years made no sense at the time. Especially when we had already seen cast photos including the female red Ranger.

Add in how pointless Bulk was to the overall show, instead of developing his character further from his growth through Lost Galaxy.

These days I just rank Samurai as forgettable, though worse than Overdrive in different ways. Megaforce was far worse in every category. Sorry, not really explaining myself all that well, it's been so long since I've seen Samurai and I don't want to go anywhere near it any time soon.
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