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Old 01/26/15, 09:10 PM   #4
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At Tao dojo JB is helping Tao bring back the dojo’s books then puts the VR disk in when Kaitlin comes in, and explains that the virus appeared out of nowhere making it a virtual virus, and call the Professor for help but get a pathway inoperative message which JB explains means they can’t talk to the Professor there or at the lab, and the Troopers figure out what’s going on.

Just then the Professor appears, and tells them to go to virtual reality, and destroy the virus transmission site, and since he’s using the Professor’s pathway this time the Troopers decide to take the risk, and transform.

The Troopers then go into the Skybase where the Professor tells Ryan, and JB to go to virtual reality, and destroy Grimlord’s hidden base while JB stays in the real world.

But of course this all really a trap by Grimlord so he has Ivar, and Icebot send Quantum Cruisers, and a robot called Metaborg after JB.

Then we see Metaborg himself run over JB while Cruisers fire at him but JB fires his laser at Metaborg but it does nothing, and Metaborg fires his own laser while the Quantum Cruisers fire theirs.

Meanwhile Ryan, and Kaitlin can’t find Grimlord’s base,a nd figure out the trap, and return to reality to help JB by blowing up the Quantum Cruisers with lasers but there’s still the matter of Metaborg.

Metaborg proceeds to run over JB some more before transforming into his robot form, and punching JB, and ramming him with his head while the fake Professor gloats, and Ryan tells Jeb to leave the lab.

Metaborg then flips JB over, and over like a ragdoll while the Skugs cheer on, and in if you look hard enough it looks like their smoking some kind of hookah so Kaitlin gets into the battle cruiser, and fires at Metaborg, and the Skugs before recharging JB’s powers.

JB, and Kaitlin combine laser power to weaken Metaborg, and JB finsishes Metaborg off with Laser Lance but surprisingly Grimlord is chill about it because he hacked their systems, and will learn everything but the Trooper find the real base in virtual reality, and destroy it bringing Grimlord back to his grumpy self.

Later at the lab JB has deleted Grimlord’s virus, and brings back the Professor who congratulates them for solving their own problem, and JB returns to Tao’s dojo to fix Tao’s computer, and Kaitlin returns to the Underground Voice Daily where Woody is making the reporters use old typewriters, and Ryan is just glad to have the Professor back.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
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