Thread: Adam and Tanya?
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Old 01/14/15, 11:01 AM   #1
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Default Re: Adam and Tanya?

Kat does deserve him and you can't just choose to disregard episodes from actual continuity otherwise you'd be no better than Tzachor who wanted to remove ALL of the Disney seasons that he did not work on.

Kimberly is the one that doesn't deserve Tommy. She was nothing more than being there so he could save her from disaster and on top of which she was pathetic enough to DUMP him in a letter.

Kat was actually THERE FOR TOMMY when Kimberly was pathetic enough to DUMP him in a LETTER. She even tried matching him up with Heather DESPITE her own romantic feelings towards him.

Kat was actually a lot more caring towards him than Tommy ever was not to mention I can't ever see Kimberly actually volunteering herself as a distraction like Kat herself did so Tommy could go down to get the Zeo Crystal beneath Rita and Zedd's palace.
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